
  • 网络organotin;Organotin Compounds;Organic tin compounds;Organo-tin Compounds;organostannic compounds
  1. 有机锡化合物的光电子能谱(XPS)和质谱(MS)研究Ⅱ

    X ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( xps ) and mass spectrum ( ms ) study of organic tin compounds ⅱ

  2. 二月桂酸二丁基锡(Dibutyltindilaurate,DBTD)是化学性质活泼、中等毒性的有机锡化合物,主要用作聚氯乙烯塑料的稳定剂。

    Dibutyltin dilaurate ( DBTD ) , one of the organic tin compounds , is of active character and middle toxicity .

  3. 几种有机锡化合物对小鼠外周血T和B淋巴细胞的影响

    The effects of different organotin compounds on peripheral blood T and B lymphocytes in mice

  4. 有机锡化合物(C6H5)3SnCl的合成及晶体结构

    Synthesis and crystal structure of organotin compound ( C_6H_5 ) _3SnCl

  5. 有机锡化合物作为催化剂,PVC稳定剂,杀虫剂和抗中流药物而被广泛应用。

    Organotin compounds have been used extensively as catalysts , stabilizers for PVC , biocides and anti-tumor agents .

  6. 有机锡化合物光解活泼自由基的ESR研究

    ESR Study on the active free radicals formed during the photolysis of organo-stannum compounds

  7. 介绍了一种在常温下测定聚氯乙烯(PVC)塑料中有机锡化合物(OTC)热稳定剂方法。

    S The method for determining organic tin compound ( OTC ) heat stabilizer in PVC is described .

  8. GIS技术在引渤济锡海水输送工程选线中的应用渤海海域主要港口有机锡化合物监测分析

    Route Selection Processfor the Bohai Sea Water Diversion to Xilin Gol by GIS Monitoring and analyzing on organotin compound in main ports of Bohai Bay of China

  9. 有机锡化合物已广泛应用于杀虫剂、船舶涂料、PVC塑料热稳定剂以及有机反应的均相催化剂等。

    Organotin compounds are widely used as biocides , coatings for ship , heat stabilizer for PVC plastic and homogeneous catalyst in organic reaction .

  10. SPME技术在有机锡化合物分析中的应用

    Application of SPME Technique in Organotin Compounds Analysis

  11. 有机锡化合物是一种应用最广泛的有机金属化合物,主要用于聚氯乙烯(PVC)稳定剂、防污涂料、杀虫剂和杀菌剂等。

    Organotin compounds belong to the most widely used organometallic compounds , which are widely used as stabilizers in polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ), antifouling paints , pesticides and fungicides .

  12. 有机锡化合物[(o-ClC6H4CH2)3Sn]2O的合成、表征及晶体结构

    Synthesis , characterization and crystal structure of organotin compound [ ( o-ClC_6H_4CH_2 ) _3Sn ] _2O

  13. 有机锡化合物四对氰苄基锡(p-NCC6H4CH2)4Sn的合成、表征和晶体结构

    Synthesis , Characterization and Crystal Structures of the Organotin (ⅳ) Compound Tetra ( p-Cyanobenzyl ) tin ( p-NCC_6H_4CH_2 ) _4Sn

  14. 合成了四个新的双核含硅有机锡化合物双-三[(三甲硅基)亚甲基]锡二元羧酸酯,通过IR、1H-NMR、13C-NMR和元素分析的测试确定了它们的分子结构。

    Four bis { tri [ ( trimethylsilyl ) methyl ] tin } carboxylates have been synthesized and characterized by IR , ~ 1H-NMR , ~ ( 13 ) C-NMR and elemental analysis .

  15. 同时,有机锡化合物自身的理化性质和分子结构也影响着它们对水生生物的毒性效应,只有当Sn原子与C原子相连时才表现出毒性,即有机锡对水生生物具有毒性。

    At the same time , their physico-chemical properties and molecular structure may also account for their different toxicity to the aquatic organisms . When Sn atom and C atoms are attached to , the toxicity would occur , and so does it with the organo-tin compounds .

  16. 三丁基锡(TBT)是有机锡化合物中的重要种类,在所有的有机锡种类中,毒性最大,应用最广,也是迄今为止大量进入海水环境的最毒的化学品之一。

    Tributyltin chloride ( TBTCL ) is the important one of Organotin Compounds , and it has the heaviest toxicity and widest application in them . And up to now , it is the most heavily toxic in all chemicals discharged into the sea .

  17. 有机锡化合物(如三丁基锡(TBT)和三苯基锡(TPT)等)由于具有良好的杀菌灭藻以及防止牡蛎等海洋生物附着于船体的功能,是船体防污涂料中的重要组成部分。

    The organotin compounds , such as tributyltin ( TBT ) and triphenyltin ( TPT ) are the important components in the antifouling paints of hulls , because they can kill bacteria or destroy alga , and prevent halobios such as oysters from clinging to hulls .

  18. 综述了钯催化Stille交叉偶联反应的最新研究进展,主要包括三个方面:(1)有机锡化合物与有机亲电试剂如卤代芳香烃、卤代烷烃、酰氯等的反应;

    Recent development of the palladium-catalyzed Stille cross-coupling reactions is reviewed , which includes ( 1 ) the reactions of organotin compounds with organic electrophilic reagents such as aro-matic halides , alkyl halides , and acyl chlorides etc.

  19. 新型有机锡化合物的合成、表征及晶体结构的研究

    Synthesis , Characterization and Crystal Structure Study of Novel Organotin Compounds

  20. 有机锡化合物在天然产物合成中的应用

    The Latest Development of Organotin Compounds used in Natural Product Synthesis

  21. 超临界流体萃取法对有机锡化合物的选择性萃取

    Selective Extraction of Organotin from Biological Sample by Supercritical Fluid Extraction

  22. 含硅有机锡化合物的合成、结构和生物活性

    Synthesis , Structure and Biological Activity of Silicon-containing Organotin Compounds

  23. 有机锡化合物催化氰酸树脂的性能

    Properties of Cyanate Ester Resin Catalyzed by Organic Tin Compound

  24. 有机锡化合物催化合成碳酸二甲酯的密度泛函理论研究

    Density Functional Study on Preparation of Dimethyl Carbonate Catalyzed by Organotin Compounds

  25. 有机锡化合物的形态分析方法进展

    Development of the Speciation Analysis of Organotin in Environmental Samples

  26. 含硅有机锡化合物在酯化反应中的催化性能研究

    Studies on the catalytic properties for organotin compounds containing silicon in esterification

  27. 有机锡化合物极压抗磨性能研究

    Study on the extreme pressure and anti-wear performances of organic tin compound

  28. 有机锡化合物的性质、环境污染来源及测定方法

    Properties , Sources of Pollution and Determination of Organo-tin Compounds

  29. 有机锡化合物降解机制的激光闪光光解研究四氯化锡催化合成丙酸异戊酯的研究

    An investigation of degradation mechanism of organotin compound by laser flash photolysis

  30. 基于杂环有机锡化合物的水杨酸根离子选择电极研究

    Studies on Salicylate-selective Electrodes Based on Heterocyclic Organotin Complex