
  • 网络Contest;prize contest;agon
  1. 我喜欢玛丽在有奖竞赛中的演唱。

    I liked Mary 's singing in the talent show .

  2. 谁在有奖竞赛中获胜?哪方面?跳舞还是唱歌?

    Who won the talent show ? By what , dancing or singing ?

  3. 电视频道都在试图通过播放低级的电视有奖竞赛节目来提高收视率。

    TV channels are trying to hike up their viewing figures by broadcasting cheap game shows .

  4. 这些活动包括电台俱乐部以及每周的听众问答有奖竞赛。

    These activities include radio clubs and weekly prize giving competitions posing questions and asking the audience to send in their answers .