
yuè shén
  • luna;moon god/goddess
  1. 一会儿,他遇见了月神沿着马路走过来。

    A little later he met moon coming along the road .

  2. 夕月,即祭拜月神。

    Yuzuki , that is , worship goddess of the moon .

  3. 头上镶着珍珠的月神啊你究竟对我使了什么魔法?

    Pearled luna , what spell didst thou cast on me ?

  4. 同样地,阿耳特弥斯(月神与狩猎女神)也通过把擦亮的盾牌借给他来帮助他。

    Artemis helped him as well by lending him her polished shield .

  5. 它以前在月神殿里,“天球”附近。

    It was in the Luna temple near the orb .

  6. 月神说:早啊,年轻人。

    Good morning , young man , @ said Moon .

  7. 矗立在供奉塞巴月神伊伦库赫的庙宇后的石灰岩柱。

    Limestone pillars rear from a temple of the Sabaean moon god Ilumquh .

  8. 月神问到:哦,那何不随我同行呢?

    Well , why not come along with me ? @ asked Moon .

  9. 阿波罗是月神和诗神。

    Apollo was the god of music and poetry .

  10. 中华民族的月神崇拜及东方文化的价值取向

    The Month is Worshiped by Chinese Nation and It Being Worth of Oriental Culture

  11. 在人物分析中,孤儿形象可以在神话中找到原型,日神、月神和风神的特质,在作品形象中有着对应关系。

    Orphans image can be found in the mythology through the analysis of the character .

  12. 他对月神的定罪的愤怒,令他变得更加嗜血和不屈。

    His anger at her conviction caused him to become even more bloodthirsty and indomitable .

  13. 爷爷还告诉我,那些钢板都是在月神公园那里做的。

    And he also told me , people made the steel panel in Luna Park .

  14. 众所周知,叙利亚人和腓力斯人敬奉一位闪米特美人鱼月神。

    The Syrians and the Philistines were also known to have worshiped a Semitic mermaid moon-goddess .

  15. 她找来了一头名为月神的奶牛,决心让自己的骑士梦变成现实。

    Instead , she turned to a cow called Luna to make her riding dreams come true .

  16. 他去说再见对和他去的,对他的沮丧,坚持的月神。

    He goes to say good-bye to Phoebe who , to his dismay , insists on going with him .

  17. 在一些国家,免子认定与月神出现,而彩蛋则与太阳神。

    In some societies , rabbits were identified with the moon goddess , and the egg with the sun god .

  18. 2011年,卡萨罗萨曾制作过一个受人喜爱的皮克斯短片《月神》,但是《夏日友情天》是他执导的第一部长片。

    In 2011 , Casarosa made a beloved Pixar short , La Luna , but Luca is his debut feature .

  19. 满月之时,月神之光照亮夜空,在他身上降下审判。

    When the great light illuminated the night during full moons it was as if her eyes glared down upon him in judgement .

  20. 一些摄影者是足以捕捉这魔术现时的和快乐的月神公园在我的脑海和永远存在心中。

    A few shots were enough to capture the magic of the moment and the cheerfulness of Luna Park in my mind and heart forever .

  21. 至于泰兰德,她已经是月神修女会的一个见习女祭司,已经很难让她献身于女神之外的其他神明。

    For her part , Tyrande was already a novice in the Sisterhood of Elune and so had dedicated herself to the goddess above all others .

  22. 祭月神的仪式很隆重,包括接神、神人对歌、请神卜卦和送神这样几个程序。

    The ceremony is elaborate , including greeting the God , singing between the God and man , inviting the God to fortune-telling and seeing the God off .

  23. 在古代,每逢中秋人们就用精制的糕饼祭奉月神;祭奉之后,全家人分吃,表示合家团圆欢聚。

    In ancient times , people use every Mid-Autumn refined confectionery offerings on god , Offering , the whole family points after eat , said family reunion together .

  24. 在过去,印度的贵族阶级也会大量猎杀黑羚;长久以来,印度教徒同样将黑羚皮用于宗教当中,他们将黑羚与月神联系在一起,月神曾因神宗电影而被人熟知。

    In the past , they were also hunted in numerous princely states in India , and for many years , Hindus have used the skins for religious purposes .

  25. 月神崇拜与方仙信仰&方仙说产生于古黄县新证

    The Worship of the Moon God the Belief in the Necromancers and Gods A New Proof that the Theory of the Necromancers and Gods Emerged in Old Huang County

  26. 我需要用牛奶和恒河水清洗月长石(幸好我父母的冰箱里总是存放着一些恒河水),同时念诵月神咒语108次。

    I was to wash my moonstone in milk and the waters of the Ganges ( luckily my parents always have some in the refrigerator ) while repeating the Chandra Mantra 108 times .

  27. 月神是中华民族崇拜的神灵,也是艺术创作的原型,通过月神原型分析,可以烛见中华民族和东方文化的价值及其独特魅力。

    The month is a deity of Chinese nation , is also a prototype in the art creation , and we analyze it that we can see its value and special charm of Chinese nation with the oriental culture .

  28. 潮水随着月亮的阴晴圆缺而涨退,古今皆如此,所以美人鱼被那个时代的人称为月神也很正常,不足为奇,而美人鱼也因这一点在古代腓力斯艺术创作和文学作品中被诠释为神的化身。

    It is not unusual or surprising that this moon-goddess was depicted as a mermaid as the tides ebbed and flowed with the moon then as it does now , and this was incorporated into the god-like personifications that we find in their art and ancient literature .