
yuè qiú ɡuǐ dào
  • lunar orbit
  1. 近些年来,日本、中国和印度(与美国国家航空航天局(NASA)合作)已经把卫星送到了月球轨道。

    In recent years , Japan , China and India-in cooperation with the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration-have put satellites into lunar orbit .

  2. 采用萨杜恩C-3运载火箭,关键技术是月球轨道会合。

    The booster was Saturn C-3 and the key technique was lunar orbit rendezvous .

  3. 这一发现是由欧洲空间局(ESA)与印度空间研究机构(ISRO)搭载在印度的月船1号月球轨道探测器上的SARA仪器作出的,它证实了月球表面产生水分的可能机制。

    This discovery , made by the ESA-ISRO instrument SARA onboard the Indian Chandrayaan-1 lunar orbiter , confirms how water is likely being created on the lunar surface .

  4. 月球轨道探测器LRO号发射于2009年6月18日,而印度的月球飞船一号则发射于2008年10月22日。

    LRO was launched on June 18 , 2009 , while India 's Chandrayaan-1 was launched on October 22 , 2008 .

  5. SLR和卫星测高的潮汐解被用来计算月球轨道根数相对黄道坐标系的长期变化和地球自转速率的长期变化。

    The tidal solutions obtained from SLR and satellite altimetry are used to compute the secular changes in the Moon 's orbit elements and the Earth rotation rate in the ecliptic reference system .

  6. 依照报告,第一个阶段是2007年之前一个环月球轨道运行任务,使用DFH-3卫星平台。

    According to the report , the first stage is a moon orbiting mission by2007 , using the DFH-3 satellite platform .

  7. 给定条件下直接命中月球轨道计算方法

    Calculation method of translunar trajectories for direct striking in specified conditions

  8. 第15次飞行利用萨杜恩将飞船送人月球轨道。

    Saturn was to launch the 15th flight , a Moon orbital mission .

  9. 以进入月球轨道

    so they could go into lunar orbit .

  10. 有多少艘太空船已经绕月球轨道运行过?

    How many spacecraft have orbited the moon ?

  11. 月球轨道电视数据中继系统

    Lunar orbit TV data link system

  12. 更妙的是,它显示了在月球轨道的阴影,使整个地球。

    Even better , it shows the track the moon 's shadow makes across the Earth .

  13. 今年,中国同样也计划发射一枚月球轨道探测器。

    This year , China also plans to launch a probe that will orbit the moon .

  14. 嫦娥五号进入月球轨道后,着陆器和上升器组合体将与轨道器和返回器组合体分离。

    After it enters the lunar orbit , the lander-ascender combination will separate from the orbiter-returner combination .

  15. 有多少宇宙飞船围绕月球轨道运行过?棒球运动中围绕起点跑动。

    How many spacecraft have orbited around the moon ? run around the bases , in baseball .

  16. 如果发射成功,印度将成为第三个将卫星送入月球轨道的亚洲国家。

    A successful launch will make India the third Asian nation to place a satellite in lunar orbit .

  17. 太阳神八号是将一艘登月艇纳入绕月球轨道的一项试验。

    Apollo 8 was a test in which an Apollo moonship was put into orbit around the moon .

  18. 它甚至可以设想,他们可以找到一个月球轨道的行星轨道的一个双星。

    It 's even conceivable they can find a moon orbiting a planet that orbits a double star .

  19. 美国宇航局表示,这些大型雷达探测器证明,他们可以探测和跟踪到小型的月球轨道探测器。

    NASA said these large radar antennas demonstrated that they can detect and track small spacecraft in lunar orbit .

  20. 地球的洛希极限相当于月球轨道半径的一小部分。

    The Roche limit for the earth is a small fraction of the radius of the moon 's orbit .

  21. 上升器将与在月球轨道上等待的轨道返回器组合体对接,并将样本转移到地球。

    The ascender will dock with the orbital-returner combination waiting in the lunar orbit and transfer the samples to earth .

  22. 出差由于太阳引力引起的月球轨道运动的摄动(月亮的)满月之后是月亏。

    Solar perturbation of the lunar orbit . ( of the moon ) after full moon comes the waning moon .

  23. 该天线采用了双万向接头结构,以便航太器在月球轨道跟踪地球站基站。

    The antenna employs a dual gimbal mechanism to track the earth station when the spacecraft is in lunar orbit .

  24. 九月份一进入月球轨道就会尝试在月球表面着陆。

    Once in the moon 's orbit , the Chandrayaan-2 will attempt to land on the moon 's surface in September .

  25. 菩萨级别的金场将扩展到月球轨道之外并继续从而变得太阳系大小。

    The auric field of the Bodhisattva expands to be outside of the moon 's orbit , boarding upon becoming solar in nature .

  26. 中国于2003年首次推出载人空间计划;中国于今年的十月底将第一艘太空船送入月球轨道。

    China launched its first manned space mission in2003 ; it sent its first spacecraft to orbit the moon at the end of october .

  27. 月球轨道器将从轨道上以非常高的清晰度绘制月球表面的地图,甚至捕捉到月球车留下的痕迹。

    The lunar orbiter will map the moon 's surface from orbit in unsurpassed resolution , capturing even the tracks that lunar rovers left behind .

  28. 转动绕着一中心或轴飞速旋转该航天器在绕月球轨道上飞行。

    To revolve rapidly about a center or an axis . The spacecraft is in orbit ( ie moving in orbit ) round the moon .

  29. 这种能力表明,古代人掌握了黄白道交点--地球轨道与月球轨道在太空中相交的两点--的知识。

    This ability would mean the ancients had knowledge of lunar nodes - the two points in space where Earth 's orbit intersects the moon 's orbit .

  30. 也被视为印度要追上日本与中国的一项努力。日本与中国已经送出无人驾驶飞船环绕月球轨道飞行。

    It is also being seen as an effort by India to catch up with Japan and China , which have already sent unmanned spacecraft to orbit the Moon .