
zuì dī jià
  • bottom price;lower price
最低价[zuì dī jià]
  1. 最低价中标法的分析与应用

    The analysis and application of the bottom price wining a bid

  2. 20.15美元已经是我们的最低价了。

    You know , $ 20.15 is our rock bottom price .

  3. 这个价格是他开的最低价,他拒绝再作任何降价。

    This price is his minimum ; he refuses to lower it any further .

  4. 最低价是多少?

    What is the minimum price ?

  5. 我从未见过面的经纪人拉尼给我拿到了机票、汽车和酒店的最低价。

    Rani , my faceless agent whom I 'd never met in person , got me rock-bottom prices on airfares , cars , and hotels .

  6. B:那差不多是我们所能开出的最低价了。

    B : That 's about the best we can do on that .

  7. 这篇文档就是记录了我在前段时间学习、调试目前最低价的ARM核处理器&AT91SAM7Sxx时出现的问题与解决方法。

    This document is recorded in my earlier study , the lowest ARM debug the current core processor-AT91SAM7Sxx when the Current problems and solutions .

  8. 请报出贵方缝纫机的cif最低价。

    Please send us your best CIF quotation for sewing machines .

  9. 随函所附的价目单列有我们CIF最低价,相信非常具有竞争力。

    The enclosed price list will give your our best CIF prices which we believe are highly competitive .

  10. PointsHound承诺,贴着“最低价保证”(pricematchguarantee)标签的价格是全网最低的:如果你在同一天、同一家酒店找到更低的价格,能获得差价补偿。

    PointsHound promises that its rates tagged " price match guarantee " are the lowest online : If you find a lower rate for the same dates and the same hotel , you will be refunded the difference .

  11. DMR旅行服务按月收取费用,以每月20个小时,675美元为最低价。

    Fees are based on monthly retainers which start at $ 675 for a20-hour month .

  12. 共有23辆拍品未设定保留价,包括一辆1987年的ACCobraMkIV折蓬车,它被现场的一位买家以区区6.16万英镑(含佣金)购得,而预估的最低价为12万英镑。

    Among 23 lots of the latter was a 1987 AC Cobra Mk IV convertible , which sold to a buyer in the room for just 61600 with fees , against a low estimate of 120000 .

  13. 在美国,近期进行IPO的一些中国公司的股票本周大幅下跌。在各方对这些公司的财务感到担心之际,许多在近期上市筹得巨资的公司的股票跌至首个交易日以来的最低价。

    In the US , recent IPOs of Chinese companies have plunged this week , with many of the largest deals falling to their lowest prices since their first day of trading amid broader fears about such companies ' finances .

  14. NPR的朱莉·罗夫纳报道称,一项新研究发现,绝大多数老年人并未参与能满足他们需求的最低价计划。

    And as NPR 's Julie Rovner tells us a new study finds that the vast majority of seniors are not in least expensive plan that would meet their needs .

  15. 分析可知最低价反对称模式的信号A0在薄板中占有重要的地位,这正是声发射检测中(特别是模态声发射理论下声源定位)所主要研究的对象。

    Analysis shows that the lowest antisymmetrical mode of lamb waves A0 plays an important role in laminates , which is just the research object of the acoustic emission detection .

  16. 麦肯锡公司(McKinsey&Co.)定价业务的资深人员道克特斯(RobDocters)说,零售商们大概正指望消费者想当然地认为商家打广告推介的产品都将在黑色星期五那天以年内最低价卖出。

    Rob Docters , a senior member of McKinsey & Co. 's pricing practice , said retailers are likely counting on consumers to assume their advertised sales are the best of the year .

  17. A:此一品目的最低价是多少?

    A : What is your best price on this item ?

  18. 对建设工程项目有效最低价中标的分析

    Win the Bid at the Reasonable Lowest Price for Construction Project

  19. 浅谈“合理最低价中标法”

    Elementarily talking about " win bidding at reasonable lowest price "

  20. 史密斯:这种货你们最低价是多少?

    Smith : What 's your best price for that item ?

  21. 关于最低价中标法的几点思考

    Some Reflection on the Method of Winning Bid at the Lowest Price

  22. 最低价制下投标报价的博弈分析

    Game analysis in bid quotation under minimum - price system

  23. 这个大超市提供全市最低价。

    The big supermarket offers the lowest prices in town .

  24. 所以我们希望您保证付给我们一个最低价。

    Therefore , we will like to ask for a guarantee minimum .

  25. 建设工程合理最低价中标法的理论研究

    Research on the Reasonable Lowest Price Method of the Construction Project Bid

  26. 我们报给你方的为最低价,以便于你方推销。

    We have quoted you the rock-bottom price to facilitate your selling .

  27. 浅述综合评标法与最低价评标法的利弊复合标底投标报价的探讨

    On the advantages and disadvantages of composite and minimum price bid evaluation

  28. 请报下列商品的最低价。

    Please quote us your lowest price for the items listed hereunder .

  29. 这是有史以来的最低价,对吧?

    That 's the Iowest it 's been , huh ?

  30. 无标底最低价招标的工程实践

    Engineering practice of lowest evaluated bid without the minimum restriction