
  • 网络alternative fuel vehicle
  1. JeanTodt表示,这一举措是与欧洲委员会共同努力推广替代燃料汽车的联合计划的一部分。

    Mr Todt said the initiative is part of a joint effort with the European Commission to promote cars powered by alternative fuels .

  2. 汽车咨询机构JDPower驻上海的迈克邓恩(MikeDunne)表示:潜在的市场足够大,政府可能会强制推行替代燃料汽车,但价格(问题)仍没有答案。

    The potential market is big enough and the government could mandate it but what is not answered is the [ question of ] price , said Mike Dunne of JD Power , the auto consultancy , in Shanghai .

  3. 本田称,将收取客户大约600美元的月租金,从而使fcxclarity成为普通用户负担得起的首款替代燃料汽车。

    Honda said it would charge customers lease payments of about $ 600 a month , making the fcx clarity the first of the alternative-fuel vehicles affordable to ordinary consumers .

  4. 替代燃料汽车的综合评价研究

    The Study of Synthetically Evaluation on the Alternative Fuel Vehicles

  5. 底特律尚落后的,是在高燃油经济的替代燃料汽车这一细分市场。

    One high m.p.g. segment where Detroit still lags is alternative fuel vehicles .

  6. 替代燃料汽车排放污染的相关探讨

    Discussion on Substitute - fuel Vehicle 's Emissions

  7. 醇类替代燃料汽车可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis of Alcohol Alternative Fuels Vehicles

  8. 替代燃料汽车的比较与发展趋势

    Comparison of alternative fuel vehicles

  9. 为保护环境,实现能源、经济和环境的协调发展,需大力发展替代燃料汽车。

    It is important and strategic to develop alternative fuel vehicles for the harmonious development of energy , economy and environment .

  10. 标普预计特斯拉将面临来自竞争对手的压力,它们将通过改进版汽车进入替代燃料汽车市场。

    SP warned it expects Tesla will face pressure from competitors aiming to penetrate the alternative-fuel vehicles markets with improved automobiles .

  11. 常见的原因还包括缺乏意识如何工作和不确定性替代燃料汽车的维护。

    Common reasons for this include a lack of awareness on how alternative fuel vehicles work and uncertainty over their maintenance .

  12. 当初令巴菲特感到兴奋的,正是比亚迪的替代燃料汽车业务,但这块业务也遇到了一些问题。

    It was the alternative-fuel side of the business that excited Mr Buffett , and here too there have been problems .

  13. 或者说,中国还能否在比亚迪的率领下,绕开内燃机领域,在替代燃料汽车领域引领全球呢?

    Or can China , led by BYD , still bypass the internal combustion engine and lead the world in alternative fuel vehicles ?

  14. 进一步,替代燃料汽车的所有者也享受一个绿色解放油罐车回扣40%的车辆的开放的市场价值。

    Further , owners of alternative fuel vehicles also enjoy a Green Vehicle Rebate of40 % of the vehicle 's Open Market Value .

  15. 因此,任何一项新技术只要在中国站稳了脚跟,就有可能影响发达市场对替代燃料汽车的需求。

    So if any new technology gains a stronghold in China , it could help shape demand for alternative fuel cars in developed markets .

  16. 无汽油的比赛也受到欧洲委员会的支持,他们希望新的赛事可以让公众对替代燃料汽车的电动车感兴趣。

    Petrol-free racing is also being backed by the European Commission , which hopes the new events can get the general public excited about alternative fuel cars .

  17. 尽管现在新的钻探技术和新探明石油贮量使油价和最高产量问题面临的压力有所减轻,但对替代燃料汽车的需求仍然在增长。

    While new drilling technologies and oil reserves are taking the pressure off gasoline prices and peak production issues , demand for alternative fuel vehicles continues to grow .

  18. 混合动力或替代燃料汽车占丰田汽车去年总销量的16%,其中,电动汽车占比为10%。

    Hybrid or alternative fuel vehicles made up 16 % of Toyota 's ( TM ) total sales last year – 10 % of that number was from electric vehicles .

  19. 分析师们表示,替代燃料汽车价格高昂,是它们难以在中国得到普遍认可的最大障碍之一。在中国购车者中,首次购车者所占比例很高,因此中国汽车市场对价格非常敏感。

    Analysts say the high price of alternative-fuel vehicles is one of the biggest barriers to their widespread acceptance in China , where the high proportion of first-time car buyers makes the market very price sensitive .

  20. 其中,作为清洁替代燃料汽车之一的液化石油气汽车(简称LPGV),由于其具有理论上成本低、抗爆性好、不含铅、硫等特点,近年来在全世界得到了广泛应用。

    Among them , liquefied petroleum gas vehicles as a clean alternative fuel vehicles has been widely used around the world in recent years for its low cost , good at blast resistance and do not contain lead , sulfur .

  21. 尽管私人汽车拥有量的快速增长会带来对汽油需求的上涨,但替代燃料汽车的发展、柴油车比例的上升和汽车平均燃油效率的提高,将对汽油消费的增长起到抑制作用;

    Although the rapid increase of private autos may raise the demand for gasoline , development of vehicles fuelled by substitute oil , the growing proportion of diesel-fuelled vehicles and the higher average fuel efficiency of vehicles will restrain the growth in gasoline consumption .

  22. 同样,投资者想知道哪家汽车企业在开发替代燃料汽车上进展最大;想知道随着海平面上升、风暴强度加大和商业活动遭受干扰,哪家保险公司搞清楚了自己承保的资产面临的风险程度。

    Similarly , investors want to know which automobile companies are making the most progress in developing alternative fuel vehicles ; and which insurance companies have identified how much vulnerability their insured assets face as sea levels rise , storms intensify and business is interrupted .

  23. 同时该项技术也可应用于汽车行业,促进天然气作为清洁替代燃料在汽车行业的应用。

    In fact , adsorbed natural gas may also be used as clean substitute fuel for automobile industry .

  24. 它们正指望从北京获得一切支持,从税收优惠到大规模建设电动汽车充电站。北京已表示,到2012年,中国使用替代燃料的汽车要达到10%。

    They are counting on backing from Beijing – which has said that 10 per cent of China 's cars must run on alternative fuels by 2012 – for everything from tax breaks to the massive infrastructure of charging stations needed for electric cars .

  25. 市场上已经有很多替代性的燃料汽车靠太阳能和天然气给予动力。

    Already there are many alternative fuel vehicles on the market , powered by anything from solar power to natural gas .

  26. 寻求替代燃料,使用清洁汽车替代传统的汽车成为各国政府注视的热点问题。

    Seeking for alternative fuels and substitute the traditional vehicles with cleanly ones is the focus of the government all over the world .