
  • 网络Alternative energy
  1. 本文作者是贝恩咨询公司(Bain&Co)的公共事业和替代性能源业务主管

    The writer , a director at Bain & Company , is head of the consultancy 's utility and alternative energy practice

  2. 产油大省阿拉斯加会支持替代性能源的开发么?

    Will the oil state ever support alternative energy ?

  3. 来自Capstone投资公司的替代性能源高级分析师卡特尔•德瑞斯克尔表示,汽车生产需要巨额资金。

    Car production takes a tremendous amount of capital , notes Carter Driscoll , a senior alternative energy analyst with capstone investments .

  4. 替代性能源是可再生能源,即他们是用之不竭的能源。

    Alternative energy sources are renewable , which means they can be used without running out .

  5. 在发展替代性能源汽车的激烈市场竞争中和严酷监管压力下,很多其他的汽车制造商被迫寻找成本分担型合作伙伴。

    Fierce competition and regulatory pressure to develop alternative-fuel cars are forcing other makers to seek cost-sharing partnerships .

  6. 联合反对核能的群体正迫使美国政府支持其他替代性能源,如太阳能和风能。

    Those rallying against nuclear energy are pushing for the government to back other energy alternatives like solar and wind .

  7. 没有哪个面临这种选择的国家比日本更痛苦的了:它不仅因核能而伤痕累累,而且也没有选择本土替代性能源的余地。

    No country faces that choice more painfully than Japan , scarred by nuclear energy but also deprived of native alternatives .

  8. 用来生产食用油或者饲养牲畜的粮食被用作生产乙醇等替代性能源的原料。

    Crops that can be used for edible oils or feeding livestock are instead being used for alternative fuels like ethanol .

  9. 替代性能源则完全谈不上浓缩,并且需要极大的空间才能产出一座小型核电厂所产电能的一小部分。

    Alternative energies are not dense at all and require gobs of space to generate a fraction of the energy generated by a small nuclear facility .

  10. 随着全球能源的日益枯竭,人们在找寻新的替代性能源的同时,已经将越来越多的目光聚焦在了节能事业上。

    With the increasing depletion of global energy , people are in hard search of new alternative energy and meanwhile , more and more attentions have been paid to the energy conservation .

  11. 石油行业表示,他们支持开采替代性能源。专家表示,这尽管不是不可能,然而要完全根除美国对石油的需求是非常艰难的。

    While the industry says it supports the development of sources of energy , experts say it will be difficult - if not impossible - to completely eliminate America 's addiction to oil .

  12. 现在最大的挑战是制造出便宜而且耐用的电池,让驾驶人在充满电之后可以长时间的驾驶。汽车制造商期待将有数百万的消费者的目光能从传统的耗油车转换到替代性能源车辆。

    The challenge is to produce a car with long , inexpensive battery life that allows the driver to travel a long way between charges . Automakers expect many millions will then decide to switch from gas to alternative fuel .