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  • 网络Mandeville;Stoke Mandeville
  1. 根据Deadline杂志的报道,曼德维尔影业的创始人大卫·赫伯曼30年来一直想把《巴黎圣母院的钟楼怪人》带到好莱坞,这从他还是迪士尼影业的总裁时就开始了。

    According to Deadline , Mandeville founder David Hoberman , had tried to bring The Hunchback of Notre Dame to Hollywood for over 30 years , starting when he was Disney film president .

  2. 英特尔亚洲公司公关经理曼德维尔(JohnMandeville)表示,英特尔仍致力于支持我们平台的客户计划,帮助他们使用户获得最佳的体验。

    ' Intel remains committed to supporting our customer plans for our platforms , and to help them bring to market the best user experiences , ' said Intel 's Asia corporate PR manager John Mandeville .

  3. “曼德维尔”则受到白金汉郡的斯托克曼德维尔的启发。

    Mandeville 's name is inspired by Stoke Mandeville in Buckinghamshire .

  4. 欧洲中世纪一部最流行的非宗教类作品&《曼德维尔游记》的文本生成、版本流传及中国形象综论

    The Most Popular Unreligious Works in Middle Ages of Europe

  5. 《钟楼怪人》将由曼德维尔影业以及乔什·盖得共同制作,

    Hunchback will be produced by Mandeville films , along with Josh Gad .

  6. 文洛克和曼德维尔是描绘博尔顿一间炼钢厂的钢铁的卡通人物。

    Wenlock and Mandeville are animated figures depicting steel from a steelworks in Bolton .

  7. 曼德维尔头部上的三个新月形图像则是残奥会的象征。

    Mandeville 's head reflects aspects of the three crescent shapes of the Paralympics symbol .

  8. 是在下午和圣约瑟夫技术晚上所提供的课程先进曼德维尔举行。

    The courses are offered in the afternoons and evenings at Saint Joseph 's technology-advanced Mandeville Hall .

  9. 这当是我们观照《曼德维尔游记》时,所不应忽视的阅读策略。

    It is the reading tactic we should not ignore when we view The Travels of Sir John Mandeville .

  10. 还是在1948年,奥运会开幕当天,在英国斯托克曼德维尔医院为瘫痪的运动员举办了一次体育比赛。

    Also in1948 a sports competition involving paralysed athletes was organised at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Britain on the opening day of the Games .

  11. 多年来,只要做得到,每个星期天她都要花3个小时乘火车、出租车-公交车去曼德维尔参加聚会。

    For years , while she was able , she made the3-hour trip by train and taxi-bus to Mandeville each Sunday to attend meetings .

  12. 作为欧洲中世纪一部最流行的非宗教类作品,《曼德维尔游记》具有多方面的价值。

    As the most popular unreligious works in Middle Ages of Europe , The Travels of Sir John Mandeville was of values in many aspects .

  13. 1976年,国际残疾人组织决定,斯托克?曼德维尔运动会与世界残疾人运动会合并,在加拿大的多伦多举办了第一届国际伤残人士奥运会。

    In Toronto in1976 , other disability groups were added and the idea of merging together different disability groups for international sport competitions was born .

  14. 中世纪欧洲作家眼中的中国形象&谈《曼德维尔游记》中的中国(契丹)形象

    The Image of China in the Eyes of the Medieval European Writers & On the Chinese ( Khitan ) Images in The Travels of Sir John Mandeville

  15. 据说,在蜿蜒曲折的曼德维尔峡谷山路上,肇事司机在自行车前故意急刹车,导致骑车者躲闪不及,撞上汽车。

    The cyclists crashed into a car after its driver allegedly slammed on his brakes in front of them on Mandeville Canyon Road , a winding street through a hilly neighborhood .

  16. 通过对于哈奇逊与曼德维尔等人思想的继承研究,休谟认为所谓的道德并不能从理性推演中找到而是基于我们不可进一步还原的苦乐感。

    By researching his predecessors Hutchison and Mandeville , Hume did not think moral could be found form rational deduction , rather the sense of pain and pleasure which could not be reduced further .

  17. 最早的关于此类现象的记载是一篇15世纪的文章,名叫《曼德维尔先生的航海旅游》。文章中讨论了关于鳄鱼这种物种,并且也提到了它们在吃掉其它动物时会流眼泪的倾向。

    The earliest reference to the phenomenon is thought to come from a 1400s text called The Voyage and Travel of Sir John Mandeville , which discusses crocodiles and their tendency to cry as they eat humans .