
  • 网络violent attacks;brute force attack;brute-force attack
  1. 在实验中将这种攻击方法与暴力攻击进行对比和分析。

    The attack method is compared with the brute force attack in the experiment .

  2. 结果表明,贝叶斯爬山攻击要优于暴力攻击,这主要是因为暴力攻击需要大量的真实人脸图像才能进行,而贝叶斯爬山攻击在不使用任何真实人脸样本的情况下依然可以达到很高的攻击性能。

    The results show that Bayesian hill-climbing attack is superior to brute force attack , mainly because violent attacks require a lot of real face images to conduct , but Bayesian hill-climbing attack can reach high attack performance without using any real face samples .

  3. 5-HT基因多态性与暴力攻击行为的关联性分析

    Analysis of association between violent behavior and polymorphism of 5-HT Gene

  4. 网络的安全问题日益严重,DoS,DDoS等暴力攻击成为千兆级别高速网络上的主要攻击手段,蠕虫的传播占据了大量的网络带宽。

    Network security is getting more important as the Internet evolves . Attacks like DoS , DDoS have become major attack methods on gigabit networks , not to mention the worms have used up network bandwidth .

  5. 对新闻工作者的暴力攻击持续不断,可相关新闻报道却减少了,最近的几起攻击是针对一些作家,他们反对修建一条横穿莫斯科附近科希姆基森林(khimkiforest)的公路。

    Less coverage is given to ongoing physical attacks on journalists , only the latest of which have come against writers who had condemned plans to build a road through Khimki forest near Moscow .

  6. 身穿防弹衣的警察正在遭受暴力攻击的地段巡逻。

    Police in flak jackets are patrolling the districts hit by the violence .

  7. 暴力攻击变成了司空见惯的现象。

    Violent attacks are becoming all too familiar .

  8. 暴力攻击型未成年犯高级情感培养的团体训练研究

    Study on the Group Training on the Development of Higher Affections of Violent Juvenile Criminals

  9. 青少年暴力攻击行为是现代社会中许多专家学者所普遍关注的社会问题之一。

    Teenagers'act of violent attack is one of the social concerns of many scholars in modern society .

  10. 最近几起案件中,纽约当局释放了若干非法移民,他们之前被控犯有暴力攻击

    In other recent cases , New York authorities released illegal aliens who were previously charged with assault ,

  11. 幻觉和妄想症状则以幻听、被害妄想最多见。暴力攻击行为受被害妄想或幻觉直接支配,均指向陌生人。

    The violent attack which was directed against the stranger was directly controlled by delusion of persecution and hallucination .

  12. 暴力攻击型未成年犯的自我控制能力显著低于非暴力攻击型未成年犯;

    The self-control degree of juvenile delinquents who have violent aggression is significant low than juvenile delinquents who haven 't violent aggression ;

  13. 近一年前,他的父亲,珀西瓦尔,因为公然使用暴力攻击三个年轻麻瓜而被定罪。

    Scarcely a year previously , his father , Percival , had been convicted of a savage and well-publicized attack upon three young Muggles .

  14. 问:有没有认为应当把精神病患者,例如进行过暴力攻击等的刑事犯罪分子,关起来的论点?

    Q : Are there arguments for locking away psychiatric patients , for example , those who have committed criminal acts , such as violent attacks ?

  15. 他并未透露是谁下的订单及其原因,不过他说,抗撞护栏能够承受得住恐怖主义或暴力攻击。

    He declined to say who placed the order or why , though he said that the shock-resistant railings are capable of withstanding terrorist or violent attacks .

  16. 结论:(1)有暴力攻击行为男性青少年对刺激的注意、定向和加工过程减弱,可能存在认知功能受损。

    Conclusion : ( 1 ) The male adolescents with acts of violence against have cognitive impairment , suggests that their attention , orientation and process to stimuli have weakened .

  17. 中国官方电视台周末罕见播出一个男子的忏悔,本月在中国西北参与一起暴力攻击的这名男子称,他是被招募投入圣战的。

    A man who participated in a violent attack in northwestern China this month said he had been recruited to participate in a holy war , according to a rare confession broadcast by state media at the weekend .

  18. 通过测量干预组和对照组暴力攻击未成年犯的自我控制水平和对干预组进行半结构化访谈,来评估团体训练对于提高未成年犯的自我控制水平、减少他们的攻击行为是否有效。

    Through measuring the self-control level and organizing the semi-structured interview between the experimental group and the compared group , the author has estimated the efficiency of the training group in enhancing the self-control level of juvenile delinquents and reducing their aggressive behavior .

  19. 据报道称,苹果在周一对FindmyiPhone进行了安全升级,以修补可能遭到暴力破解攻击的漏洞。

    Apple reportedly rolled out a security update for Find my iPhone on Monday in order to patch-up a hole that could be vulnerable to brute-force attacks .

  20. NPR的唐·戈尼亚报道瑞恩的讲话涉及到,从美国大使生活的角度,对白宫处理穆斯林世界反美暴力进行攻击。

    NPR 's Don Gonyea reports Ryan included an attack on White House handling of anti-American violence in the Muslim world that claimed the life of a U.S. ambassador .

  21. 视频暴力与攻击行为的神经成像研究进展

    Progress Study of the Neurophysiological Mechanisms on Video Violence and Aggression

  22. 这为网络上用暴力法攻击开了方便之门。

    This opens it to a brute-force attack over a network .

  23. 官方说,他们发现了一个暴力分子攻击法庭的秘密计划。

    And officials have said they discovered a plot to attack the courtroom .

  24. 导致暴力与攻击行为产生的原因很多,媒体暴力是其中的一个外部因素。

    There are many factors contribute to violence and aggressive behavior , and the media violence is one of the external factors .

  25. 只有言语而未伴随暴力不能算攻击。

    Mere words , unaccompanied by any violence , cannot amount to an assault .

  26. 通过阻塞特定IP的HTTP请求处理,可以防止暴力破解口令攻击。

    The blocking of processing HTTP requests for particular IPs prevents brute force password attacks .

  27. 不过暴力的公开攻击行动也并非前所未有。

    though violent public attacks aren 't unheard of .

  28. 目的:探讨观看电视暴力对青少年攻击行为的影响。

    Objective : To explore the influence of watching television violence impact on adolescent aggression .

  29. 实验1研究暴力图片对攻击性思维的启动效应,实验2研究暴力图片对记忆倾向的启动效应。

    Experiment 1 tested the priming effect on aggressive thoughts ; Experiment 2 assessed the effects from the perspective of memory trends .

  30. 传统的基于穷举搜索的暴力法在攻击密码散列时需要大量的计算,而且往往要经过很长的时间才能完成计算。

    To attack password hash , a traditional brute-force method based on exhaustive search need a lot of computing power or a lot of time to complete .