
  • 网络warm-bed
  1. 结果显示:加热器功率为150W暖床优于100W者,尤其是150W调温控温暖床&升温速度较快,达预定温度时间短,温度可随仔猪需要调节,耗电量少。

    The result shows that by comparison , the temperature inside the 150W regulative controllable warm-bed can be raised fast , reaching the established temperature in a very short time , and that the temperature can be regulated to meet pigs ' needs with less power consumption .

  2. 冬季暖床对断奶仔猪躺卧行为的影响

    Effect of the warm-bed on the lying behaviour of the weaned piglet in winter

  3. 结论除远红外暖床上的早产儿外,其他不同环境下测量患儿背温是NICU中集体测量体温的最佳方法。

    Conclusion Except the prematures in far-infrared warm bed , taking the back temperature of infants under different circumstances is a best method to take the temperature collectively in NICU .

  4. 哺乳仔猪暖床的制作与使用效果试验

    The Experiment of Making and Using The Warm-Beds For Piglets

  5. 使用暖床毯和热水袋可减轻低体温。

    The use of warming blankets and fluid warmers has been proven beneficial .

  6. 13.暂别自己的暖床好几天之后,终于又可以躺在上面睡觉的感觉。

    13 . Finally getting to sleep in your own bed after being away for a few weeks .

  7. 为了能让顾客睡得好,一家连锁酒店正在招聘“人工暖床员”。

    A hotel chain is employing human bed warmers to help guests get a good night 's sleep .

  8. 英国的3家假日酒店这个月会提供人工暖床服务。

    Jack : Holiday Inn is offering a human bed-warming service at three hotels in Britain this month .

  9. 大企业或大政府的暖床会让人们认识不到世界如何运转的现实。

    The warm cocoon of a big corporation or government can shelter people from the realities of how the world actually functions .

  10. 凭借诸多优势,最近本厂又自主研发了可调式恒慢暖床机和高效精密自动切料机。

    With many advantages , the recent factory has developed independently adjustable constant slow warm-bed machine and high precision automatic wire cutting machine .

  11. 带有盖及长把的金属锅,可盛热液体或煤,用于暖床。

    A metal pan with a cover and a long handle , designed to hold hot liquids or coals and used to warm a bed .

  12. 我在一个里斯人开的枕头房里发现她把她带回来暖床,但是最后我娶了她。

    I found her in a Lysene pillow house and brought her home to warm my bed , but in the end I wed her .

  13. 设计制作了四种仔猪暖床并进行性能测定,选出两种性能较好者,在生产条件下进行使用效果的对比试验。

    Two better types of warm-bed for piglets have been chosen from four different types and we have experimented with the two types under production conditions .

  14. 每位入住假日酒店的顾客在上床休息前,都会有身着特制的连体睡衣的暖床员帮他们暖床。

    Professional bed warmers are paid to wear special , all in one-sleeper suits , and warm up the beds of Holiday Inn guests , before they get under the covers .

  15. 当舍内温度低于9.9℃,仔猪日龄小于48日龄时,超过98.9%仔猪选择挂帘暖床躺卧。

    When the indoor air temperature was lower than 9.9 ℃ and the weaned piglets were less 48-day-old , more than 98.9 % piglets chose the warm-bed with curtain to lie .

  16. 每位入住假日酒店的顾客在上床休息前,都会有身着特制连体睡衣的“人工电热毯”来帮他们暖床。

    The walking electric blankets are dressed in special all-in-one sleeper suits and are sent to warm the beds of guests staying at the Holiday Inn before they get under the covers .

  17. 是的,除了把我塞进酒桶的水手,打扫船舱的男孩,你派给我暖床的女孩,还有那个长舌的洗衣婆。

    No man except the sailors who stuffed me in that barrel , the cabin boy who cleaned up after me , the girl you sent to warm my bed , and that treacherous freckled washerwoman .

  18. 假日酒店新引进的人工暖床服务将会帮助顾客获得优质的睡眠,特别是当外面是冰天雪地,顾客进了酒店又一时半会儿暖不起被窝儿时。

    Holiday Inn 's new bed warmers service should help people achieve a good night 's sleep especially as it 's taking much longer for them to warm up when they come in from the snow . ' '

  19. 她把被褥烤暖后再铺到床上。

    She give the sheet a warm by the fire before putt them on the bed .