
  • 网络intelligent computing;intelligent computation;computational intelligence
  1. 基于智能计算的一元时间序列分析与预测

    Unvaried-Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Based on Intelligent Computing

  2. 基于粗糙集理论与智能计算的分类规则挖掘方法研究

    The Study on Approaches of Mining Classification Rules Based on Rough Sets Theory and Intelligent Computing

  3. 本文探讨了智能计算技术之一的遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithm,GA)在重构中的应用。

    In this paper Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) was utilized . GA is one of the main kinds of intelligent computing technology .

  4. 多用户检测(MUD)问题可以看作一个组合优化问题,因此可将智能计算的优化机理应用于多用户检测的寻优过程中。

    Multiuser detection ( MUD ) problem can be viewed as a combinational optimization problem . Intelligence computation has shown many advantages over conventional optimization algorithm .

  5. 分布式Prolog是Prolog在网络环境下的应用,可以提供分布式智能计算服务。

    Distributed prolog is the application of prolog in the computer network , which can offer distributed intelligent computation service .

  6. 本文主要以这种变革后的模具企业为背景,结合智能计算领域的Agent概念,建立了基于MAS的模具企业生产计划与调度系统。

    Just under this background , integrated with agent concept in computer field , a production planning and scheduling ( PPS ) system based on multi-Agent system ( MAS ) is constructed for corporations manufacturing moulds .

  7. AI的核心是它包含很多智能计算体,简称为智能体,这些智能体以建立可以适应环境和能够从经验中学习的系统为目标。

    On the heart of AI there are intelligent computational agents simply called agents that have the goal of building systems that can adapt to their environments and learn from their experience .

  8. 利用编译原理、计算机图形学等知识以及VC工具,设计了一个函数计算和绘图软件,该软件具有计算并绘制函数图形、矩阵运算以及智能计算等功能。

    Using the VC tool , knowledge of translate and edit principle and computer graphics , a plot software is programmed , which has the function of plotting graphics , matrix operation and aptitude computing .

  9. 本文提出了基于OSGi的数字家庭普及计算环境智能计算设备灵活接入解决方案,并实现了一个应用的系统,从而验证其可行性。

    The article suggests a solution for agile intelligent devices accessing in digital home environment based on OSGi , and implement an application system to verify its feasibility .

  10. 在上述工作基础上,应用Java编程,Oracle数据库等技术,设计并实现了基于智能计算的犬疾病诊断系统。

    Upon the foundation above , a dog disease intelligence diagnosis system based on rough sets theory , fuzzy theory and neural network , etc. is designed and realized with using many technologies , such as Java , Oracle Database , etc.

  11. 介绍了现已成为关键智能计算之一的一种新的全局优化搜索算法&遗传算法,并探讨了在混合H2/H∞最优指标下优化控制设计中的应用。

    Genetic algorithm , as a new global optimization searching algorithm which becomes one of vital intelligent computation , is introduced here . The application of this algorithm to mixed H 2 / H ∞ optimization index control design is studieded .

  12. 介绍了传统的遗传算法与BP算法,分析了它们各自的不足.提出了一种将BP算法与遗传算法有机结合的混合智能计算方法,并且给出了具体的算法实现流程。

    In this paper , the principal characteristics , and the disadvantages of Genetic Algorithm and BP algorithm are first introduced , thus a new mixed intelligent algorithm on combination of genetic algorithm and back propagation algorithm and its application to digital image recognition are proposed .

  13. 为了增强城市防震减灾信息系统的时效性和实用性,更好地服务于城市防震减灾,必须加强对地震灾害智能计算的研究,开发出基于GIS的城市防震减灾信息管理与智能分析系统。

    To improve the real-time performance and practicability of the systems and to serve better for the urban seismic hazard mitigation , the research on intelligent calculation of earthquake disaster should be enhanced and the GIS based intelligent information system for urban seismic hazard mitigation should be developed .

  14. 随着具有自主性和社会性的智能计算实体Agent的出现和发展,文中将Multi-agent技术应用到数据挖掘中,并提出了基于Multi-agent智能化的数据挖掘模型,讨论了模型的运行过程。

    With the performance and development of intelligent computing entity , agent , which has the capabilities of self-determination and socialization , this paper applies the multi-agent technology into data-mining , and puts forward an intelligent model based on multi-agent , and discusses the running process of this model .

  15. 因此,我们给出了结合遗传算法的求解方法(简记为GA-QRM),运用计算机智能计算解决参数求解的问题,简化运算过程。

    So we give a solution method combining with Genetic Algorithm ( GA-QRM ) . GA-QRM can simplify the computing process .

  16. 本文尝试构建的改进BFO算法不仅具有方法上的创新,而且对现有智能计算技术具有较为积极的思想参考,从而具有一定意义上的理论创新。

    This paper attempts to build the BFO algorithm not only has some innovation in method , but also has some sense of the theoretical innovation with more positive thinking for the existing smart computing reference .

  17. 调度问题是组合优化问题,属于NP问题,难以用常规方法求解,近几年各种智能计算方法逐渐被引入到调度问题中,如遗传算法、模拟退火算法等。

    But scheduling problem is combinatorial optimization problem , which belongs to NP problems and is difficult to solve by regular method . In recent years , some intelligent algorithms have been used for it such as GA ( genetic algorithm ) and SA ( simulated annealling ) . etc.

  18. 基于智能计算的数据分析方法的研究与设计

    Research and design of data analysis method based on intelligence computation

  19. 基于智能计算的犬病诊断系统研究

    Study on Diagnostic System of Dog Disease Based on Intelligent Computing

  20. 智能计算在食品安全质量综合评价中的应用研究

    Study of food safety comprehensive assessment index based on intelligent calculation

  21. 基于智能计算的降雨径流模拟方法研究

    Study on Methods of Rainfall-runoff Simulation Based on Intelligent Calculation

  22. 基于智能计算的计算机网络可靠性分析研究

    Study of Reliability for Network System Based on Intelligent Calculation

  23. 飞机起飞着陆性能智能计算模型及应用

    The Aircraft Take-off and Landing Performance Intelligent Computation Model and Its Applications

  24. 一种基于综合智能计算的模拟电路故障诊断方法

    An Analog Circuit Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Integrated Calculation of Intelligent

  25. 智能计算理论在网络试题库中的应用

    The Application of Intelligent Algorithm in the Network Item Bank

  26. 是现代有关智能计算中的关键技术之一。

    It is one of the crucial technologies in modern intelligent calculation .

  27. 现代智能计算技术的发展则为其求解提供了可能。

    The development of modern intelligent technique bring the feasibility of solution .

  28. 基于智能计算的油气储集层损害诊断决策支持系统

    The Oil Reservoir Damage Diagnosis of Decision-making Support System Based on Intelligence Computing

  29. 列车优化操纵速度模式曲线生成的智能计算研究

    Study on Intelligent Computation of Velocity Schema Curve of Optimization Operation for Train

  30. 生物机制在智能计算中的应用

    Application of the Biologic Mechanism in the Intelligence Computation