- mental deficiency;amentia

Mothers contaminated by radioactive materials may give birth to babies with mental deficiency .
John suffered from mental deficiency from the point of view of a doctor .
Objective : To establish a method of non-isotope to detect the FMR-1 gene mutation of fragile X syndrome .
Are being ignored and that they are the " biggest unmet challenge in clinical genetics " .
The proposed new law will give courts the discretion to sentence some people convicted of drug-related crimes to life in prison with caning , rather than to death , provided they cooperate with authorities in a " substantive way , " or provided they have a mental disability , said Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean .
" Gene-protein " Theory of Intelligence Disable Hereditary Illness and Gene Remedy
Mental defectives get tons of slack .
This , he wrote in 1919 , will ultimately result in the curtailing of the reproduction of feeble-mindedness .
A Cross-sectional Study on Outcomes of Reproductive Health in Women with Mental Deficiency in a Rural Area of Anhui Province
These children are not eligible to participate in the Special Olympics because they do not have any mental deficiencies .
The essay aleo suggests the principle , method , and significance that gene remedy technique solve intelligence disable hereditary illness .
Autism is a general term for a group of brain disorders that limit the development of social and communication skills .
Most of the women with MD hadn 't received the regular schooling . 31.3 % could not take part in the labor .
Survey on the history of ill pregnancy and prevalence of women with mental deficiency a ged 20 ~ 49 in the small town
Do you have any physical or mental disabilities which may affect your ability to earn a living or take full care of yourself ?
A person has no capacity to incur contractual duties if his property is under guardianship by reason of adjudication of mental illness or defect .
Clark is supported by a variety of health groups including the American Psychiatric Association , American Psychological Association and American Association on Mental Retardation .
Results showed that 33 cases had intelligence deficiency at different degree , 25 cases had hearing loss and 6 cases had abnormality in nervous system .
" Would you mind telling me , Doctor ," Bob asked * " how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal ?"
The prevalence of pica varies from 4 to 26 percent among the institutionalized , and the condition can co-occur with Kleine-Levin syndrome , mental retardation and schizophrenia .
Binet was commissioned to study the large numbers of poor children in the city 's asylums and to find out whether they were mentally incapacitated or simply untaught .
Results Among 11 856 women of child-bearing age who were accepted the investigation , 92 women were evaluated as mental deficiency , and the prevelence of women with MD was 7.8 % .
The development trends of various fields of intelligence of the intellectual disabled students was similar basically , relatively weaker in the abilities to solve mathematics problems , to abstract and to incept external knowledge .
Keke Funny Moment 157.Mental deficiency " Would you mind telling me , Doctor , " Bob asked ... " how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal ? " " Nothing is easier , " he replied .
Those children who have impaired eyesight or hearing or are mentally retarded can also go to special school .
If you have a slurred voice , people are likely to treat you as mentally deficient : Does he take sugar ?
This article analyzes deeply the personality barrier , sex psychology barrier and deficiency of intellect from the perspective of criminology and criminal psychology .
Alex was mentally handicapped .
Conclusion Children with LD have defect in intelligence structure , and have poor quality of life .
Clinical features and behavior characteristics of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder at various intelligence levels