
  1. 《红楼梦》里的晴雯?

    Qing wen as in Dream of the Red chamber ?

  2. 20世纪晴雯研究综述

    Overview on QING Wen Research in the 20th Century

  3. 本色纯真的性灵之美&谈晴雯的内在美

    Pure Beauty of Spirituality : Qingwen 's Inner Beauty

  4. 晴雯到底是怎么死的?

    How exactly did Qing wen die ?

  5. 晴雯是《红楼梦》大观园中最有个性的典型人物之一。

    Qingwen is one of the most typical characters in A Dream of Red Mansion .

  6. 彩云易散之谜&晴雯的悲剧美探微

    The Mystery of " Colored Clouds Easily Scatter " & On Qing Wen 's tragic beauty

  7. 在大观园之外,茗烟的地位和作用不亚于怡红院里的袭人和晴雯。

    Ming Yan 's social position and function are no less than Xiren and Qingwen in the Yihong Park .

  8. 《红楼梦》中丫环晴雯在众多人物中脱颖而出,并深得读者偏爱。

    Qingwen stood out in a number of people in the " Dream of the Red Chamber " and won the reader 's preference .

  9. 晴雯的悲剧是性格的悲剧、社会的悲剧,袭人的悲剧则揭示出封建文化的荒谬和罪恶。

    The tragedy of Qing-wen results from her disposition and the society , while the tragedy of Xi-ren reveals the preposterous and evil feudal nature .

  10. 但在黑暗的封建社会,晴雯这个另类的典型,蕴含了悲剧色彩,最终被那个社会所不容和毁灭。

    But this is not what that oppressed society needs . qingwen , this girl with such character , is destioned to be destroyed by the it .

  11. 这两个人物根本的不同之处在于,春梅的自傲是维护自己的利益和身份,晴雯的自尊自傲是在维护人的尊严。

    The basic difference of these two characters laid in that Chunmei ′ s arrogance was to defend her own interest and status while Qingwen ′ s self-respect and arrogance was to defend human dignity .