
  1. 简洁主要体现在对景物的描写和大量对白的使用。

    His brevity mainly lies in the description of setting and the plentiful use of dialogue .

  2. 而对自然景物的描写,常常带给人娱悦的感受。

    But for descriptions of natural scenery and objects , which bring a feeling of relaxation .

  3. 我们读一首诗,可以欣赏其中的景物的描写,所谓历历如绘。

    In reading a poem , we may appreciate its description of scenery to a degree of " pictorial vividness " .

  4. 自然景物的描写在他的这些小说中已不仅仅起着舞台背景式的作用,而是成为小说中的一个有机组成部分。

    The description of Nature not only serves as a setting , but also becomes a vital part of Hardy 's novels .

  5. 重视四季景物的描写,借景抒情是宋代季节词的特色。

    Great importance to the description of the scene of the Four Seasons , by King lyric is a characteristic of seasonal poems of the Song Dynasty .

  6. 杜甫的秦州山水诗,把国家的治乱和人民的苦难自然地融入山川景物的描写之中,赋予山川景物以鲜明的时代色彩,扩大了山水诗的社会内容。

    Du Fu 's Qinzhou scenic poems reflect the rise and fall of the country and hardships of people through the landscape depiction , thus showing a strong period feel and enriching the social content of scenic poetry .

  7. 《诗经·国风》婚恋诗中水的意象,除了是一种自然景物的描写外,还和婚姻、情爱、生殖、阻隔等更多方面的内容联系在一起。

    The imagery of water in the marry and love ballads of The Book of Songs was linked to marriage , love , reproduction , separation and some other contents in addition to the description of natural scenery .

  8. 从对文学史的贡献来说,它们对人物心理与自然景物的描写,丰富了文学艺术手段,同时在对传统文学的吸收过程中,使武侠小说现实化。

    From the contribution to history of literature , its characters and the description of nature , enriched the literary art hand ; in the choice of subject matter , based on the reality , cause the martial arts novels authenticity .