
  • 网络Ordinary animals;common animals;conventional animal;Conventional animal CV
  1. 实验动物按其微生物、寄生虫控制程度,可划分为四个等级,即普通动物、清洁动物、无特定病原体动物(SPF动物)和无菌动物。

    According to the disparities of carrying microorganisms and parasites , laboratory animals can be classified into four grades : normal animal , clean animal , specific pathogen free animal ( SPF animal ) and sterile animal .

  2. 他们还发现动物的肌肉中如果富含叫做IIX纤维的物质时,它们可以跑得更远,并且比普通动物能承担更强的负荷。

    Moreoer , they found , animals whose muscles were full of the so-called IIX fibers were able to run farther and at higher work loads than normal mice could .

  3. 高校《普通动物学》教学中实施自主学习的探索

    Probe of putting out self-learning in university on zoology teaching

  4. 野生动物管理可分成珍稀动物管理、经济动物管理和普通动物管理。

    Wildlife management includes management of rare animals , economic animals and normal animals .

  5. 故事是从《动物农庄》中的普通动物的角度来叙述的。

    The story is told from the point of view the common animals of Animal Farm .

  6. 目的探讨慢性轻中度碘过量时,普通动物甲状腺细胞周期的动态变化。

    Objective To investigate the chronic effects of mild and moderate iodine excess on cell cycle kinetics of rat thyrocytes .

  7. 接种特定菌株后的无菌动物成为悉生动物,将它们与普通动物进行体内代谢作用的比较研究,是考察肠道菌群在体内对药物进行代谢的主要方法之一。

    In the present paper , the pharmacokinetic study of Huangqin-Tang in rats , and the relation between intestinal bacteria and metabolism in vivo of Huangqin-Tang decoction were performanced .

  8. 而二货动物在这方面又比普通动物略胜一筹,可能是因为人们觉得二二的动物也挺有爱的,黛儿解释道。

    The funny critters in turn produced the feeling more strongly than did neutral animals , perhaps because the funny animals were perceived as cute , too , Dyer said .

  9. 需要补充的是,普通动物的肠道壁比无菌动物厚,这可能是由肠道细菌引起轻度炎症所致。

    In addition , the intestinal wall of the normal animal is much thicker than that of the germ-free animals , probably because of low level inflammation caused by the bacterial flora .

  10. 龟作为一种水路两栖的普通动物,或许是因了它的长寿,在华夏文化氛围中很早便被赋予神的灵气,历来被指称为灵龟文化。

    Tortoise , as one kind of general amphibious animals , perhaps due to its longevity , have been given early on Spirit Air . in the atmosphere of Chinese culture , it has been accused of being tortoise culture .

  11. 人之所为人而不是普通动物,是因为他们创造了非随意表达的、与语言和其他模式化形式的使用紧密相关的艺术想象力,人性的而非自然的文化交际系统。

    The greatest human has created a complicated humanist system of culture communication , which is full of artistic imagination that is connected with language and other modes of casual and natural expression . different mountains and water nurtures unusual culture .

  12. 怀着对人类这种比普通动物复杂得多的特殊功能的好奇,科学家、医学工作者对很多人展开研究和分析,寻找人类的记忆之谜。

    Curious about this human being s special function which is much more complex than that of ordinary animals , scientist and medical researcher have launched research and the analysis to many people , in order to seek the mystery of human s memory .

  13. 然而火并不像一个普通的动物,它是一个可以使物体改变形状的动物。“ashape-shifter”名词转动词。

    But unlike a normal animal , it 's a shape-shifter .

  14. E-Net温湿度监控系统在普通环境动物实验室中的应用

    Application of the E-Net System on Temperature and Humidity Monitoring in Conventional Animal Laboratory

  15. 熊猫是一种普通的动物在很早以前。

    The panda was a kind of ordinary animal in China long ago .

  16. 她们在网上找来了109个研究对象,让他们看萌系,二系和普通系动物的照片。

    They recruited 109 participants online to look at pictures of cute , funny or neutral animals .

  17. 本文报道了同济医科大学医学实验动物中心10种1368只普通实验动物体内外寄生虫及其感染的初步调查研究结果。

    A survey of parasites on medical laboratory animals was carried out from 1983 to 1989 in medical laboratory animal center of Tongji medical University .

  18. 大多数在商场里出售的热狗,都是由合成纤维素套包装的,但家庭制作的多由普通的动物肠包装。

    Many of the hot dogs sold in stores are enclosed in synthetic cellulose casings , but most home-made hot dogs are made out of natural animal intestines .

  19. 普通院校《动物生物学》课程教学内容改革初探

    Initial Exploration into Teaching Contents Reform in Animal Biology in Universities

  20. 虎是一种普通的猫科动物。

    The tiger is a common representative of the cat family .

  21. 黑龙江省2000-2001年度普通级实验动物微生物学检测结果总结与分析

    Survey of Microbiology of Conventional Laboratory Animals of Heilongjiang Province in 2000-2001

  22. 课程包括实验心理学,统计和数据分析,精神药理学,普通生物学,动物生理学。

    Courses include experimental psychology , statistics and data analysis , psychopharmacology , general biology , and animal physiology .

  23. 对黑龙江省2000~2001年度普通级实验动物微生物学进行抽检,结果表明,只在2000年检出一例大鼠的流行性出血热病毒血清抗体呈阳性反应,已做清群处理。

    A survey of microbiology on conventional animals was performed in Heilongjiang Province in 2000-2001 . Only one sample had positive reaction with antibody of epizootic hemorrhagic fever virus , then the block was slaughtered .

  24. 从人类开始使用工具而区别于普通灵长类动物,人类文明走过了石器时代、青铜时代、铁器时代等由硬质材料来界定的发展历程。

    Distinguished from primates by using tools , human civilization has gone through the Stone Age , the Bronze Age , the Iron Age and those periods characterized by the chief hard materials in tools manufacture .

  25. 就我国普通院校的《动物生物学》教学内容改革进行了初步的探讨,旨在促进我国普通院校《动物生物学》教学改革的不断深入进行。

    This paper presents an initial study of teaching contents reform in animal biology in the universities in China with the purpose of further promoting teaching reform for this course .

  26. 屏障环境用于无特定病原体动物(SPF级)大鼠、小鼠的饲养,普通环境用于普通级动物犬、猴、兔和豚鼠的饲养。

    The former one is used to raise specifc pathogen animal ( SPF ) such as rat and mouse , while the latter is used to raise conventional animals such as dog , monkey , rabbit and guinea pig .