
  • 网络Planck formula;Plank;plank formula
  1. 普朗克公式的建立及其应用

    Formation and Application of Planck Formula

  2. 这结论一方面证实了普朗克公式的正确性;

    On the one hand , The present conclusion can be regarded as a proof of the correctness of Planck Formula ;

  3. 结果表明,通过该方法标定的辐射光谱与由普朗克公式计算得到的理论值吻合得很好。

    The result shows that the radiation spectrum calculated by using this method is in good agreement with the theoretical value derived from the Plank formular .

  4. 运用量子统计的方法,分别从谐振子模型和光子气体模型这两种基本模型,推导了黑体辐射能谱公式,即著名的普朗克公式;

    Using the method of quantum statistics , derived the famous Plank Formula from the two basic models which are the harmonic oscillator and the photon gas ;

  5. 在此基础上,从分析飞行弹体的爆炸温度出发,推导了弹体爆炸时辐射峰值波长的范围,分析了黑体辐射的普朗克公式,计算出目标在光谱通带内的辐出度和辐射亮度。

    The next move is to deduce the range of a bombing radiating wavelength with the flying bomb 's temperature being analyzed and to compute the target 's irradiance and radiated luminance between spectral penetrating strip based on the Planck formula for the black body .

  6. 讨论了辐射度量学和辐射能的传输特性,然后从普朗克公式出发,分析了辐射测温的一些基本定律,这是辐射测温的理论基础。

    The main work concerned is as follows : This thesis presents the theory of radiometry and transmission character of radiant energy . Based on Planck 's law , the theories of radiation temperature measurement are introduced , which are the basic of radiation thermometry .

  7. 从普朗克辐射公式出发,推导出非线性系统的能量密度公式,并给出直观的图形和普通黑体作比较.丝光沸石单胞铝原子数与晶胞参数非线性相关;

    According to the Plank formula , we derived the spectral energy density and radiation pressure of the thermal radiation in the kerr nonlinear blackbody , and compared their figures with those of normal blackbody .

  8. 介绍了黑体辐射理论,利用MATLAB求解了普朗克黑体辐射公式在有界域λ1~λ2内的积分,通过实例对梯形法和辛普森法两种数值积分方法进行了分析和比较。

    The theory of blackbody radiation is discussed and the integral solution of the formula of the Plank blackbody radiation in the bounded domain λ 1 ~ λ 2 is solved with MATLAB . The Simpson numerical integral method and trapezoidal numerical integral method are analyzed and compared through example .

  9. 普朗克黑体辐射公式与经典表达式

    The Planck Formula for Black-body Radiation vs Classic Expression