
  • 网络Pashto;pushtu;Pushto;Pashto language
  1. 卫生部在世卫组织的支持下,已根据阿富汗的情况改编了世卫组织计划生育指南,并将它们翻译成本国语言:达里语和普什图语。

    The health ministry has adapted WHO family planning guidelines to the Afghan situation , with the support of WHO , and translated them into national languages , Dari and Pashto .

  2. 你想学普什图语?

    You want to learn Pashto ?

  3. 不过我也非常希望,即便到那个时候,你也没有必要去学普什图语。

    Although I do hope that , by then , it won 't be necessary to learn Pashto .

  4. 数学、物理、乌尔都语、英语、普什图语、化学、生物、伊斯兰米亚特(Islamiyat,伊斯兰宗教研习。),以及巴基斯坦研究。

    Maths , physics , Urdu , English , Pashto , chemistry , biology , Islamiyat , Pakistan studies .

  5. 她说,虽然她的祖父用普什图语会话和写作都很流利,她很惭愧自己对普什图语完全不懂。

    She said she was ashamed at not being able to read and write Pashto although her grandfather had been fluent .

  6. 我向看守学普什图语,对方是个普什图族人,答应要保护我,不让其它塔利班派别伤害我。

    I studied Pashto with my jailer , who promised , as a Pashtun , to protect me from other Taliban groups .

  7. 当一名部落男孩查看他所在村子里的死者时,我听到所有人说的都是乌尔都语,而不是该地区的普什图语。

    When a tribal boy examines the dead in his village , I hear everyone speaking Urdu , not the region 's Pashto .

  8. 当然,当11岁大的儿子说想学普什图语时,作为一位母亲我的心往下一沉是另有实际原因的。

    There , of course , lies the real reason a mother 's heart sinks when her 11-year-old says that he wants to learn Pashto .

  9. 在我们的文化中,演讲稿往往由父亲、叔伯或是老师帮你写好,通常是用英文或乌尔都语,而不会是我们的母语--普什图语。

    In our culture speeches are usually written by our fathers , uncles or teachers . They tend to be in English or Urdu , not in our native Pashto .

  10. 母亲只会说普什图语,所以听不懂她说的话。但菲奥娜医生每次走出我的病房时,都会竖起大拇指,说声“很好!”

    My mother speaks only Pashto so couldn 't understand anything she said , but Fiona would gesture with a thumbs-up when she came out of my room and say ' Good . '

  11. 我们会吓得大叫。在普什图语里,“手指”和“脚趾”都被称作“指头”,因此,其实大家都是二十个指头,但我们当时却没有认识到这一点。

    We would cry in terror , though in fact as ' toe " and ' finger " in Pashto is the same , we were all twenty-fingered , but we didn 't realise .