
xīng tuán
  • cluster;star cluster;stellar cluster;Beehive;star dust
星团 [xīng tuán]
  • [cluster] 在天空中显得彼此很接近并似乎具有共同性质(如距离和运动)的恒星集合

星团[xīng tuán]
  1. 本文讨论了试验粒子在Kerr度规中的运动和中心具有Kerr黑洞时星团中星的分布。

    In this paper , the motion of testing particles in the Kerr metric and the distribution of stars in a star cluster with a Kerr black hole in its center are discussed .

  2. 确定疏散星团成员方法的讨论

    Discussion on methods used for membership determination of open star cluster

  3. 选用银河系中29个累积光谱型为F型的球状星团样本。

    The 29 F globular clusters in the galaxy are selected as samples .

  4. 它们主要位于银河系(MilkyWay)等星系的旋臂和年轻星团中。

    They mostly inhabit the spiral arms and younger parts of galaxies like the Milky Way .

  5. 疏散星团NGC2286的测光研究和HR图

    Photometry and the HR Diagram of the Open Cluster NGC 2286

  6. 鬼星团区域中部296颗AC星的自行测定

    Determination of the proper motions of 296 AC stars in the central part of the praesepe region

  7. 银河系球状星团轨道参数分布的MonteCarlo模拟

    Monte Carlo Simulation of Distribution of Orbital Parameters for Globular Clusters in the Galaxy

  8. 银河系中球状星团的空间分布、运动轨道及MonteCarlo模拟

    Space Distribution , Motional Orbits and Monte Carlo Simulation of Globular Clusters in the Galaxy

  9. 球状星团M3的绝对自行测定及其空间运动

    Measurements of the absolute proper motions of M3 and its space motion

  10. 重新研究了恒星的活动性(包括黑子活动)和星团中恒星的不均匀红化效应对Li丰度弥散的影响。

    The effects of stellar activity ( including stellar spots ) and inhomogeneous reddening over the cluster on Li abundance dispersion are studied .

  11. 进一步的分析表明,这些目标的光度函数和X射线源数密度与X射线源在星团中的位置以及初始的双星比例有关。

    Further investigation shows the source number density is also related to the location of the source in the cluster and the initial binary fraction of clusters .

  12. 球状星团M3绝对自行的测定对其轨道计算结果的影响

    The effect of absolute proper motion determinations of the globular cluster m3 on calculations of its orbit

  13. 星在中心为Kerr黑洞的星团中的分布

    The Distribution of Stars in A Star Cluster with A Kerr Black Hole in Its Center

  14. 球状星团NGC4147基于Hipparcos系统的绝对自行

    Absolute proper motion of globular cluster NGC 4147 on Hipparcos system

  15. 中等年龄疏散星团NGC752中的QXAnd变星的测光研究

    Photometric Studies of QX And in the Intermediate-age Open Cluster NGC 752

  16. 得到的主要结论是:没有坚实的证据说明观测到的Li丰度弥散是代表具相同有效温度星团成员大气Li丰度存在真实的差异。

    The main conclusions of this work are that there are no solid evidences to support that the observed Li abundance dispersion indicates a real difference in the atmosphere of cluster member stars with a same effective temperature .

  17. Hipparcos后的昴星团距离

    Post-Hipparcos Distance of the Pleiades Cluster

  18. 最后,对3个样本球状星团的观测数据进行MonteCarlo模拟,并用于计算它们的轨道参数,以及讨论轨道参数的分布形态与模拟观测数据和不同引力势模型之间的关系。

    The Monte Carlo Simulations for Orbital Parameters of Globular Clusters The relationship between the distribution morphologies of the orbital parameters and the initial observational date as well as the different galactic gravitational potential models are discussed .

  19. 现在标准的星团半径被命名为“Abell半径”。

    And this standard cluster radius is known today as " the Abell Radius . "

  20. M31中球状星团的双星族合成研究

    Study on Binary Stellar Populations of Globular Clusters in M31

  21. 球状星团的金属丰度分布,以及空间分布、运动性质与金属丰度的相关性,提供了球状星团形成过程的信息。除Pb以外,各种重金属含量相关性显著,表明它们有相似的来源。

    Observations show that there are tight relations between the distribution and kinetics of GC with their heavy element abundances , which give information on their formation process . The sources of heavy metals are similar except for element Pb .

  22. 大部分椭圆星系所拥有的球状星团,不论是数量还是体型都超过NGC1316。

    Most elliptical galaxies have more and brighter globular clusters than NGC1316 .

  23. 疏散星团M11的研究:3.团星分布的两点相关函数分析

    Studies of the Open Cluster M11 : 3.Two-point Correlation Analyses of the Member Star Distribution

  24. 断裂构造高频等值线星团是构造活动最强烈的地区,是成矿溶液活动的场所,地球化学梯度(pH,Eh)变化大,有利于铀成矿。

    Those areas covered by fracture structure frequency isopleth clusters represent the intense tectonic active areas and the ore-forming solution active places , where geochemical gradiants ( pH , Eh ) change in a wide range that is favourable for uranium metallization .

  25. 这种方法最初是利用元素对Th/Nd来确定G矮星的年龄,近年来开始利用元素对Th/Eu和U/Th来确定晕族场星和球状星团内恒星的年龄。

    At first , this age-dating approach was used to estimate the age of G-dwarf stars with Th / Nd chronometry . Recently , it has been used to evaluate the age of halo field stars and globular cluster stars with the Th / Eu and U / Th chronometers .

  26. 有一种假说认为,这些球状星团是更早以前被NGC1316吞并的星系所遗留下来的幸存者。

    One hypothesis is that these globulars survive from an even earlier galaxy that was subsumed into NGC1316 .

  27. 在彗星下方的疏散星团分别为M47(右)与M46(左)。

    Below the comet are open star clusters M47 ( right ) and M46 ( left ) .

  28. Abell对星团的定义是:首先,在特定太空区域内必须有50个以上的星系。

    Abell 's definition of a cluster is this : First , there have to be more than 50 galaxies within a specific amount of space .

  29. 由于外形酷似草帽而得名的“草帽星系”编号为M104,它拥有显著的尘埃带,还有恒星和球状星团组成的明亮星系晕。

    Named the Sombrero Galaxy for its hat-like resemblance , M104 features a prominent dust lane and a bright halo of stars and globular clusters .

  30. 但在20世纪中叶,天文学家瓦尔特·巴德(WalterBaade)注意到,该星系的古老星团比如它的核心星团或球状星团中的恒星年代更为久远,金属元素更少。

    In the middle of the 20th century , however , the astronomer Walter Baade noticed that the stars in older parts of the galaxy , like its core or globular clusters , are older and have fewer metals .