
  • Tomorrow Will Be Better;A Better Tomorrow;Tomorrow will be even better
  1. “也许明天会更好,”我说着挂断了电话。“我在骗谁啊?”我对沃尔夫说。“明天还是一个样。”

    ' Maybe tomorrow will be better , ' I said , hanging up . ' Who am I kidding ? ' I told Wolfe . ' Tomorrow will be more of the same . '

  2. 祝她幸福,也祝福自己的明天会更好。

    Wish her happiness , also bless his tomorrow will be better .

  3. 让我们期待明天会更好。

    Let 's hope the future will be better than ever .

  4. 这张铺好的床能够鼓舞你让你期待明天会更好

    and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better

  5. 陈会长相信,随着澳门地区经济的多样化发展,澳门旅游业的明天会更好。

    Macao 's future tourism development as the region develops a diversified economy .

  6. 我们相信香港的明天会更好。

    We are Hong Kong will be even tomorrow .

  7. 让我们一起为日本祈福吧,祝愿日本的明天会更好

    Let us pray for Japan , and wish the Japanese will be better tomorrow

  8. 希望您的此次中国之旅愉快,也祝愿戴尔的明天会更好!

    Wish you a pleasant journey in China , and DELL a better future !

  9. 倘若每一个拥有火山的国家都向冰岛看齐,那么明天会更好。

    Better yet , it could be replicated in any country with a volcano .

  10. 明天会更好,因为我已抛却我的烦恼。

    Since I 've thrown my sadness away .

  11. 中国高尔夫明天会更好

    A Better Tomorrow for Golf in China

  12. 祝愿安徽的明天会更好!

    Anhui wish tomorrow will be better !

  13. 我们坚信,“只要您的一份支持,我们的明天会更好”。

    We believe faithfully that with your support today , we will be better tomorrow .

  14. 我送给你最好的祝福,并且请你记住明天会更好。

    I send my best wishes to you and remember that tomorrow will be better .

  15. 不要担心!因为,我相信明天会更好!

    Don 't worry ! Bcause , I believe Will be able to be better tomorrow !

  16. 保持微笑,明天会更好!

    A Smile is to KEEP !

  17. 如果我们相信明天会更好,今天就能承受艰辛。

    If we believe that tomorrow will be better , we can bear a hardship today .

  18. 明天会更好吧?!

    Hope tomorrow is better !

  19. 梅格·瑞安很早就知道了最好做一个乐观主义者并且希望明天会更好。

    Meg learned early that it is best to be an optimist and hope tomorrow is better .

  20. 希望明天会更好!

    Tomorrow will be better !

  21. 语莎饰品相信有您的支持与依赖,我们的明天会更好!

    Lufthansa language has · trust and rely on your support , we will be better tomorrow !

  22. 我最爱亲亲们了!就让我们一起加油吧!希望明天会更好!

    I love the kiss they had ! Let us together ! Hopefully tomorrow will be better !

  23. 明天会更好

    Tomorrow will be better

  24. 我们在昨日的荣光之上奋勇前进,因为我们相信明天会更好。

    We honor our past and press forward with the knowledge that tomorrow will be better than today .

  25. 让生命有意义,让内心充满爱,让明天会更好。

    with lives full of purpose , with hearts full of love , and with hope for a better tomorrow .

  26. 「宝贝,我们只能祈祷明天会更好,」我以最温柔的声音回答。

    " Honey , we could only pray that things will improve soon ," I replied with my warmest tone of voice .

  27. 我相信情况会变好我妈妈总是教育我们要抱有希望明天会更好

    I always knew it would be , My mother always still that tell us , There is hope and it will be better tomorrow

  28. 下图是最近一次中美民间合作活动中,美国友好人士高举歌词,让中国大学生放歌“明天会更好”,真情感人至深!

    Our American Friends holding on the song words papers , and Chinese students sing the song " Tomorrow is better ", True feelings show us !

  29. 在去年7月经济危机来临之前,甚至经济分析家都乐观的感觉到“明天会更好”。

    Even economic analysts were feeling optimistic that " tomorrow will be better " just before July last year , when the financial crises hit the region .

  30. 请点选下载台湾有你真好、台湾人的愿望、明天会更好好听歌曲的歌词。

    Please click to download the lyrics of " With You , Taiwan is Great ," " Taiwanese 's Wish ," " Tomorrow Will be Better ," etc.