
  • 网络time conversion;time shift;time-shifting;temporal shifts
  1. 实验2是探讨在没有间断性时间短语的倩况下,内隐的间断性时间信息能否产生时间转换。

    Implicit discontinuous temporal information may make time shift .

  2. 指定区域设置,以便为排序以及日期和时间转换提供区域特定的信息。

    Specify the locale to provide region-specific information for ordering , and for date and time conversion .

  3. 将指定的windows文件时间转换为等效的本地时间。

    Converts the specified windows file time to an equivalent local time .

  4. 阐述了X射线巡天观测数据从数据提取到时间转换的处理流程。

    The X-ray surveying data processing flows from data selection to time transformation are expounded .

  5. 基于TOT技术的电荷-时间转换具有电路简单、低成本和低功耗的特点。

    Charge-to-time converter based Time-over-threshold technique has the characteristic of simple circuit , low price and low power .

  6. 提出用于CDMA系统上行信道的利用时间转换技术的空&时多用户检测算法,并给出了具有阵列天线的CDMA系统的设计和分析。

    In this paper , we develop a space_time multiuser detection approach to uplink channels of CDMA systems with time_ switching technique . The design and analysis of the CDMA systems with array antennas are presented .

  7. 电流时间转换装置在电机自耦降压起动中的应用

    The Application of Current-time Switching Device in Motor Auto-induction Voltage-reduced Starting

  8. 多种费用下具有时间转换约束的工期费用均衡项目调度研究

    Duration / Cost Trade-offs in Project Scheduling with Time-Switch Constraints under Multi-Cost

  9. 将以文本表达的时间转换为序列号。

    Converts a time in the form of text to a serial number .

  10. 基于频率-时间转换的精密时序控制系统的研究

    Research of Precise Timing System Based on Frequency-time Conversion

  11. 具有时间转换约束的项目网络分析方法研究

    The Analysis of Project Networks with Time-switch Constraints

  12. 将时间转换为序列数。

    Convert time to serial number .

  13. 记叙文时间转换机制

    Mechanism on time shifts in narratives

  14. 电荷测量技术包括电荷-电压转换、波形数字化和电荷-时间转换三种。

    There are three methods of charge measurement that are charge-to-voltage conversion , wave sampling and charge-to-time conversion .

  15. 提出了修正两阶段算法对具有活动模式时间转换约束的项目网络进行分析,包括寻找关键道路和计算各活动的浮动时差。

    In this paper , an amended two-phase algorithm is presented to analyze networks with a special time-switch constraint .

  16. 将观察的反射波时间转换成正确的地下界面几何图形,需经过好些步骤。

    The conversion of observed reflection times to a correct geometrical picture of the subsurface involves a number of steps .

  17. 它一般是要经过数字式的时间转换信号再通过执行数模转换产生正弦波。

    It is usually to go through the digital time conversion signal by performing a digital-to-analog converter for generating sine wave .

  18. 用气相色谱以程序升温方式分析了蒸馏常顶汽油,并将各组分程序升温保留时间转换为恒温保留指数。

    The programming temperature retention time of each component of a straight run gasoline was transformed to constant temperature retention index .

  19. 真正提升创造一个第四维度的身体,逐渐地提升进入,并随时间转换思想形态,直到它的性质变成第四维度。

    Real ascension creates a fourth dimensional body that is ascended into gradually and over time by transmuting thought-form until it becomes fourth dimensional in nature .

  20. 本文首先介绍时间转换约束的问题描述,在此基础上,建立具有活动类型时间转换约束的DTCTPTSC-P2模型;

    In this paper , we firstly introduce the problem description of time-switch constraints , and then build the arithmetic model of the DTCTPTSC_ - P2 ;

  21. 用第四步中计算出的数字除以2(或是类似的转换因子),由此把理想时间转换为持续时间。

    Divide the figure you have calculated in step four by two ( or similar conversion factor ) in order to convert from ideal time to elapsed time .

  22. 将文本形式表示的时间转换成序列数以下列表显示哪个磁盘要转换成动态磁盘。

    Returns the number that represents the time represented by a text string ( Time_text ) The disks that will be made dynamic are shown in the following list .

  23. 对我来说,它把我的出行时间转换成了休息的片刻,而不是成段的增加压力和其他负面情绪的时间和空间。

    For me it has transformed travel time during my day into relaxing breaks instead of passages of time and space that only up my levels of stress and other negative feelings .

  24. 基于FPGA的高精度时间数字转换电路设计

    The Design of High Resolution Time to Digit Converter Based on FPGA

  25. FPGA中有着丰富的资源,目前已经有很多基于FPGA实现时间数字转换电路的研究工作。

    There are many resources in FPGA . There are many works about using the resources of FPGA to realize time-to-digital converter circuits .

  26. 高分辨率时间数字转换电路的PLD实现

    PLD-Based Realization of High Resolution Time-to-Digit Converter

  27. 精密时间数字转换电路有多种实现方法,本论文主要研究的是利用现场可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)中的专用进位连线来实现精密的时间数字转换电路。

    There are many methods to realize precise time-to-digital converter circuits . In this paper , we introduce our research work on realizing precise time-to-digital converter circuits by using the dedicated carry chain of FPGA .

  28. 可满足性问题是六个基本的NP完全问题之一,其他NP完全问题均可在多项式时间内转换为可满足性问题。

    The Satisfiability problem ( SAT ) is one of the six basic NP-complete problems . Other NP-complete problems could be transformed into the Satisfiability problem in polynomial time .

  29. 目前国际国内高能物理方面时间数字转换的发展趋势是使用集成的、高精度、多次击中型TDC,数据驱动型TDC(DataDrivenTDC)是其中的热点。

    In the high energy physics domain there is a trend to use integrated , high resolution , multi-hit time-digital-converter for time measurement , of which the data driven TDC is an important direction .

  30. 利用基础矩阵的方法证明了:一个不可满足公式F的树消解证明,可以在多项式时间内转换成一个来自MU(1)中公式的同态证明。

    In this paper , a method from the basic matrix of MU ( 1 ) formula is used to prove that a tree resolution proof for an unsatisfiable formula F can be transformed into a homomorphism proof from a MU ( 1 ) formula for F.