
  1. 洱海区域新石器时代文化概述

    A Brief Account of the Neolithic Age Culture in Erhai Area

  2. 岭南早期新石器时代文化研究的回顾及相关问题

    Review of Early Neolithic Cultural Research And Relative Questions in Lingnan

  3. 全球化时代文化翻译的基本策略

    The Basic Strategy of Cultural Translation the Age of Globalization

  4. 福建东山岛旧石器时代文化

    Old Stone Age Culture in Dongshan Island of Fujian Province

  5. 经济全球化时代文化民族性的思考

    Reflection on The National Characteristics of Culture in The Age of Economic Globalization

  6. 中国新石器时代文化区划述论

    Culture On the Division of Cultural Region in the Neolithic Age of China

  7. 传媒时代文化领导权的重建

    Rebuilding the Leadership in Culture in Times of Communication-Media

  8. 清代满族文论及其时代文化特征

    The Manchu Culture in the Qing Dynasty and its Cultural Characteristics of the Times

  9. 俾路支和印度河平原的铜石并用时代文化

    Chalcolithic Cultures in Baluchistan and the Indus Plains

  10. 并验证时代文化背景、制作工艺对成器活动的影响。

    And verify that the culturalbackground of the times , the production process synthesizer activities .

  11. 仰韶文化是黄河中游地区重要的新石器时代文化。

    The culture is in the middle of the Yellow River at the New Stone Age .

  12. 克里米亚新石器时代文化

    Neolithic Cultures in Crimea

  13. 归根到底,这是由苏曼殊所处的时代文化背景决定的。

    In the final analysis , it was the cultural background of Su Manshu 's age that engendered his poems .

  14. 静态的、稳定的、恒久的传统建筑之特点早已不能反映当下时代文化与精神需求。

    Static , stable and eternal characteristic of traditional architecture no long can represent the culture and spirit in nowadays .

  15. 电影叙事的后工业时代文化背景造就了当代电影叙事的特殊境遇。

    The narrative mode of contemporary movie has been in a special situation because of the influence of industrial cultures .

  16. 它体现了信息时代文化的一个显著特征,即视觉艺术与信息技术的高度融合。

    It has manifested a remarkable feature in the information era that the high integration of visual arts and information technology .

  17. 元杂剧和明传奇都是社会生活的反映,都是时代文化的折射和浓缩。

    Both Yuan Za Ju and Ming Chuanqi are reflections of social life , reflections and extract of the periods ' cultures .

  18. 它的发现,不仅将我国新石器时代文化大大推前,更为重写中华古史,校正中华五千年文明的提法,将中华文明追溯到一万年前并重排世界古文明位次增加了依据。

    The discovery of it made the ancient civilization of China date back to 11 thousand years ago , instead of 5 thousand years .

  19. 它反映了在一定的社会政治、经济、文化环境变迁下,所形成的一种必然的时代文化诉求。

    It reflects a certain social , political , economic , cultural and environmental changes , the formation of inevitable cultural aspirations of the era .

  20. 具有对抗与守护色彩的写作与人文精神大讨论相互呼应,共同营造时代文化重建的精神主题。

    The writing of contest and protect responds with the great discuss of the humanist spirits , together constructing the spiritual theme of cultural rebuilding .

  21. 宋代女性在传统文化和时代文化的共同影响下,形成了丰富而独特的文化心理,在其词作中也得到了充分体现。

    Under the influence of traditional and contemporary cultures , the females formed a rich and typical cultural psychology and embodied it fully in the lyrics .

  22. 复原古代地理环境,结合环境变迁对环太湖流域新石器时代文化区域的变化原因进行探讨。

    To restitute archaic geographical entironment and make a discussion disc combined with the cause of the New Stone Age culture area variety by entironment vicissitude .

  23. 由于受时代文化习尚的复杂影响,西晋文士的人格往往呈现多面性的特点。

    Because of the cultural influence of that period , the personality of the men of letters of the early Jin dynasty often played to the score .

  24. 宋型文化不仅仅是一个简单的时代文化的符号,而且是一个具有新的文化特质的文化范型。

    The culture type of the Song Dynasty is not only a sign of mere age culture , but a new cultural type with new cultural features .

  25. 探讨了全球化时代文化趋势对人的生存及比较文学研究的冲击与启示。

    This group of essays mainly discusses impacts upon and messages to the human existence and comparative literary studies by the cultural trends in the time of globalization .

  26. 然囿于题材的特殊性以及特定时代文化语境的制约,有关近代狭邪小说的艺术探索,一直是小说史研究的相对薄弱环节。

    However constrained by the theme particularity as well as the specific linguistic environment , since continuously , the research on the modern Xia Xie novel is very weak .

  27. 摘要全球化时代文化发展主要特点是一系列的两极化倾向,同时也带来了诸如文化帝国主义、文化认同危机等问题。

    The cultural development in the era of worldwide globalization is characterized by a series of polarization , causing problems such as cultural imperialism and crisis of cultural identity .

  28. 本文力图通过对畅销书现状的分析,阐释畅销书背后的文化行为,审视大众文化的变迁,把握时代文化的发展脉络。

    Through analyze to best-sellers , this test hope to disclose a kind of culture behavior of best-sellers , examine changes of mass culture closely and catch Train of development .

  29. 她的成功与流行与时代文化背景、大众社会心理、传播方式等有着密不可分的关系,是特定条件下的特定现象。

    Her success and popularization , a special phenomenon under a special condition , are closely related with the cultural background of times , social psychology and methods of transmission .

  30. 其次回顾了马克思的世界历史理论,及世界历史理论与全球化的关系;全球化时代文化的现状和文化发展的合理模式。

    And retrospect the world history theory of Marxism and its relationship with globalization , also elaborate the status quo of culture globalization and the reasonable model of culture development .