
  1. 摘要旧村改造是城市化土地扩张的政策推进过程。

    " Remodeling old villages " is a process stimulated by the land expansion policy in urbanization .

  2. 赣中地区新农村建设中旧村改造研究

    Research on Former Village Reform under the Background of New Rural Construction in the Central Region of JiangXi

  3. 公共财政运作中的村民参与&以浙江省义乌市D村的旧村改造为例

    Villagers ' Participation in Public Finance Operation & A Case Study of D Village in Yiwu City , Zhejiang Province

  4. 兴东房产开发公司目前正在进行珠海市区内的江村旧村改造的开发工作。

    At present , Xingdong real estate development company undertook the development work of rebuilding old Jiang Village in downtown of zhuhai .

  5. 同时,旧村改造本身就是村庄治理关注的重要内容之一。

    At the same time , rebuilding of old village is one of the important contents concerned in the management of village .

  6. 新农村规划建设中权威主义与公众参与的思辨:以北京怀柔官地村旧村改造为例

    The Discussion of Authoritarianism and Public Participation in New Village Planning : Case Study of Guandi Village Renovation , Huairou , Beijing

  7. 在中国城市化快速发展当中,农村规划、旧村改造已成为当今共同关注的话题。

    With the fast development of Chinese urbanization , rural planning and the old villages rebuilding have become the focuses that we pay attention to .

  8. 从一定意义上说,旧村改造作为新农村建设举措之一,其运作状况直接影响着一个村庄治理的正常展开,以及获得怎样的治理绩效。

    In a sense , the rebuilding of old village and new rural construction has a direct impact on the operation of the normal village governance .

  9. 近年来,该村充分利用地理优势和交通优势,村庄发展步伐明显加快,群众对新村建设的呼声越来越高,开展旧村改造、新村建设已势在必行。

    In recent years , this village has made full use of the geographic advantage and trafficadvantage , and its development pace is becoming faster and faster .

  10. 第六章探讨了农村住宅户型设计和住宅节能设计。这两章将旧村改造研究落实到操作的层面上。

    In next chapter we discuss the design of countryside housing household and the design of housing energy conservation , which put the research into realistic use .

  11. 要在旧村改造工程中推行推行建筑节能,必须从外墙保温、门窗设计、屋顶保温这三个方面着手。

    The old village reformation engineering has to be designed in the outside wall heat preservation , doors and windows , the roof heat preservation these threes descend big time .

  12. 旧村改造是村庄治理的重要体现,村庄治理的完善很大程度上有赖于旧村改造的支撑。

    The rebuilding of old village is an important embodiment of village governance . The smooth operation of village governance depends on the successful rebuilding of old village in a large extent .

  13. 在第五章提出了旧村改造设计的对策,主要从旧村改造设计与村落空间规划的关系、旧村改造的原则、旧村改造设计三个方面展开。

    In the following chapter it presents planning ways to village reform in the central region of jiangxi mainly in four aspects : the relation between the design of former village reform and village space planning , reform and design principles .

  14. 实践证明,旧村改造是村民群众关心的焦点,也是最容易引起村民不满,诱发矛盾和对抗,导致村治失序的重要环节。

    It has been proved that , the rebuilding of old village is the focus issue which the villagers concerned about , and easily leads to dissatisfaction , induced conflicts and confrontation among the villagers , it is an important reason on village governance which runs out of order .