
  • Tourism Management;Travel Management;MTA
  1. GIS在乌鲁木齐旅游管理和开发中的应用

    The Application of Gis in Tourism Management and Development of Urumqi

  2. 欧美MBA案例教学法对我国旅游管理教学的启示

    An Enlightenment from MBA Case Teaching Method in Europe and America to China 's Tourism Management Teaching

  3. 文章阐述了用PowerBuilder开发旅游管理系统的设计方法与实现方案.并对其设计时的关键技术作了较为详细的分析。

    This article describes the design and implementation method of Tour Management System by PowerBuilder , and analyses the key technology in detail .

  4. 高职旅游管理专业课程体系的CBE改革探讨

    A Discussion on CBE Reform on the Development and Establishment of Curriculum System of Tourism Management Speciality in Higher Vocational Schools

  5. 本研究对旅游管理专业大学生进行了MBTI人格测验,并采用问卷调查与内隐联想测验(IAT)两种方式了解被试的专业认同状况。

    The authors conducted research on college students'personality types by means of MBTI . Using questionnaires and the Implicit Association Test ( IAT ), the present study investigated the students ' professional identification with their major of tourism administration .

  6. 实习在高校旅游管理专业具有重要地位。

    Internship occupies important position in the major of tourism management .

  7. 旅游管理专业建设若干问题思考

    Several Problems Regarding the Construction of the Major of Tourism Management

  8. 高职旅游管理专业培养计划研究

    Studying the Cultivation Plan for Tourism Specialty in Higher Vocational Colleges

  9. 旅游管理教育教学创新模式思考

    Reflection on the Innovative Patterns in the Teaching of Tourism Management

  10. 旅游管理实验教学中心创新性教学体系

    Study on the Innovation Teaching System of Tourism Management Experimental Center

  11. 面向21世纪旅游管理人才的培养

    How to Train Talented Persons of Tourism Management in the 21st Century

  12. 关于旅游管理专业双语教学的实践与思考

    Practicing and Thinking on Bilingual Teaching of Tourism Management Major

  13. 基于信息技术的旅游管理双主教学模式研究

    On Double Subjects Teaching Model in Tourism management Based on Information Technology

  14. 第四,对旅游管理专业的体验式教学模式进行了构建。

    Fourth , the building of experiential teaching mode in tourism management .

  15. 旅游管理专业实践环节实施效果分析

    An analysis of implementing effect on practical link of travelling management profession

  16. 基于跨专业整合的旅游管理专业人才培养模式分析

    Based on multi-disciplinary integration of tourism management professional training study

  17. 酒店旅游管理专业人才供需矛盾及对策

    Conflicts between Supply and Demand for Professional Hotel Tourist Management and Countermeasures

  18. 构建旅游管理专业创新实践教学模式

    Construction of Innovation Practice Teaching Model of Tourism Management Speciality

  19. 高职旅游管理专业体验式教学法探讨

    Discussions on Experiential Teaching Method for Tourism Management Major in Vocational Colleges

  20. 旅游管理本科专业酒店实习教学研究

    On Hotel Practice Training of Undergraduate Majors of Tourism Management

  21. 农林院校旅游管理专业建设的几点思考

    Construction of Tourism Management Profession in Agriculture and Forestry Colleges

  22. 旅游管理专业实验室建设初探

    Researches on the Construction of Professional Laboratories for Tourism Management

  23. 创新教育,是旅游管理专业人才培养的方向;

    The innovation education is the direction of talents cultivation of tourism management ;

  24. 旅游管理专业本科教学现状与改革思路

    The Present Undergraduate Teaching in Tourism Management and Reform

  25. 当前存在“国家公园论”与“经营权转移论”两种旅游管理模式论争。

    The issues of national park management and tourism management are very controversial .

  26. 旅游管理专业教学内容与课程改革初探

    An Inquiry into Reforming on the Teaching Content and Course of Tourism Management

  27. 基于社区的生态旅游管理研究

    Research on Community - based Eco - tourism Management

  28. 边境旅游管理部门也尽量为两国旅游合作提供便利。

    The border administration also tries to facilitate tourist cooperation of two countries .

  29. 提高旅游管理专业教学质量的思考

    Some Thoughts on Improving the Educational Quality of the Major of Tourist Management

  30. 旅游管理专业课程结构的系统分析与优化设计

    A Systematic Analysis Structural Optimization on the Curriculum of Tourism Management of Higher Education