
  1. 施蛰存心理现代小说的本土化及其成因

    Localization of SHI Zhe-cun 's Psychological Modern Novels and the Causes

  2. 施蛰存与晚明小品

    Shi Zhe Cun and Essays in the Late Ming Dynasty

  3. 廿世纪的代言人:贺施蛰存先生百岁寿辰

    A Spokesman of the Twentieth Century-Congratulations on Mr. SHI Zhe-cun 's Hundredth Birthday

  4. 在施蛰存的小说中,主要研究了情境反讽和模式反讽。

    Shi Zhecun 's novels mainly deal with situation irony and model irony .

  5. 施蛰存对外国独幕剧的翻译与出版及其现代意义

    SHI Zhe-cun 's Translation and Publication of Foreign One-act Plays and Its Modern Significance

  6. 施蛰存历史小说创作动机论

    Creative Motivation of SHI Zhe-Cun 's Historical Story

  7. 施蛰存的诗歌翻译及其对当代诗歌的影响

    On Shi Zhe-cun 's Execute Translation and His Impact of over the Present Age Poetry

  8. 论施蛰存内在的矛盾冲突

    Shi Zhe-cun 's Intrinsic Conflict of Contradiction

  9. 施蛰存内在个性的一个突出特征是他的自由心性。

    One outstanding feature of Professor SHI Zhe-cun 's innate character is his " free disposition " .

  10. 本文试图从流派形成理论和施蛰存小说文本入手,辨析施蛰存的流派归属。

    We can differentiate and analyze his tributary belongings from the tributary forming and his novel versions .

  11. 施蛰存小说创作从心理分析转向现实主义。

    Shizhecun 's novels have changed form psychology analysis to realism , which are expressed in several aspects .

  12. 穆时英、施蛰存是20年代末30年代初新感觉派小说的代表作家。

    Mu Shiying and Shi Zhecun were representative writers of the late1920s and early30s novels of the neo-perceptionalist school .

  13. 单纯将施蛰存和朴泰远归结为中韩两国现代主义文学的忠实实践者似乎有些牵强附会。

    It seems eisegesis to merely ascribe Shi Zhe-cun and Park Tae-won into faithful practicers of modernism literature in China and Korea .

  14. 然而施蛰存的现代意识也有自己的特色,那就是将新兴的西方现代主义理念融会到中国的传统文化当中。

    However , his modern thinking also has his own characteristics that he integrated new western modernism concept into traditional Chinese culture .

  15. 施蛰存是新感觉派的同路人,他独特的气质造就了文学上海独特的气息。

    Shi Zhe-cun is on the same way with New-sense School , his especial blood shaped the especial wind of Literature Shanghai .

  16. 把刘呐鸥和穆时英的创作称之为都市感觉小说,而将施蛰存的创作归于心理分析小说,这样也许更符合现代中国文学的基本史实,同时也更有利于文学史的一般描述。

    This differentiation more accord with the fact of modern Chinese literature history , and be more propitious to the description of literature history .

  17. 施蛰存是通过显尼志勒才了解弗洛伊德及其理论的,并用弗洛伊德的理论和显尼志勒所擅长的内心独白,将人物的性心理描写到极至。

    Shi Zhechun came to know Freud s theories through the works of Arthur Schitzler With Freud s theories and the inner monologue which .

  18. 施蛰存的小说创作从反叛到回归的路,是20世纪30年代现代主义小说实验的一个寓言。

    The road which from betray to return of Shi Zhecun ′ s novel creation is a fable of modernism novel experiment in 20th 20s .

  19. 在中国现代历史小说创作中,施蛰存以其心理分析小说独树一帜。

    In the creation of Chinese modern historical novels , Shi Zhecun developed a school of his own because of his novels of psychological analysis .

  20. 施蛰存和朴泰远曾主张文艺创作自由,他们所塑造的人物形象不会像左翼作家作品中的人物那样激进。

    Shi Zhe-cun and Park Tae-won both advocated free literary creation and the figures they portrayed were not as radical as figures portrayed by left-wing writers .

  21. 第一部分叙述了施蛰存文本中的个体自我所面临的一种表层的生存困境,即它们的自我在两种关系里被分裂,产生了两种自我的生存悖论。

    The whole thesis consists of three parts : The first part is emphasizing on the surface layer existent predicament of this ego in Shi 's novels .

  22. 施蛰存虽身为新感觉派的一员,但在文化取向和审美选择上有着特异之处。

    Although Shi Zhecun is one of the bodys which send for the new feeling , he has difference especially in the cultural orientation and the esthetic choice .

  23. 《朝花夕拾》是中国现代散文的经典之作,施蛰存先生甚至认为是鲁迅的最好作品。

    The Chinese modern prose " Zhao Hua Xi Shi " is the classic , even Mr Shi respectively said that was the best work of Lu Xun .

  24. 不管是从历史梦幻还是从现实都市生活中取材,施蛰存都以一种前所未有的现代感,致力于展现人物丰富的内心意识。

    No matter drawing from history story or the real life in metropolis , he committed to showing rich inner consciousness of the characters with an unprecedented contemporary feeling .

  25. 无论是表现都市分裂的人格,还是回望乡镇忧伤的往昔,或者审视历史人物的苦闷,施蛰存的小说创作都体现出鲜明的传统文化特征。

    Showing split personality , recalling the distressed past of home town , or observing carefully the distress of historical figures , most of Shi Zhecun 's novels showed distinctive trait .

  26. 另一方面,施蛰存提出的“现代情绪”说,在理论上为现代派诗歌的发展从内容到形式都指明了方向;

    On the other hand , Shi Zhecun presented the theory of Modern Emotion , which showed the way for the development of Modernist Poetry in theory from content to form .

  27. 本文通过文本细读,从小说的故事性出发对施蛰存的小说作一整体考察,以求获得新的认知。

    In this paper , read through the text of laws , starting from the novel of the story as a novel Shi overall inspection , in order to acquire new knowledge .

  28. 正是凭借这些化史为诗的新途径和新方式,施蛰存的历史小说成功拓展了历史小说的表现领域,并确立了在中国现代历史小说中不可替代的重要地位。

    By these new ways of making history into literature , the novels successfully expand the realm of the historical novel , and establish the important position in Chinese modern historical novel .

  29. 在1930年前后的历史小说创作热潮中,施蛰存以其独特的创作风貌迥异于鲁迅等作家。

    About 1930 , there was a creative upsurge of historical novels , in which ShI Zhe cun was utterly different from LU Xun and other authors by his unique style of creation .

  30. 本文梳理了早期福克纳研究及其在中国的情形,特别钩沉了学界多有忽视的施蛰存等先生的研究贡献。

    This thesis investigates the early Faulkner studies in the English world and China , rediscovering Shi Zhecun s study of Faulkner which has been overlooked for a long time in the academic community .