
xīn wén bù
  • Department of Public Information;DPI
  1. 联合国第二届中文日-中国名家书画展(纽约)联合国新闻部主办;

    Art and Calligraphy Exhibition by Chinese Masters at2nd Chinese Language Day , Department of Public Information , United Nations ;

  2. 为期一天的“网络仇恨”研讨会是由联合国新闻部主办的“学会宽容”系列活动之一。

    The seminar on cyber hate was the latest in an ongoing series on combating intolerance , organized by the UN Department of Public Information .

  3. 我们现在转换到新闻部宣布一则重要消息。

    We are now going over to the news desk for an important announcement .

  4. 请尽快拨打电话4143926通知我们的新闻部。

    Let our news desk know as quickly as possible on 414 3926

  5. 在新闻部员工中已经在转发一封电子邮件,呼吁大家自愿裁汰。

    An e-mail is already circulating amongst news staff calling for voluntary redundancies .

  6. 他在美国广播公司的新闻部工作——他是晚间15分钟新闻播报的主持人。

    He worked in the news division of ABC — he was the anchor of its 15-minute evening newscast .

  7. 2010年,联合国新闻部(现全球传播部)宣布启动联合国语言日(LanguageDays)。联合国语言日的倡议旨在庆贺多种语文的使用和文化多样性,并促进六种官方语言在联合国的平等使用。

    Language Days at the United Nations seek to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six official languages throughout the Organization .

  8. 一位五角大楼的官员告诉全国广播公司新闻部(NBCNews),这次袭击令人难堪,但并不代表安全威胁。

    A Pentagon official told NBC News that the attack was embarrassing but did not represent a security threat .

  9. 一旦新闻部收到这些文件,记者就可在VillalesFeuillantines,13avenuedelaPaix领取资格认证书。

    Once these documents have been received by DPI , journalists can collect their accreditation at the Villa les Feuillantines , 13 avenue de la Paix .

  10. 了解相关讨论的两名行业高管称,NBC高层告诉他,这个想法很荒谬,因为他是一名记者,不是笑星,而且还让他继续留在新闻部。

    They called the idea ridiculous , telling him that he was a journalist , not a comedian , and to stick to the news department , according to two industry executives with knowledge of the discussions .

  11. CBC新闻部主管兼主编McGuire在声明中称,“媒体将在今后几天里宣布节目的临时主持人。”

    McGuire , general manager and editor in chief of CBC News and Centres , said in the statement that the network would " be making announcements about the interim hosting of these programs in the next few days . "

  12. 审查新闻部目前活动工作队

    Task force to conduct an examination of DPI 's current activities

  13. 但是大厅的另一头就是新闻部。

    But right across the hall was the newsroom .

  14. 威廉姆斯的行动超越了新闻部,而且他也有雄心涉猎新闻主播之外的事务。

    Williams transcended the news division , and had ambitions beyond the anchor chair .

  15. 新闻部会打算怎么报这事?

    How 's the news division covering it ?

  16. 新闻部打电话来说要召开记者招待会。

    Publicity called to set up an interview .

  17. 我们的新闻部会发表言论的。

    Our press office will have a statement .

  18. 她投给了它们的初级新闻部。

    She submitted to their junior journalism section .

  19. 您已经打通了新闻部服务中心的电话。

    Youve reached The News Group Service Center .

  20. 新闻部可以拍我马匹。

    The news division can kiss me .

  21. 你要记住,新闻部就像一大块曲奇。

    See , you just gotta remember that the newsroom is like a big cookie .

  22. 贵报交流部吴芳女士说你们地方新闻部正扩大业务。

    Miss Wu Fang of your communications office mentioned that your local news department was expanding .

  23. 新闻部电子邮传系统

    DPI Electronic Mail System

  24. 新闻部无线电视觉司新闻热线在新闻媒体由高高在上向贴近老百姓的转变过程中发挥了重要作用。

    News hotline plays an important part in the turning of news media from the above to grass-root common people .

  25. 一项由纽约时报和哥伦比亚广播公司新闻部进行的民意调查发现,奥巴马的支持率是54%,领先于支持率仅为38%的克林顿。

    A New York Times / CBS News poll has Obama out in front by a margin of54 to38 percent .

  26. 香港广播电台设立新闻部(在此以前,新闻简报由政府新闻处提供)。

    RHK set up its own newsroom ( prior to that , news bulletins were prepared by the Government Information Services ) .

  27. 正在经济和社会事务部和新闻部的积极参与下拟定宣传计划。

    The communications plan is being developed with the active participation of the Departments of Economic and Social Affairs and Public Information .

  28. 一位来自哥伦比亚广播公司新闻部的客座教授听过我的录音带后,把我拉到一边,令我完全不敢相信的是,

    A visiting professor from CBS News , after hearing my voice on tape , pulled me aside , and to my utter disbelief ,

  29. 但是昨天独立电视公司新闻部与保尔•钱德勒对话时,他听起来紧张得多。他好像在故意拖慢说话速度。

    ITV News spoke to Paul Chandler yesterday but in a call he sounded much more strained and he seemed to be speaking deliberately slowly .

  30. 但是让我来的人是我的好友、波士顿大学杰出毕业生安迪·莱克,现在是美国全国广播公司新闻部和微软全国广播公司的新任总裁。

    But the person asking me was my dear friend and illustrious BU grad Andy Lack , the new chairman of NBC news and MSNBC .