
  1. 新药技术转让注册申请获得批准的,应当在《新药证书》原件上标注已批准技术转让的相关信息后予以返还;

    In case the new drug technology transfer is approved , the original copy of the new drug certificate shall be returned with added information of the transfer .

  2. 提出确定新药技术转让价格主要由新药研发成本、新药转让成本、新药预期收益、新药机会成本与利润五个部分构成;

    At same time the study points out that the price of new drug transfer is formed by five elements : the cost of new drug research , cost of new drug convey , new drug expected income , the opportunity cost and profit .

  3. 对现有的技术资产评估模型进行了比较分析,构建了新药价值评估的新模型,为新药技术转让定价提供了经济学依据和可资参考的解决办法。

    After comparing with the existing models of evaluation of technological capitals , the study conceives a new model , providing economics scrip and referenced resolvent for fixing new drug transfer price .