
Great Contribution of Different Nationalities in Xinjiang to the History of China
People of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are members of our Chinese family .
The spokesperson says all residents in Xinjiang enjoy their rights , including the right to subsistence and development .
Tomato processing plant and processing has become the people of all nationalities in Xinjiang increased income , poverty of the important economic pillars .
As the economy and various social undertakings improve , the living standard of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang is improving year by year .
The people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang greeted the founding of the People 's Republic of China together with the rest of the Chinese people on October 1 , 1949 .
The people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have created a long-standing , varied and colorful traditional culture , making a unique contribution to the cultural development of the Chinese nation .
The people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang actively safeguarded their relations with the central governments , thus making their own contributions to the formation and consolidation of the great family of the Chinese nation .
As the living land of people of all nationalities in Xinjiang , the Oasis faces its serious problem , the sharp contradiction between humankind and nature along with the increasing population and the development of social economy .
It is the common wish of the people of all the ethnic groups in Xinjiang , as well as the strategic plan of the central government , to speed up Xinjiang 's development .