
Tourism flow shows Linxia is a transiting and terminal destination .
The third part is the main factors analysis .
Does New Hampshire want the pride back ?
On this basis , this paper carried on the performance evaluation to the poverty alleviation and development of Linxia state .
I should add that I have done a lot of this smoking in New Hampshire , where there are no laws at all .
It has practical value to make a deep analysis of problems and resources advantages , take timely corresponding measures to promote its economic development .
By analyzing LinXia happiness index and its internal relations , draw conclusions , explain to enhance the happiness index Linxia residents still want to increase revenue , improve the level of education as a core tool .
In recent years , with the nature of poverty by universal poverty gradually into particular poverty , although the poverty alleviation of Linxia state has achieved great achievements , rural poverty situation and anti-poverty task is still severe and arduous .
Through the analysis of the present situation Linxia state rural poverty , this research suggests that the obvious contradiction between human and land is the key cause leading Linxia state rural poverty situation to severe , and also is the most distinguished situation of Linxia state .
But then take a state such as Arizona , which does not observe Daylight Saving Time .