
  1. 临夏旅游流研究表明,临夏是一个过境型和终点型的旅游目的地,临夏州旅游者内部旅游比例很高。

    Tourism flow shows Linxia is a transiting and terminal destination .

  2. 第三部分是影响临夏州经济发展模式的主要因素分析。

    The third part is the main factors analysis .

  3. 新罕布夏州想重得骄傲吗?

    Does New Hampshire want the pride back ?

  4. 在此基础上,本文又对当前临夏州的扶贫开发情况进行了绩效评价。

    On this basis , this paper carried on the performance evaluation to the poverty alleviation and development of Linxia state .

  5. 应该补充,我在新罕布夏州曾抽过很多烟,那里根本没有法律。

    I should add that I have done a lot of this smoking in New Hampshire , where there are no laws at all .

  6. 深入分析临夏州经济发展中存在的问题及资源优势,并采取有效措施促进其经济快速发展,对全面实现小康目标具有重要现实意义。

    It has practical value to make a deep analysis of problems and resources advantages , take timely corresponding measures to promote its economic development .

  7. 通过分析临夏州各年幸福指数及其内部关系,得出相关结论,说明要提升临夏州居民幸福指数依然要把增加收入、提高教育水平作为核心手段。

    By analyzing LinXia happiness index and its internal relations , draw conclusions , explain to enhance the happiness index Linxia residents still want to increase revenue , improve the level of education as a core tool .

  8. 近年来,虽然临夏州的扶贫开发取得了一定的成效,但是随着贫困的性质由过去的普遍性贫困逐渐转变为特殊性贫困,农村贫困形势以及反贫困的任务仍然十分严峻和艰巨。

    In recent years , with the nature of poverty by universal poverty gradually into particular poverty , although the poverty alleviation of Linxia state has achieved great achievements , rural poverty situation and anti-poverty task is still severe and arduous .

  9. 通过对临夏州农村贫困现状的分析,本研究认为人地矛盾突出是临夏州农村贫困形势异常严峻的关键性致因,是临夏州最大的州情。

    Through the analysis of the present situation Linxia state rural poverty , this research suggests that the obvious contradiction between human and land is the key cause leading Linxia state rural poverty situation to severe , and also is the most distinguished situation of Linxia state .

  10. 不过,看看亚利桑那州这类不实行夏令时的州吧。

    But then take a state such as Arizona , which does not observe Daylight Saving Time .