
  • 网络Tel Hazor;Hazor;Jabin;Tell el-Qedah
  1. 素来夏琐在这诸国中是为首的。

    ( Hazor had been the head of all these kingdoms . )

  2. 耶和华就把他们付与在夏琐作王的迦南王耶宾手中。

    So the LORD sold them into the hands of Jabin , a king of Canaan , who reigned in Hazor .

  3. 至于造在山冈上的城,除了夏琐以外,以色列人都没有焚烧。约书亚只将夏琐焚烧了。

    As for the towns made on hills of earth , not one was burned by Israel but hazor , which was burned by joshua .

  4. 夏琐王耶宾听见这事,就打发人去见玛顿王约巴,伸仑王,押煞王

    When Jabin king of Hazor heard of this , he sent word to Jobab king of Madon , to the kings of Shimron and Acshaph

  5. 当时约书亚转回夺了夏琐、用刀击杀夏琐王。素来夏琐在这诸国中是为首的。

    At that time , Joshua went on to take Hazor and put its king to the sword : for in earlier times Hazor was the chief of all those kingdoms .

  6. 耶和华就把他们付与在夏琐作王的迦南王耶宾手中。他的将军是西西拉、住在外邦人的夏罗设。

    And the Lord sold them into the hand of Jabin king of canaan , that reigned in hazor ; the captain of whose host was sisera , which dwelt in harosheth of the gentiles .

  7. 所罗门王挑取服苦的人,是为建造耶和华的殿,自己的宫,米罗,耶路撒冷的城墙,夏琐,米吉多,并基色。

    Here is the account of the forced labor King Solomon conscripted to build the Lord 's temple , his own palace , the supporting terraces , the wall of Jerusalem , and Hazor , Megiddo and Gezer .

  8. 耶和华说,夏琐的居民哪,要逃奔远方,住在深密处。因为巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒设计谋害你们,起意攻击你们。

    Flee , get you far off , dwell deep , O ye inhabitants of Hazor , saith the LORD ; for Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath taken counsel against you , and hath conceived a purpose against you .

  9. 他们却忘记耶和华他们的神,他就把他们付与夏琐将军西西拉的手里,和非利士人并摩押王的手里。于是这些人常来攻击他们。

    But they forgot the LORD their God ; so he sold them into the hand of Sisera , the commander of the army of Hazor , and into the hands of the Philistines and the king of Moab , who fought against them .