
  1. 影响的焦虑&大众文化与新生代作家

    Anxiety of Infection & Public Literature and New-born Writer 's Writing

  2. 30年:新生代作家的存在及其意义

    Thirty Years : the Existence and Significance of the Authors in New Generation

  3. 历史记忆·始源想象·身份建构&马华新生代作家的历史书写及属性意识

    History Recall , Source Imagination and Status Identification

  4. 行走于边缘的欲望化叙事&新生代作家小说创作评析

    Desiring Narration on Margin & Comments on " Cenozoic " Novelists ' Creative Writing

  5. 新生代作家与古典诗词

    The New-generation Writers and Classical Poetry

  6. 新生代作家已经成为90年代文坛上的中坚力量。

    The new generation writers already became the main force in the literary circles in 1990s .

  7. 新生代作家软的特征十分明显,他们革新了科幻小说的叙述模式。

    The feature of The Soft is quite obvious , they innovated a new narrative mode .

  8. 这一深刻的变化已经投射到了新生代作家的创作之中,生活政治已经成为他们关注的热点。

    This profound change has emerged in Cainozoic Era works , and life politics has become their focus .

  9. 新生代作家毕飞宇因自己鲜明的创作个性而受到文坛关注。

    Cenozoic writer Bi Feiyu attracts wide attention of the literary world because of his distinct creation individuality .

  10. 新生代作家创作成就的取得,与其中很多作家的体制外创作身份是分不开的。

    The accomplishments achieved by the newly-emerging writers in their creation cannot be separated from their identity as non system-enrolled writers .

  11. 依靠个体经验的个人化叙事&论新生代作家小说的叙事模式

    The Individual Narration Depending on Individual Experience & A Discussion on the Narration Pattern of the Novel by the Cenozoic Writer

  12. 但是市场机制和既存的文学体制,也是新生代作家自由书写所面临的困境。

    However , the market system and the existent literary system also make a predicament for the free writing of those newly-emerging writers .

  13. 都市独特的景观与特有的厌世态度导致了新生代作家笔下出现了异化的人和边缘人。

    The metropolis unique spectacle and the unique pessimistic manner caused the new generation writer writing to present the disassimilation person and the edge person .

  14. 对马华新生代作家的创作进行概述,对后殖民理论的发展流变,相关理论的研究成果做一个总体的梳理。

    It will summarize the works of Malaysian Chinese writers of new generation and make a general collation of the development of the post-colonial theory and other relevant theories .

  15. 谭恩美是美国华裔新生代作家的代表人物之一,她的作品被多位学者认为是探索中美文化关系的一个范本。

    Amy Tan is one of the delegates in Chinese American Cenozoic writers , whose writing is regarded as a paradigm to explore the connection between Chinese culture and American culture .

  16. 在上个世纪90年代的文学景观中,新生代作家以个人化写作的叙事方式,表现他们对于小说与存在关系的理解。

    The cenozoic writer manifested their understanding about the relation of the novel and " existence " by the narration manner of the individual writing in the literature sight in 1990s .

  17. 新写实小说、新生代作家、女性写作,以及其他小说创作的不同努力,构成了90年代小说的多元格局,使20世纪末的自由写作成为可能,文学的多元自由发展在一定程度上得以实现。

    The efforts of the " New Realistic " fiction , the newly generation writers , female composers and other fiction creation form the plural structure of the fictions of the 90 's.

  18. 随着马华新生代作家登上历史舞台,成为马华文坛的弄潮儿,他们的创作也得到了越来越多的关注。

    With the Malaysian Chinese writers of new generation stepping onto the historical stage and becoming the advancers of the Malaysian Chinese Literature world , their works arouse more and more attentions from the public .

  19. 本文在既有研究成果的基础上,力图将马华新生代作家的创作放置在后殖民这个错综复杂的大背景下,揭示其丰富的文化内涵。

    The thesis strives to reveal the rich cultural connotation of the works of Malaysian Chinese writers of new generation by placing them under the complex background of post-colonial on the basic of the existing study achievements .

  20. 中国的新生代作家邱华栋及被称作日本都市文学派代表的作家村上春树在创作中均能紧扣城市与人的主题来探讨现代化都市中人的存在意识、生存体验与心理感受。

    Qiu Hua dong and Murakami Haruki both can center on the subject concerning the relationship between city and human to probe into consciousness of existence , living experiences and psychology of urban people in their writing .

  21. 其次,结合马来西亚的社会历史背景,分析族群政治的发展演变,对于新生代作家创作所产生的影响。

    Second , it will analysis the influences that the developments and the transformation of " Ethnic politics " bring to the works of Malaysian Chinese writers of new generation under the social history background of Malaysia .

  22. 随着消费时代的来临,现代化的都市在武汉新生代作家笔下,更多呈现出一种无名同质的状态,城市个性文化逐渐丧失。

    With the forthcoming of consumption age , this modernized metropolis often appears as an unknown and homogeneous city in the works of the writers in the new era , who realize the characteristic culture of this city is gradually fading away .

  23. 新生代作家很少从正面描述融汇之爱,而往往从反面论证它的合理性:无论是对主体间性的忽视,还是蔑视爱欲的倾向,他们都给予了有力的批判。

    The Cainozoic Era writers seldom describe confluent love directly , but they often prove its rationality from the reverse side . Whether is it negligence of the sex between main parts , or tendency to despise eroticism , they all criticize it severely .

  24. 作为最早一批伴随着网络发展而蹿红的新生代作家,安妮宝贝自1998年开始在网络发表小说起,其作品便因风格独特而引起广泛的关注和争议。

    As the first group writers who became famous along with the network , Anne Baby and her works had caused lots of concern and controversy because of her unique style , since she began to publish her first novel on the Internet in 1998 .

  25. 新生代女作家创作谈

    A New Generation of Women Writers

  26. 世俗情欲的浪漫升华&新生代女作家的诗化小说论

    A Romantic Distillation of the Secular Lust : A Comment on the Poetic Novels of the New Generation Writers

  27. 二十世纪的世界汉语散文,已在新生代散文作家身上结出丰硕果实。

    The Chinese essay in the 20th century have borne innumerable fruits with the practice of the writers who experiment this new style .

  28. 20世纪90年代新生代女作家多写个人生活与自我生存体验,企图以此对抗男性社会,建构起与众不同的女性话语空间。

    In the 1990s , female writers of the new generation usually write individual life and life experiences to fight against the male society and build up a special space for female language .

  29. 被评论界归为新生代的作家毕飞宇,早期受先锋写作的影响,在1993年到1994年过足了先锋瘾。

    Classified as a writer of the new generation by the critics , he was impacted by the early Pioneer writing style , and had experienced enough during the years from 1993 to 1994 .

  30. 论文以蒙古族新生代女作家小说为研究对象,她们于上世纪九十年代开始被文坛关注,进入新世纪后成为蒙古族小说界的中坚力量。

    The Paper mainly studied the Mongolian new generation of women writers , they started in the nineties of last century literary concerns , into the new century to become the backbone of the Mongolian Novels sector .