
  • 网络New Opera
  1. Whatafantasticgoal!这球进得多漂亮!你听过他的新歌剧吗?

    Have you heard his new opera ?

  2. 上演一部新歌剧的计划正在酝酿之中。

    Plans are afoot to stage a new opera .

  3. 这批新歌剧大致有三个创作道路。

    This batch of modern song dramas have three creation paths approximately .

  4. 这新歌剧每天都吸引许多听众。

    The new play is fetching large audience every night .

  5. 并对他在新歌剧创作方面的学术主张进行总结。

    And his summary of academic advocate of the creation of the new opera .

  6. 引言:简要说明戏曲、新歌剧的联系与区别,引出我国歌剧发展方向上的两条道路。

    Two different artistic styles in the development of opera in China are also introduced .

  7. 第三中国歌剧的全面发展,本章节主要论述了中国歌剧自1957年新歌剧讨论会召开后到50年代末60年代中期,开始呈现出前所未有的繁荣兴盛局面。

    This chapter mainly explains the development condition of Chinese opera in 12 years , from to 1957 " The new opera colloquium " .

  8. 此后在新歌剧发展过程中逐渐呈现出两条不同艺术风格的道路,并且随着时代的发展产生明显的不均衡性。

    Two different artistic styles have gradually been formed with the development of new opera , and obvious imbalance occurred between them as the progress of age .

  9. 中国歌剧创作经过了长期艰苦摸索之后,从秧歌剧运动开始,并在建国前形成了自己的民族新歌剧。

    Chinese opera creations through long-term hardship after grope for , from the Yangge opera sport start , and before found a nation became own race new opera .

  10. 第一章:概述新歌剧的发展历程,通过歌剧发展的过程和现象说明同一个方向上两条不同发展道路以及发展中的不均衡性。

    Chapter One : This chapter describes the evolution of new opera , and illustrates the two different artistic styles and their imbalance in development with the exemplification of the development of operas .

  11. 同时期五、六十年代又陆续创作和编演了大量新歌剧、新民歌,开创了民族声乐百花齐放、百家争鸣的局面,涌现了以郭兰英、王昆等人为代表的一代民族歌唱家。

    A large number of new operas , new folk songs successively in the fifties and sixties of corresponding period were created and compiled and performed , it opens a situation of " lets a hundred flowers blossom , lets a hundred schools contend " in the national vocal music .

  12. 日本东京新国家歌剧院(NNT歌剧院)容座1810,容积14500m3,(大幕开启时的)满场混响时间1.5s。

    The New National Theatre opera house ( NNT opera house ) seats 1810 , its volume is 14500 m3 , and its reverberation time , with audience , is 1.5 s ( proscenium curtain open ) .

  13. 今年我们要接待新苏塞克斯歌剧团。

    This year we 're playing host to the new Sussex opera .

  14. 东京新国家歌剧院的声学设计

    Acoustical design of the opera house of the New National Theatre , Tokyo , Japan

  15. 奥芬巴赫是著名的轻歌剧大师,他开创了轻歌剧这样一个幽默通俗、独具特色的新的歌剧形式。

    Offenbach is a famous operetta master , and was the creator of operetta , a humorous , conventional , and unique entertaining means .

  16. 7月26日,他的最新作品中国歌剧《凤仪亭》(FengYiTing)将亮相林肯中心艺术节(LincolnCenterFestival)。

    On July 26 his latest project , the Chinese opera ' Feng Yi TIng , ' will open at the Lincoln Center Festival .

  17. 美国新时期原创歌剧繁荣原因之探究

    Exploring the Reasons of American Opera ′ s Prosperity in Recent Period

  18. 大都会歌剧院的总经理彼得·盖尔布(PeterGelb)在采访中透露了上述想法。他即将开始第十季对该剧院的掌管。他说,他将把重点转向吸引新观众,为歌剧院筹集急需的资金。剧院此前的上座率不够理想。

    These ideas , disclosed by Peter Gelb , the Met 's general manager , in an interview as he prepared to begin his 10th season at the helm of the company , suggest a renewed focus on drawing new audiences and raising desperately needed money for the opera , where attendance has struggled .

  19. 一些人认为我们是傻瓜,因为我们是新来的。歌剧院里根本就没有幽灵!”

    Somebody thinks we are fools , because we are new here.There are no ghosts in the Opera House ! '

  20. 一部好的音乐片集新戏剧、新歌剧和新歌舞剧于一体。

    A good musical is a new play , a new opera and a new ballet all rolled into one .

  21. 这个版将看到蒙特利尔服务作为东道国,以最优秀的世界新一代的歌剧歌手。

    This edition will see Montreal serve as host to the finest of the world 's new generation of opera singers .

  22. 《原野》、《张骞》、《苍原》可视为新时期严肃大歌剧创作的高峰。

    Open Country , Zhang Qian and Cang Yuan can be viewed as peaks of creative attainment in the field of serious grand opera in the new era .

  23. 我国的民族声乐艺术主要包括传统的戏曲演唱、曲艺说唱和民间的民歌演唱三大类,其中也包括新民歌、新歌剧的演唱和西洋唱法民族化的演唱等。

    The Chinese national vocality include the drama singing , the speaking and singing music , the folk song , and it also include the new folk song , the singing of new drama , the Chinese singing of occident singing method .