- 网络new media advertising

One sector experiencing growth in new media advertising is the luxury products and services industry .
First of all , this was reflected in a new media advertising revenue growth on the compound .
Secondly , it shows the advantages of utilizing new medium in commercial advertising , through analyzing the differences between traditional advertising and the one using new medium .
In addition , offer relevant proposals to the new media advertising employees how to deal with the relationship between advertising design and market , culture , consumer psychological need .
The new media advertising is a specific form of new media communication , and application of national culture in advertising would be changed , and entered into a new level .
Outdoor media advertising in order to maintain the healthy development should not be satisfied with only the application of new technologies as well as outdoor resources occupied , but should pay more attention to the study of outdoor advertising overall creative strategy .
The cognitive blind spots where the WEB advertisement of new media is concerned
The New 4 Conceptions of AD Movement in New Media Era
The Next Step of Ad Corporations in the New Medium Era
Only by satisfy the clients ' needs can a brand use new digital advertisement model to make promotion .
From traditional advertisements in newspapers and television , to advertising with leaflets on the street and to advertisements all over the new media Internet : different forms of advertising convey a variety of information through all kinds of media .
Brand Communication , Trend of Ad in the New Media Background
The New Medium Times Advertising Design Educational Reform Studies
We think that advertising narrative focus on the rational rhetoric in the print era , sensory viewing in the electronic age , and recipients experience under the new media times .
The article believed that micro film advertisement can come to the fore in that it is formed in the interaction platform of the new media and advertising creative innovative environment , and this is a meaningful attempt and breakthrough for admen .
First Sight on the New AD Era with New Media
Innovation of AD Agent Mode under New Media Trend
In New Media Era , New AD Movement
Ad Strategy in New Media Environment
According to the needs of the audience , new media constantly emerging , advertising visual language pervasive , all kinds of advertising filled with people eyeball .
The new forms of advertising , " Advertising of new media drama ," first appeared in the Sunny Day which was sponsored by the American coffee chain Starbucks in November 2007 .
Thus , the cases the combination to study the practical feasibility of the creative impact of new media public service advertising and new media public service advertising to become the main focus of my current research .
Highlights changes in the advertising industry with the development of digital and communicative technologies . In the changing ecology of advertising industry , different forms of new media have become the engine of the advertising industry .