
  • 网络new media advertising
  1. 新媒体广告有所增加的行业即奢侈品和服务业。

    One sector experiencing growth in new media advertising is the luxury products and services industry .

  2. 这首先体现在新媒体广告收入的复合增长上。

    First of all , this was reflected in a new media advertising revenue growth on the compound .

  3. 其次,通过分析新媒体广告与传统媒体广告之间的区别,指出商业广告的新媒体利用优势。

    Secondly , it shows the advantages of utilizing new medium in commercial advertising , through analyzing the differences between traditional advertising and the one using new medium .

  4. 此外,对新媒体广告从业人员应该如何处理广告设计与市场、文化、消费者心理需求之间的关系提出了相关建议。

    In addition , offer relevant proposals to the new media advertising employees how to deal with the relationship between advertising design and market , culture , consumer psychological need .

  5. 新媒体广告,是新媒体传播方式下的一种具体形式,而民族文化在广告中的运用,也将随之改变其原有的意识形态,进入一个新的层面。

    The new media advertising is a specific form of new media communication , and application of national culture in advertising would be changed , and entered into a new level .

  6. 户外新媒体广告要想保持良性的发展,不应仅满足于对新技术的应用以及对户外资源的占用,而是应该更加注重对户外广告整体创意策略进行研究。

    Outdoor media advertising in order to maintain the healthy development should not be satisfied with only the application of new technologies as well as outdoor resources occupied , but should pay more attention to the study of outdoor advertising overall creative strategy .

  7. 论新媒体WEB广告的认识盲点

    The cognitive blind spots where the WEB advertisement of new media is concerned

  8. 新媒体时代广告运动的四个新观念

    The New 4 Conceptions of AD Movement in New Media Era

  9. 新媒体时代广告公司的下一步

    The Next Step of Ad Corporations in the New Medium Era

  10. 才能更好的使用新媒体数字广告这一推广模式宣传自己的品牌。

    Only by satisfy the clients ' needs can a brand use new digital advertisement model to make promotion .

  11. 从传统的报刊、电视中的广告,街头巷尾散发的传单广告,到遍布网络这种新媒体的广告:不同的广告形式通过不同的媒介传递着各种各样的信息。

    From traditional advertisements in newspapers and television , to advertising with leaflets on the street and to advertisements all over the new media Internet : different forms of advertising convey a variety of information through all kinds of media .

  12. 品牌传播:新媒体环境下广告内涵演进的取向

    Brand Communication , Trend of Ad in the New Media Background

  13. 新媒体时代的广告设计教学改革研究

    The New Medium Times Advertising Design Educational Reform Studies

  14. 在印刷时代,广告叙事注重理性说辞;在电子媒介时代,广告叙事注重感官观赏;而发展到新媒体阶段,广告叙事注重受者体验。

    We think that advertising narrative focus on the rational rhetoric in the print era , sensory viewing in the electronic age , and recipients experience under the new media times .

  15. 文章分析认为,微电影广告能够众多广告中脱颖而出,是在新媒体平台和广告创意不断创新的大环境共同作用下形成的,这是广告创意人进行的一次有意义的尝试和突破。

    The article believed that micro film advertisement can come to the fore in that it is formed in the interaction platform of the new media and advertising creative innovative environment , and this is a meaningful attempt and breakthrough for admen .

  16. 初看新媒体下的新广告时代

    First Sight on the New AD Era with New Media

  17. 新的媒体趋势下广告代理模式创新

    Innovation of AD Agent Mode under New Media Trend

  18. 新媒体时代,新广告运动

    In New Media Era , New AD Movement

  19. 新媒体环境下的广告策略

    Ad Strategy in New Media Environment

  20. 根据受众的需求,新媒体不断涌现,广告视觉语言无孔不入,各种广告填满了人们眼球。

    According to the needs of the audience , new media constantly emerging , advertising visual language pervasive , all kinds of advertising filled with people eyeball .

  21. 广告新媒体剧这种新型广告形式最早出现于2007年11月份由美国全球咖啡连锁店星巴克独家赞助的《晴天日记》。

    The new forms of advertising , " Advertising of new media drama ," first appeared in the Sunny Day which was sponsored by the American coffee chain Starbucks in November 2007 .

  22. 因此,与案例相结合,研究新媒体传播对公益广告的创意影响以及新媒体公益广告的现实可行性成为我此次课题研究的重点内容。

    Thus , the cases the combination to study the practical feasibility of the creative impact of new media public service advertising and new media public service advertising to become the main focus of my current research .

  23. 数字、通讯技术的发展促使广告产业生态的巨变,形态各异的新媒介不断涌现的同时,新媒体广告成为广告业发展的引擎。

    Highlights changes in the advertising industry with the development of digital and communicative technologies . In the changing ecology of advertising industry , different forms of new media have become the engine of the advertising industry .