
  1. 我已经申请了一个新兴艺术的职位。

    I have applied for this grant for emerging artists .

  2. 传统与现代相结合的新兴艺术&中国漆画浅析

    A New Art Form Combing Tradition with Modernity & Chinese Lacquer Painting

  3. 第一,摄影和电影等新兴艺术借助技术手段能够更逼真的再现现实,与现实物更为相似。

    First , photography and other emerging art with the technical means should be more similar to the reality .

  4. 雅乐轩俄克拉荷马城酒店将坐落于俄克拉荷马城的新兴艺术与娱乐地区&布雷克小镇。

    Aloft Oklahoma City Downtown-Bricktown will be located in Bricktown , the city 's revitalized arts and entertainment district .

  5. 中国舞剧这门新兴艺术的真正发展是在中华人民共和国成立以后。

    Dance drama , a new art form in China , rapidly developed after the founding of the People 's Republic of China .

  6. 20世纪60年代之后,在新兴艺术形式和后现代理论的冲击下,美学开始了后现代转向,在诸多方面产生了决定性断裂。

    After 1960s , aesthetics turns to post-modern and appears conclusive rupture by the impact of burgeoning forms of art and post-modern theory .

  7. 随着后印象派、立体主义等新兴艺术流派的出现,再现性的艺术作品失去了市场,从而引发了一场现代艺术的革命。

    With the emergence of Post-impressionism , Cubism and other new art schools , Representationalist artistic works have been out of the market , which triggers a modern art revolution .

  8. 像动画这样一个新兴艺术门类,如果丢掉了传统,就丧失了其艺术的根;如果没有创新,就失去了其艺术的魂。

    A new category of art likes animation , if it loses the tradition , it loses its artistic root ; if there is no innovation , it loses its artistic soul .

  9. 漆画是绘画与工艺两者和谐结合的绘画种类,是借鉴传统髹漆工艺技法与现代科学、现代艺术、现代材料、现代工艺相结合的新兴艺术。

    Lacquer is a type of painting that harmoniously combine art and craft , and is also the new art which learning from traditional painting technique with modern science , modern art , modern materials , modern technology .

  10. 重庆中心城区人才现状及对周边辐射对策综上所述,现代视听媒体动画是一种富含表现性、文化性,更具传播优势的新兴艺术表现形式,它周边辐射范围广泛,涵盖内容丰富。

    The Current State of Talents in Chongqing 's Downtown Area and Strategies to the Talents Radiation in Chongqing 's Adjoining Rural Region In summary , modern video-audio animation is a new form of art full of expression and culture elements .

  11. 二维动画和中国传统文化、传统艺术有着很多相通的地方,尽管动画是现代科技的产物,属于新兴艺术的一种,而传统民族文化则渊远流长,博大精深。

    There are many things in common in two-dimensional animation , traditional Chinese culture , and traditional arts . Animation is a product of modern science and technology and new art form ; traditional culture and art is a long , extensive and profound .

  12. 中国电视剧走着一条与国外不同的发展道路,在其短短几十年的发展历程中,已形成了自己一些独特的艺术品格,成长为一门新兴艺术。

    Chinese TV play follows a very different way of development rather than those of foreign ones . It has already formed some of its own unique artistic styles , and grew up to be an independent and burgeoning art in a short period of no more than 50 years .

  13. 极具生命力的中国新兴版画艺术

    On the Vitality of New and Developing Engraving Art in China

  14. 新兴网络艺术的审美特征与社会意义

    Aesthetic Features and Social Significance of Rising Cyber-Art

  15. 本文从以下三个层面,对网络诗歌这一新兴的艺术形态作了全方位的观照和研究。

    This text will analyze and study the network poem from three following respects .

  16. 数字绘画作为一种新兴的艺术门类,发展十分迅速。

    Content : The digital drawing is one kind of new artistic class , the development is very quickly .

  17. 作为设计艺术的一个分支,材料设计以其亲近感、质地感和强烈的视觉冲击力,成为当代新兴的艺术创作领域。

    As a design arts , material design is popular today for its intimation , quality and visual shock .

  18. 网络音乐作为新兴的艺术形式,是科技时代的产物,也是人们审美文化的产物。

    As a newly emerging art , online music is the product of technologies as well as aesthetic culture .

  19. 不管是德国新兴的艺术中心,还是加勒比海静静的沙滩,他们正在改变着人们的旅行路线。

    These are the places changing the travel map , whether it 's an emerging arts hub in Germany or a quiet stretch of sand in the Caribbean .

  20. 本文将图像学理论延展至视觉文化领域新兴的艺术形式,把网络游戏当做一个整体图像来分析。

    This paper will expand the iconology theory to the burgeoning art form of the visual culture field , making the online game as a whole image to analysis .

  21. 探讨了一种新兴的艺术形式&金属焊接艺术,它是在金属艺术创作中主要使用焊接(切割)技术,并且主要通过金属在焊接(切割)过程中发生的变化而形成的独特的艺术语言。

    The paper discusses a new type of art form-metal welding art . It is the particular art language that is formed in metal welding ( cutting ) process .

  22. 随着艺术教育的蓬勃发展和素质教育改革的深入,艺术工作室在新兴的艺术教学模式中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    With the developing of art education and quality-oriented education in the China , workroom plays more and more important role in the new teaching mode of the art .

  23. 作为一种新兴的艺术形式及传播媒介,电子游戏在表达和传播理念、哲学思想、文化等方面起着重要的作用。

    As a new form of art and a rising medium , it plays an important role in expressing and spreading ideas , philosophy , culture and so forth .

  24. 也许您未曾听说过光影涂鸦,它是一种风靡全球的现代化新兴涂鸦艺术,可以街道为画布,透过光创作出奇妙的画作。

    If you haven 't heard , light painting is an evolution of graffiti , an emerging global movement that takes the street as its canvas and paints it with light .

  25. 虽然,现代陶艺是一门新兴的艺术,发展时间不长,但在现代艺术与生活中的重要性却逐渐的突显出来。

    Although modern ceramics is a new art , the time of development is not long , but the importance in the modern art and life has gradually become more prominent .

  26. 历史于电子时代的今天究竟如何出场,她的身份又该怎样定位,这是我们在研究电视剧这一新兴的艺术门类时不应忽视的一个重要命题。

    We should pay attention to the very important topics when we study TV plays which are that how the history steps in the advanced electronic times and how to position its identity .

  27. 电影是一种新兴的艺术形式,传入中国百年有余。

    Film making is a rather new form of art . It has been popularized in China for a few decades . Since the making of the very first Chinese film , till now , it benefited the nation of China in many ways .

  28. 新兴的艺术人类学、都市人类学、环境人类学、文学人类学、审美人类学等人类学分支学科都与现代社会生活和现代人的思想情感相联系,对当代的人类学和美学研究具有重要的启迪作用。

    New Art Anthropology , Urban Anthropology , Environmental Anthropology , Anthropology of Literature , Aesthetics and Anthropology all branches of anthropology and modern social life and thoughts , and feelings associated with the modern , anthropological and aesthetic of contemporary research has important Inspiration .

  29. 通过分析现代平面设计中运用软件设计的特点,提出了我们应该正确认识电脑平面设计作品不仅是体现一种科学技术,而是体现一种新兴的艺术现象,她有着自身的视觉语言和传达方式。

    Through analysis using modern graphic design software design characteristics , we should make a correct understanding computer graphic designs are not only a manifestation of science and technology , but also an emerging phenomenon of the art , she has its own visual language and communication .

  30. 日益增长的中国当代艺术市场,很好地表明了发达世界在新兴国家艺术中所寻找的东西:不仅在于新奇价值,还有一种艺术正在帮助界定这些国家的民族认同感的感觉。

    The growing market for Chinese contemporary art is a good indicator of what the developed world looks for in the arts of the emerging nations : not only novelty value , but also a feeling that the art is helping to define those countries ' sense of nationhood .