- 网络spock;Benjamin Spock

But Leonard Nimoy ignored his father 's suggestion that he learn to play the accordion and instead went on to become an actor , most famously playing Spock in Star Trek .
When the director J.J. Abrams revived the " Star Trek " film franchise in 2009 , with an all-new cast , including Zachary Quinto as Spock , he included a cameo part for Nimoy , as an older version of the same character .
The character 's split-fingered salute , he often explained , had been his idea : He based it on the kohanic blessing , a manual approximation of the Hebrew letter shin , which is the first letter in Shaddai , one of the Hebrew names for God .
His religious upbringing also influenced the characterization of Spock .
Yeah , all right , Spock , just ... take it easy .
Spock , just ... take it easy .
Doctor Spock received about seventy-five thousand votes in the election that Richard Nixon won .
Spock believed that babies on their back can choke on their own vomit-leading to death .
I mean , Spock was pretty smart and McCoy was the doctor and Scotty was the engineer .
So after being in the works for almost a year , the Spock emoji could finally be beaming up to your devices soon .
Many social , educational and economic policies are the modern equivalent of Dr Spock 's advice that babies should sleep face down : well-meaning , authoritative and wrong .
Cosplay 's history can be traced back to the 1970s , when merchants selling Star Trek comic books dressed up as Capt. Kirk and Mr. Spock as a marketing ploy at the ComicMarket convention held in Tokyo each year .
In the first , he wrote , " In Spock , I finally found the best of both worlds : to be widely accepted in public approval and yet be able to continue to play the insulated alien through the Vulcan character . "