
wén háo
  • literary giant;great writer;eminent writer
文豪 [wén háo]
  • [literary giant;eminent writer;great writer] 杰出的大作家

  • 一代文豪

文豪[wén háo]
  1. 一代文豪,就此凋谢。

    The literary giant of this generation has left us forever .

  2. 雨果(1802&1885)是法国著名文豪。

    Victor Hugo , 1802 & 1885 , was a celebrated French literary giant .

  3. 有些学生甚至不知道世界著名的文豪和其作品。

    Some students donot even know the world famous writer and his works .

  4. 莎士比亚是最伟大的英国文豪&还能有这样的人物吗?

    Shakespeare is the greatest English writer will there ever be such another ?

  5. 在英国文学的全盛时期,有德莱顿、斯威夫特和蒲柏等文豪。

    The Augustan age of English literature includes the writers dryden , swift and pope .

  6. 赛缪尔·约翰森(英国文豪):几乎所有荒谬的行为都源于对那些不可仿造之人的模仿。

    Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble .

  7. 中国一直都为自己缺少一位享有国际声誉的现代文豪而感到苦恼。

    China has long fretted that it lacks a great modern literary voice with international appeal .

  8. 苏轼作为宋代文豪,以他为题材的戏曲作品创作在元明清三代层出不穷。

    In song dynasty , Su shi as for his subject matter writers of opera works three generations in some perpetrators .

  9. 本文首次考证出此剧实系德国文豪席勒翻译之法国喜剧,从而解决这一百年悬案。

    The article points out that this was originally a French comedy , which was translated into German by the great German writer Friedrich Schiller .

  10. 这本365章节、1000多页的鸿篇巨著中,伟大的法国文豪维克多·雨果,用笔杆描写了前科犯冉阿让的故事——悲惨、爱和最后得到的救赎。

    In this 365-chapter , 1000 + page novel , French literary great Victor Hugo describes the misery , love and ultimately redemption of ex-convict Jean Valjean .

  11. 诚如宋代文豪王安石在《伤仲永》中所记载那样,天才是可以存在的。

    Just like what Wang Anshi , who is a literary giant in Song dynasty , had illustrated in his famous argumentation " Pity Zhong Yong ", genius exists .

  12. 在阿伯里斯特威斯大学,研究人员组织了一项学术研究,旨在挖掘莎翁作为沃里克郡大财主的“别样生活”,揭秘英国最伟大的文豪不为人知的阴暗一面。

    Researchers at Aberystwyth University carried out an academic study looking into Shakespeare 's ' other life ' as one of Warwickshire 's biggest landowners and have uncovered the less than savoury side to Britain 's greatest playwright .

  13. 联合国教科文组织选择4月23日的灵感来自于一个美丽的传说。4月23日是西班牙文豪塞万提斯的忌日,也是加泰罗尼亚地区大众节日圣乔治节。

    Unesco 's selection of April 23 for world reading day arose out of a beautiful legend : April 23 is the date that famed Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes died , and it is also St. George 's Day , celebrated in Catalonia .