
  • 网络civilizations;history of civilization;Civil History
  1. 展现悠久文明史树立旅游新形象

    Enfolding Long History of Civilization and Establishing A New Vista of Tourism

  2. 希腊人在文明史上首屈一指。

    In the history of civilization the Greeks are pre-eminent .

  3. 二百年时间在中国文明史上只不过是一瞬间。

    Two hundred years seems like the blink of an eye in the history of Chinese civilization .

  4. 简而言之,成功创造人工智能可能是人类文明史上最大的事件。

    In short , success in creating AI could be the biggest event in the history of our civilisation .

  5. 我会把这些信息带回C星球,研究你们的文明史。

    Calvin : I 'll take the information to C Star , and study your civilization history .

  6. 柏拉图Vs.荷马&西方文明史上哲学与文学的第一次激烈对抗与融合

    Plato Vs. Homer The First Confrontation Merging between Philosophy and Literature in the Western Civilization

  7. 我国有一部煌煌的教育文明史。

    There is a brilliant civilization history of education in China .

  8. 砚文化及其在中国文明史中的地位

    The Culture of Inkstone and the Status in Chinese Civilization History

  9. 有数千年文明史的中国更是如此。

    So it is in China with a long civilization history .

  10. 我为什么要进入文明史的研究

    Why I Am Involving in the Studies of European Civilization

  11. 《全球文明史》与世界史概念的再思考

    World Civilizations : The Global Experiences and the Concept of World History

  12. 现代化是人类文明史上的一次巨大革命。

    Modernization is a great revolution in the history of human civilization .

  13. 一部人类文明史,就是一部人类不断追求幸福的历史。

    The history of human civilization is abundant with stories of happiness-pursuing .

  14. 他称这次着陆是人类文明史上的一大步。

    He described the landing as a big step for human civilisation .

  15. 拥有5000年的文明史,这是我们中国人的骄傲。

    The 5000-year-long civilization is the source of pride of every Chinese .

  16. 中国五千年的文明史本身就是一部美的历史。

    The 5000-year history of Chinese culture is a history of beauty .

  17. 我们常常惊羡于人类文明史上的一个又一个奇迹。

    One and another wonders of human history always met exclamation with admiration .

  18. 我得把西方文明史的报告准备完。

    I have to finish preparing a paper for my Western Civilization class .

  19. 个体发展:人类文明史的标尺

    Individual Development : the Measurement of Human Civilization History

  20. 江苏溧水神仙洞的发掘和研究&中华文明史应追溯到万年前

    Excavation and study on the Lishui Cave , Jiangsu

  21. 我们正进入(人类)文明史上的新纪元。

    We are entering upon a new epoch in the history of civilization .

  22. 第三章,地标的人类文明史意义。

    Chapter three argues about the significance of landmark to the civilization history .

  23. 文明史的生态学思考

    An Ecological Thinking about the History of Civilization

  24. 具有五千年文明史的中华文化得到一个发展的契机。

    The five thousand years history of Chinese culture , get a development opportunity .

  25. 拉美古代文明史中几个有争议的问题

    Several Debated Questions in Ancient Latin American Civilization

  26. 拂去历史的尘埃&给人类文明史一种新的诠释

    Flick the Dust of History & to Make a New Interpretation of Human Civilization

  27. 春秋战国时期商业自由发展和繁荣的程度,为中国几千年文明史所罕见。

    The extent of development of commerce is really a miracle in that period .

  28. 世界文明史导言

    On the History of Civilizations of the World

  29. 随着21世纪的来临,我们迎来了人类文明史上的第三次大飞跃&由工业化社会进入到信息化社会,以计算机为核心的信息技术在这其中起到了非常重要的作用。

    Along with arriving of 21 centuries , we have greeted the information age .

  30. 在人类文明史上,梦始终被人们视为一个谜。

    And in human civilizations , dreams have always been regarded as a mystery .