
  • 网络cultural science;The Science of Culture
  1. 当代课程总是要因应时代精神、政治经济发展、文化科学进步等作适应性调整而倾向于改革创新。

    Contemporary curriculum ought to make the compatible adjustment to favor the innovation reform in accordance to the spirit of the times , the political economic development and the cultural science progress .

  2. 河南省哲学社会科学的带头学科是文化科学教育体育学科门类。

    The cultural science education sports discipline class of Henan Province philosophy social sciences takes the lead .

  3. 普及文化科学是头等重要的。

    It is of first importance to spread cultural and scientific knowledge among the people .

  4. 语文素养是文化科学素质中最重要的、最基础的部分。

    Chinese quality constitutes the most important and basic part in the cultural scientific quality .

  5. 为有源头活水来&当代文化科学观照下的易经

    " To Have the Source of Flowing Water ": Contemplating I Ching under Contemporary Culture and Science

  6. 值得注意的是,二者所理解的文化科学是两个不同的概念,需要加以严格区分,因为他们不仅在研究的目的、理论的诠释系统还是探讨方法上,都存在着明显的分歧。

    We must pay attention that there are essential differences between these two conceptions , the science of culture .

  7. 五是初中教师文化科学知识在总体素质构成中是一个薄弱环节。

    In the structure of general quality of middle school teachers , cultural and scientific knowledge is a weak link .

  8. 期刊编辑工作是编辑对期刊文稿和相关的工作对象进行的一系列与传播和传承社会文化科学有关的出版文化活动。期刊编辑工作应遵循基本规律,把握工作的基本流程和主要阶段。

    Periodical edit behavior should conform to the basic regular pattern and grasp the basic working-process and the main stage .

  9. 多元文化科学教育为科学的普及和科学教育质量的提高提供了重要的理论支持。

    Multicultural science education offers a strong theoretical support for the dissemination of science education and the improvement of its quality .

  10. 21世纪的大学生不仅要有高度的思想觉悟,渊博的文化科学知识,还必须有强健的体魄。

    21st century students should hold high ideological consciousness and rich knowledge about culture and science as well as strong physique .

  11. 当代儒商必须具有高尚的商业道德和爱国思想,必须具有广博的文化科学知识与高强的办事能力。

    The modern merchants must have noble trade virtue and patriotic thought , wide cultural and scientific knowledge and strong work ability .

  12. 现代教育要吸收新的教学观念和文化科学的研究成果,形成文化教育的教学思想。

    Modem education should absorb the new teaching concept and the achievements on culture and science to form the teaching idea of cultural education .

  13. 教会学校主要为外国教会势力服务,但客观上也为文化科学知识的传播起了一定的作用。

    Although the missionary schools mainly served the foreign churches they did , in some sense , play some positive role in spreading cultural and scientific knowledge .

  14. 文化科学知识、篮球运动基础理论的学习及篮球战术意识的培养是智力训练的主要内容。

    The core contents are the study of scientific and cultural knowledge and of the basic theory of the basketball movement , and the training of basketball tactics consciousness .

  15. 教师作为教书育人的主要执行者,也是学校精神文明建设的主体,肩负着重大而光荣的使命,不仅要有精深广博的专业文化科学知识,更要有高度的政治思想觉悟和高尚的道德情操。

    As the main performers of imparting knowledge and educating people , teachers are the main body of the construction of ideological civilization , shouldering the great and glorious mission .

  16. 其目的是为了进一步提高温州城雕建设水平,树立温州独特的城市形象,从而推动城市文化科学有效的持续发展。

    Its goal is to further raise the Wenzhou city sculpture construction level , sets up the Wenzhou unique city image , promotes the civic culture science effective sustained development .

  17. 尤其需要加强部队的文化科学知识的学习,使科学为指战员所掌握,创造现代化的正规兵团。

    It is particularly necessary for the army to acquire more general and scientific knowledge so as to enable the officers an men to master science and create a modern , regular army .

  18. 根据实际、实用、先进、实效原则,实施不同层次的岗位技术培训与文化科学知识学习相结合的教育;

    According to the actual , practical , advanced and effective principle , carries out an education of different levels which combines the post technological training with the study of cultural and scientific knowledge ;

  19. 中等艺术学校的学生,既要掌握扎实的专业知识,又要具备专门的文化科学知识,还要提高自身的社会文化素质。

    The students in these schools not only need to grasp knowledge on their speciality , but also to possess knowledge on science and culture , and to improve their cultural quality as well .

  20. 大学生具有全面的、扎实的文化科学知识,精力充沛,其身心处于全面发展阶段,是培养体育健身意识和体育行为习惯的最佳时期。

    Students have full , rich of culture and science , energy , their physical and psychological in full development stage , is to develop physical fitness and sports the best behaviors and habits .

  21. 掌握学习规律,有效地开展学习,是保证儿麻患者学好文化科学知识,适应生活、走向社会的关键。

    In order to ensure pupils with polio can master knowledge , adapt to life and fully integrate within society , it is crucial , to help them gain study skills and learn effectively .

  22. 哲学社会科学对素质教育的作用表现为四个方面:主导思想道德素质、促进文化科学素质、影响身体心理素质、渗透艺术审美素质。

    Philosophical and social sciences functions in four aspects in quality education : dominating moral qualities , advancing cultural and scientific qualities , affecting physical and psychological qualities , and penetrating art and aesthetical qualities .

  23. 博士生教育是我国学历教育的最高层次,博士生学术水平是衡量一个国家高等教育发达程度和文化科学发展水平的重要标志。

    Doctoral education is the highest level of academic education in china . Doctoral education is the main measure of the development degree of national higher education as well as the national culture and science .

  24. 图书馆是文化科学的综合体系,必须树立以人为本的管理理念,实现图书馆的特定目标&发挥图书、资料、信息最大化的交流价值。

    As a combined system of culture and science , library should set up the ideal of people-first to realize its special goal : the realization of communication value of maximum numbers in books and information .

  25. 引导体现为教师对学生成长自觉进行刻意而审慎的干预,生成则是学生在与一定文化科学知识相互作用的活动中自我发展与自我建构。

    " Guide " expresses the teacher 's intentional and scrupulous interference with the student 's growth ; " generation " refers to the student 's self-development and self-construction in the interactivity with given cultural scientific knowledge .

  26. 对地域文化科学、准确的定位,既是准确地塑造城市形象的前提,又有利于文化遗产经济潜能,促进地域经济的发展。

    A scientific and accurate definition of the local culture is prerequisite to creating a city 's image , and beneficial to developing the economic potentials in cultural relics , thus contributing to the advance of local economy .

  27. 教师角色是人类最古老的角色之一,教师在人类社会文化科学发展中起着承前启后的桥梁作用,是人类文明发展的纽带。

    The teacher role is one of human most ancient roles , the teacher is getting up the bridge role in the human society culture science development which carries on the task , is the human civilization development link .

  28. 引进了近代西方教育模式,介绍了西方先进的文化科学知识,首开了广西留学教育、特殊教育、女子教育之风气,对近代广西教育产生了一定影响。

    They were like small windows , from which China could introduce into western education system and advanced culture and technology . Since then Guangxi made a way for women school education , special education and chances of abroad education .

  29. 这种理由在社会科学内部出于国家政治的需要,在自然科学与文化科学之间依据现实世界的本质,在两种文化上则基于人类文化之整合。

    The grounding is the need of government of the country in the social sciences , the essence of the actual world between natural sciences and humanities , and the integration of human culture in the two kinds of culture .

  30. 她知识结构合理,又学识渊博,不但具有了丰富的语文专业知识和教育科学知识,还具有丰富的文化科学知识及一些与语文教学相关的其它知识。第三,于漪老师具有高超的教学技能。

    She is equipped with not only professional knowledge of Chinese and scientific knowledge of education , but also abundant cultural and scientific knowledge and other knowledge relating to Chinese teaching . Thirdly , Ms. Yu has expert teaching skills .