
  • 网络cultural tourism product
  1. 宁波开发文化旅游产品路径探析

    Approaches to cultural tourism product development in Ningbo

  2. 通过对四类主体需求点的分析,可以发现文化旅游产品是有层次性的。

    We can find that the cultural tourism product contains four levels by analyzing the demand points of different subjects .

  3. 然后运用SWOT分析法对常熟进一步开发历史文化旅游产品进行综合分析,并找出产品开发过程中存在的不足之处,提出产品开发相应对策;

    Secondly , the paper makes a comprehensive analysis of historical and cultural tourism in Changshu by means of SWOT . Besides , the paper finds out the weaknesses in developing products and comes up with some counter measures to develop products .

  4. 第五部分是结语,对凉山民俗文化旅游产品的开发研究进行了总结。

    It summarized the researches on folk tourism products in Liangshan .

  5. 我国文化旅游产品的系统开发

    On the Systematic Development of Cultural and Tourist Products in Our Country

  6. 北京文化旅游产品发展的战略思考

    Strategic Analysis on the Development of Beijing Culture Tourism Products

  7. 论古文化旅游产品的开发&以洛阳市为例

    Development of ancient cultural tourist product & a case study of Luoyang City

  8. 这个开发模式将济南佛教文化旅游产品分为三个层次,依次为初级产品、深度产品和扩展产品。

    It includes three levels with elementary products , deep products and expanded products .

  9. 论文化旅游产品及其开发

    On Cultural Tourist Products and Their Development

  10. 因此,研究文化旅游产品的开发,有着重要的理论意义和实践意义。

    Therefore , it is significant theoretically and practically to study cultural tourism products development .

  11. 文化旅游产品的迅速成长,为博物馆发展旅游又带来了新的契机。

    The fast rising of the need about culture tourist products bring the new opportunity to the museum again developing tourism .

  12. 本文对白族歌谣文化旅游产品的开发思路、开发模式进行了初步探讨。

    The essay makes a probe into the ways and patterns of utilizing Bai people 's ballad culture as a tourism product .

  13. 为此,我国文化旅游产品的系统开发成为一个急需解决的课题。

    Therefore , it is an urgent job to do researches on the systematic development of cultural and tourist products ( CTP ) .

  14. 文化旅游产品就是典型的以文化属性吸引消费者的产品,文化旅游的快速发展正是这种消费趋势的表现。

    Cultural tourism product is typically attracting consumers by the cultural attributes . The rapid development of cultural tourism consumption reflects this trend .

  15. 将寺院人文景观与生态园林结合起来开发是创建佛教文化旅游产品品牌的最佳形式。

    It is to found the best form of Buddhism cultural travel product trademark to combine temple humanity landscape and ecological garden to develop .

  16. 剧场类旅游演艺产品不仅是城市重要的休闲娱乐场所,同时也是吸引外地游客的独特的文化旅游产品。

    Theater type tourism performing products are prefer to be urban recreation sites , also are unique cultural tourism products to attract visitors from other places .

  17. 附加旅游产品主要包括服务、信息等软件方面的对东北地区文化旅游产品进行包装设计。民间剪纸艺术在包装设计中的应用

    At last , the slogans are put forward , which represent the cultural tourism image of the Northeast China . Folk Paper-cut Art Applied in Packaging Design

  18. 第四章南京文化旅游产品的开发。明确了南京文化旅游的产品定位,提出了南京文化旅游产品的开发体系,并以南京民国文化旅游产品开发为例,对南京民国文化旅游线路进行了研究。

    Basing on production framework of cultural tourism in Nanjing , chapter 4 provides right cultural tourism product in allusion to subsection of market of cultural tourism .

  19. 最后对我国目前文化旅游产品开发中存在的主要问题以及如何开发具有我国鲜明民族特色的文化旅游产品问题作了深入的探讨。

    Finally , this paper discusses the existing problems in the development of cultural tourist products and how to develop cultural tourist products of distinctive Chinese national characteristics .

  20. 文化旅游产品的消费群体具有多样性,主要可以分为四大类,即个体、组织、城市和国家。

    The consumer groups of cultural tourism product are very diversity . The groups can be divided into four categories which include individual , organization , city and country .

  21. 四类主体对文化旅游产品的需求点有很大的不同,这些需求点构成了评价文化旅游产品优劣的关键指标。

    Four subjects have different demand points with cultural tourism products . The demand points of all of the subjects construct an evaluation system to evaluate the cultural tourism products .

  22. 通过实地调研和专家访谈,可以将这四个层次做进一步的分解,所得到的指标体系就是一个可以用以评价文化旅游产品的评价体系。

    According to the actual research and expert interview , we can make a decomposition of the basic levels of cultural tourism products , by which we can construct an evaluation system .

  23. 运用文化旅游产品的四层次评价模型对灵山文化旅游产品进行解析可以发现其成功的深层次原因,同时也证明了模型的合理性。

    And we can find the deep-seated reasons of Ling Shan ` s success by analyzing with the four-level model of cultural tourism products , which proves that the evaluation system is reasonable .

  24. 与此同时,在国外一些发达国家,博物馆的旅游开发成为旅游业,尤其是都市旅游业的重中之重,成为众多国家大都市文化旅游产品的标志。

    As the same time , in the developed countries , museum has became the logo of the world metropolis and cultural tourism products , especially as a key products of urban tourism .

  25. 但从我国旅游业发展的实践讲,目前宗教文化旅游产品的开发相对滞后,现有宗教文化旅游产品很难适应旅游者的消费需求。

    However , the development of religious tourism products is relatively backward and the present products can hardly meet the tourists ' requirements from the view of the practice of tourism development in China .

  26. 结合文化旅游产品自身的特点和文化哲学的一些研究结论,可以将文化旅游产品划分为文化载体、文化内容、文化精神和文化价值四个层次。

    Furthermore , we can find that the cultural tourism products contain culture carriers , culture content , culture spirit and culture values according to the characteristics of cultural tourism products itself and theory of culture philosophy .

  27. 本文首先界定了旅游产品的概念,在分析了古文化旅游产品开发的优势和难点的基础上,提出了古文化旅游产品的两大开发战略:寓无形于有形,变形定为神动;

    This paper clarifies the concept of tourist product at first . Based on analysis of advantages and difficulties in developing ancient cultural tourist products , two strategies are brought forward , which are implying immateriality in materiality , and changing shape stability into spirit vividness ;

  28. 在分析宁波文化旅游产品开发现状及存在问题基础上,提出宁波如何利用现有资源优势,开发港口文化旅游、都市文化旅游、商务旅游休闲文化、乡土文化旅游。

    Based on an analysis of the current situation and existing problems in tourism product development in Ningbo , this paper discusses how to take advantage of the resources available in Ningbo to develop seaport cultural tourism , city culture tourism , business culture tourism and country culture tourism .

  29. 文化创意旅游产品依托旅游地的历史文化积淀,在开发过程中突出地方特色和文化传承。

    Culture creative tourism products based on the historical and culture accumulation .

  30. 历史文化名城旅游产品体系的开发

    The Exploitation of Varieties of Tourism Products in the Famous Historical and Cultural Cities