
wén huà chōnɡ jī
  • cultural shock
  1. 这不是文化冲击,而是比它更深更难逾越的鸿沟。

    It is not a cultural shock , but something deeper and harder .

  2. 六三个阶段的文化冲击。

    There are three stages of cultural shock .

  3. 卡勒姆初到格拉斯哥,没有工作,无家可归,无人倾诉,在文化冲击中挣扎。

    Callum , recently arrived in Glasgow , is jobless , homeless , friendless , and suffering from culture shock .

  4. 到达加尔各答仍使人感到一种文化冲击。

    It was still a culture shock to arrive in calcutta .

  5. 一些因素对文化冲击是显而易见的。

    Some of the factors in culture shock are obvious .

  6. 白人文化冲击下扭曲的黑人心灵

    The Distorted Black Soul under the Influences of White Culture

  7. 多元文化冲击下的毛姆叙事

    The narration of Maugham which suffered from the impaction of heterogeneity culture

  8. 您会很快克服文化冲击的。

    You 'll overcome the culture shock in no time .

  9. 对于经常旅游的人来说,文化冲击只是一个短期的问题。

    For seasoned travelers , culture shock is only a short-term problem .

  10. 什么是文化冲击,为什么会产生文化冲击?

    What is culture shock and why does it occur ?

  11. 文化冲击是每一个海外留学人员都可能经历的普遍现象。

    Culture shock is one of the common experiences by students abroad .

  12. 感觉疲劳是文化冲击的一种症状。

    Feeling tired can be a symptom of culture shock .

  13. 流行文化冲击下的美术探索

    Meditations on Fine Arts Under the Impact of Popular Culture

  14. 论西方文化冲击下中国传统节日的回归

    The Return of Chinese Traditional Festivals Under the shock of Western Culture

  15. 她说:那是一种巨大的文化冲击。

    It was an enormous culture shock , she says .

  16. 这就是所谓的“反向文化冲击”。

    This is called " reverse culture shock " .

  17. 他的小说反映并迎合了20世纪80年代中期中国市民阶层在外来文明与文化冲击下的暴躁心态。

    His novels reflect and cater to the irascible mentality in mid 1980s .

  18. 爱因斯坦的理论带来了什么样的文化冲击?

    What cultural impact did Einstein 's theories have ?

  19. 我觉得自己还在经历文化冲击。

    I think I 'm still experiencing culture shock .

  20. 面对文化冲击,感到无所适从面对文化冲击。

    Faced with culture shock , some of them feel at a loss .

  21. 简论大众文化冲击下的精英文化现状及出路

    The Status and Outlet of Elite Culture on the Shocking of Mass Culture

  22. 强势文化冲击之下的黑人文化流失&从《最蓝的眼睛》透视

    The Blacks ' Culture Losing under Impact of the Whites ' Strong Culture

  23. 他经历了文化冲击的典型阶段。

    He experienced the typical stages of cultre shock .

  24. 这些都是文化冲击的最初症状。

    These are all symptoms of initial culture shock .

  25. 每次回到这个国家我都会经历文化冲击。

    I get culture shock every time I come back to this country .

  26. 这种情况就叫作文化冲击。

    B.This condition is known as culture shock .

  27. 但是他们经常遭遇到棘手的文化冲击。

    But often they encountered difficult culture shock .

  28. 而对于那些来到香港的人,文化冲击可能也是一个问题。

    And for those who do come , culture shock can be an issue .

  29. 麦克:我不知道,不过她喜欢“文化冲击”。

    MICHAEL : Yes , she loves Culture Shock , I don 't know .

  30. 他是星期五到达加拿大的,到达以后的文化冲击使他感到困惑。

    He had arrived in Canada on Friday and the culture shock was overwhelming .