
wén jiàn ɡuǎn lǐ qì
  • file manager
  1. 在文件管理器,导航到那里的SIS文件被存储。

    In the File Manager , navigate to where the SIS file was stored .

  2. Nautilus是Linux桌面操作系统GNOME环境下的文件管理器,是GNOME最重要的程序之一。

    Nautilus is the official file manager for Linux GNOME desktop , which is one of the most important applications of GNOME .

  3. NET配置文件管理器使用XML序列化对自定义类型进行序列化和反序列化。

    NET profile manager uses XML serialization to serialize and deserialize custom types .

  4. 随着Android手机越来越普及,在平台之上的软件越来越丰富,没有文件管理器的特点在一定程度上影响了用户的体验。

    With the increasing popularity of mobile phones Android , the software in the platform more and more abundant , there is no file manager features to some extent affected the user experience .

  5. 文章给出了两个实例:汉语语音驱动的多通道文件管理器和网上购物多通道界面的ActiveX控件。

    Two instances of the project are given : one is a Chinese voice driven multimodal file manager , and the other is a multimodal ActiveX control for Internet shopping .

  6. Dolphin是KDE中新的文件管理器,看上去很漂亮,然而它没法运行任何可执行程序、查看任何图片或播放音乐。

    Dolphin is the new Filemanager for KDE and it looks very nice , however It could not run any executables , view any pictures or play and music .

  7. 在我的测试中,我得以成功地连接多种闪存盘,并利用“文件管理器”应用程序读取上面的文件,或是将文件复制到Thrive自带的存储空间中。

    In my tests , I was able to successfully connect a variety of small flash drives and access their files , or copy them to the internal memory , using the File Manager app .

  8. 复制之后,不要忘记选择选择的“关掉USB存储器”,否则“文件管理器”在电话里将无法找到sd卡,因为它正被占用中,由计算机。

    After copying , do not forget to select the option of " Turn off USB storage ", otherwise " File Manager " in the phone will not be able to find the sd card , as it is being occupied by the computer .

  9. 如果移动测试客户端没有自动安装,则使用文件管理器应用程序找到APK安装程序文件(通常在Downloads文件夹中),然后手动运行安装程序。

    If the mobile test client does not install automatically , use a file manager application to locate the APK installer file ( usually in the Downloads folder ) and run the installer manually .

  10. 本文介绍了支持内容管理的文件管理器Z-Explorer的设计与实现。

    This paper introduces the design and implementation of a file manager named Z-Explorer which supports content management .

  11. 文件管理器使用分层管理的思想将其分为操作系统文件管理、虚拟文件管理和DWMS文件管理三个部分。

    According to the hierarchical management thought , file manager can be divided into three parts , the operating system file management , virtual file management and file management .

  12. 如果你没有精力考虑这样做或仍然觉得有图形文件管理器,我们建议XFE更舒适。

    If you don 't have the energy to look into that or still feel more comfortable with a graphical file manager we recommend XFE .

  13. 文件管理器不能写到目标文件或磁盘上。

    File Manager cannot write to the destination file or disk .

  14. 支持内容管理的文件管理器的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of a File Manager Supporting Content Management

  15. 文件管理器无法删除当前目录(内部错误)。

    File Manager cannot remove the current directory ( internal error ) .

  16. 基于Java/Swing的通用文件管理器设计模式

    Java / Swing Based Common Design Pattern for File Manager

  17. 采用配置文件管理器作为完成这些更改的工具。

    The Profile Manager is the tool used to make these changes .

  18. 文件管理器无法传送系统文件。

    File manager failed to transfer the system files .

  19. 我无法找到“权限”选项,在“文件管理器”。

    I can not find " permission " option in " File Manager " .

  20. 介绍了专用的数据文件管理器和计算结果管理器的功能和作用。

    It introduces the functions of appropriative data files manager and calculated results manager .

  21. 启动时将文件管理器缩成一个图标

    Reduces File Manager to an icon at startup

  22. 支持以下程序的接入:计算器,同步,笔记,文件管理器。

    Access other applications such as the calculator , converter , notes , file manager .

  23. 无法加载用户配置文件管理器!

    Could not load user profile manager !

  24. 我喜欢图形化的文件管理器。

    I like graphical file managers .

  25. 在主机控制中心的内容部分,点击文件管理器的图标。

    In the Content section of the Hosting Control Center , click the File Manager icon .

  26. 在附加域根目录中添加一个文件夹,点击文件管理器链接。

    To add files to the addon domain 's home directory , click the File Manager link .

  27. 从文件管理器到安全工具,文件系统监控对于的许多程序来说都是必不可少的。

    File system event monitoring is essential for many types of programs ranging from file managers to security tools .

  28. 管理员应使用网站管理中的用户配置文件管理器编辑用户配置文件。

    Administrators should use the User Profile Manager , under Site Administration , to edit a user 's profile .

  29. 在桌面文件管理器应用程序中,可以有空的文件夹。

    It 's common knowledge that in a desktop file manager application you can have a folder regardless of whether it is empty .

  30. 针对工程应用软件所处理数据的特点和使用格式要求,通过设置专用的数据文件管理器和计算结果管理器,使工程应用软件的数据处理功能和处理效率得以显著提高。

    Aimed at the characteristics and using pattern of data , the function and efficiency to deal with data are improved observably by the setup of special data-file and calculating-result manager .