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  • Plastic surgery;face-lift
  1. “妈咪整容术”的目的在于使生育过的女性看上去如同未生育过一样青春美貌。

    Cosmetic1 surgery aimed at making a mother look the way she did before she had children .

  2. 例如:32岁的Buttram在生育后无法通过锻炼恢复体形,她选择进行了隆胸术和腹部拉皮手术,整形外科医生称之为“妈咪整容术”。

    Unable to regain5 her old shape through exercise , Buttram , 32 , opted6 for breast augmentation and a tummy tuck , popular procedures in what plastic surgeons have dubbed7 “ the mommy makeover . ”

  3. “妈咪整容术”可以包含多种整容手术程序,通常包括使腹部皮肤紧致的腹部拉皮手术,去除多余脂肪的抽脂术,以及乳房提升手术(使用或不使用假体)。

    So-called mommy makeovers can involve a variety of procedures , but often involve tummy tucks to tighten2 stretched abdominal3 muscles , liposuction to remove excess fat and a breast lift , with or without implants4 .

  4. 韩国兽医杂志DailyVet做过一项调查,63%的宠物主人希望叫停狗狗整容术。

    Korean veterinarian magazine Daily Vet conducted a survey in which 63 percent of pet owners wanted plastic surgery for dogs to be banned .

  5. 如今,日本的时尚爱好者之间流行着一种奇异的风尚,那就是通过一种即时的DIY整容术来拥有一对双眼皮。

    Fashion fans in Japan have now become hooked on a bizarre craze to give themselves these ' double eyelids ' with an instant DIY facelift .

  6. 有关医用橡胶器械、人造器官和整容术的研究。

    About medicinal rubber apparatus , artificial organ and facial plastic surgery .

  7. 也许那时候整容术已经非常发达了。

    There 's probably great advances in plastic surgery .

  8. 皱纹也可以通过眼睑整容术减少。

    Wrinkles can also be reduced through blepharoplasty .

  9. 但愿我们的整容术能跟得上这些最新的科学发展。

    Let 's just hope that cosmetic surgery can keep apace of these new developments .

  10. 不靠整容术年轻十岁

    Look 10 Years Younger without Surgery

  11. 国际美学与整容术委员会

    International Committee for Esthetics and Cosmetology

  12. 目的:综合分析硅橡胶在人造器官设计、医疗器械、整容术和在药物缓释体系的应用意义。

    OBJECTIVE : To comprehensively analyze the application values of silicon rubber in the design of artificial organs , medical apparatus , facial plastic surgery and medical release system .

  13. 眼睑整容术是最为常见的整形手术之一,用于消除眼部的鱼尾纹和皮肤松弛,使脸部看上往更加年轻。

    Eyelid surgery is one of the most common cosmetic procedures , used to get rid of crows'feet around the eyes and sagging to make the face appear younger .

  14. 埃里克·斯普瑞格,生于1972年,人称“蜥蜴人”,是最早做分割舌头整容术的人之一,这种手术在一些圈子内曾一度成为流行趋势。

    Born Eric Sprague in 1972 , the Lizardman was one of the first people to have a split tongue and in some circles is seen to be wholly responsible for the recent popularity of this particular modification .

  15. 扎西德·汗在医院住了12天,做了一个重造鼻子的整容手术,术后在家休养了一个月。

    Zahid Khan was in hospital for twelve days then at home recuperating for a month after having plastic surgery to repair his nose .

  16. 面部整容和抽脂术这类整容手术的总量以年均8%的速度在增长,而像褪毛和蜘蛛静脉激光切除等微创手术的年均增幅更是高达28%。

    The volume of surgical procedures , such as facelifts and liposuction , is rising at 8 % a year , while minimally invasive treatments like hair and spider vein removal with lasers are increasing 28 % annually .

  17. 而今,激光外科提供了一种相对来说痛苦较少的整容和拉皮术。

    But now , laser surgery is a relatively painless alternative to facelifts and skin tucks .