
  • 网络Data Aggregation;Aggregation;Aggregate
  1. Mashup客户端的作用是提供Mashup组件的运行环境,并进行数据聚合和Mashup组件下载。

    The function of Mashup client is to provide the operating environment of the Mashup components besides data aggregation and Mashup components downloads .

  2. 支持事务的非结构化数据聚合存储系统GSL

    GSL : Unstructured Data Aggregation Storage System Supporting Transaction

  3. Checker组件所返回的XML数据聚合为单个XML文档,并使用REST服务绑定向客户机公开。

    The XML data returned by the Checker components is aggregated into a single XML document and is exposed to clients using a REST service binding .

  4. 从警报数据聚合处理的角度,提出了基于攻击过程的预警策略,并在详细介绍该算法的基础上,基于Linux系统,用C语言实现了该算法。

    In this paper , a new policy based on attack scenario is proposed from the view of alert data aggregation analysis . The prediction algorithm is given in detail and is implemented based on Linux platform in C programming language .

  5. 您还将学习如何使用map/reduce函数作为Mongo用于复杂数据聚合的常规查询函数的一种替代方式。

    You will also learn about how you can use map / reduce functions as an alternative to Mongo 's regular query functions for complex aggregation of data .

  6. 本文提出了一种分布的、高效节能的通信协议DEED,DEED利用了数据聚合技术,以聚类的方式组织节点,聚类首领在网络中均匀分布并组织成路由树,由根节点与基站直接通信。

    In this paper , we presented DEED , a distributed energy efficient protocol with data fusion technology . DEED clusters nodes into groups and builds routing tree among cluster heads , among which only the root node communicates the base station directly .

  7. 另外,除了节点传输半径比较大的场景,CDAS算法的数据聚合延迟都要低于SDAS算法。

    In addition , the data aggregation latency of CDAS algorithm is lower than that of SDAS algorithm except the scenarios where the transmission radius of a node is large .

  8. 传感器网络中基于置信区间的数据聚合策略

    A Data Aggregation Strategy Based on Confidence Interval in Wireless Sensor Networks

  9. 同步策略最适合于数据聚合。

    The synchronous strategy is best suited for data aggregation .

  10. 多级安全系统中数据聚合的无干扰属性

    Non-interfere property of data aggregation in multi-level security system

  11. 一种高信道利用率的分簇传感器网络数据聚合协议

    A Highly-Channel-Utilized Data Aggregation Protocol for Clustered Sensor Networks

  12. 查询返回的数据聚合在多维数据集模型的一个切片上。

    The query returns data aggregated at a single slice of the cube model .

  13. 给出了流量分析数据库的设计思想及结构描述,讨论了数据聚合过程。

    The design of database of traffic data was analyzed and the structure of database was described .

  14. 多物理链路数据聚合传输技术在无线终端的研究、开发与应用

    Research , Development and Application of Multiple Physical Network Channel Aggregation for Data Transmission on Wireless Terminals

  15. 但是,适合无线传感器网络的数据聚合协议仍存在着广泛的研究空间。

    However , the research on the data aggregation protocol for WSN still has much more research space .

  16. 将包括许多执行函数的算子,例如数据聚合、联接、分割和复杂函数。

    Many operators that perform functions are included , such as data aggregation , joining , splitting , and complex functions .

  17. 网络层可利用数据聚合来提高能量和带宽的利用率,同时需精细资源管理。

    Providing using ratio of energy and band is made by data converging and fine granularity resource management in network level .

  18. 数据聚合技术是目前无线传感器网络中的研究热点,同时也是一种重要的节能技术之一。

    Nowadays , data aggregation is hotspot of research in wireless sensor network , and is one of important technology about saving energy .

  19. 为了实现高效的数据聚合操作,系统采用了无冲突的数据聚合调度算法,实现了数据的高效聚合。

    In order to achieve efficient data aggregation operation , the system uses a conflict-free data aggregation scheduling algorithm to achieve efficient data aggregation .

  20. 为克服节点能量、存储和计算等方面的资源约束,无线传感器网络广泛应用数据聚合技术。

    Because of the resource restriction in nodes ' energy , storage and calculation , wireless sensor network adopts the technology of data aggregation broad .

  21. 仿真实验结果表明,两种算法的数据聚合延迟明显地低于现有算法的扩展版。

    The results of simulations show that , the data aggregation latency of these two algorithms is significantly lower than the extended version of exiting algorithms .

  22. 此场景包括以前描述的两个示例的合并,并让来自多个来源的数据聚合嵌入到批处理聚合中。

    This scenario involves a combination of the two previously described examples , having an aggregation of data from multiple sources embedded within a batch processing aggregation .

  23. 系统采用数据聚合与关联代理,有效的降低了重复报警,同时可以发现更深层次的入侵意图。

    System uses data aggregation and correlation of agents , effectively reduce the duplication of the alert , while the invasion of deeper intentions can be found .

  24. 本文在基于分簇网络拓扑结构的基础上,提出了一种新的数据聚合方案。

    The paper proposes a new scheme of data aggregation based on clustering , which have different aggregation strategy on nodes of cluster member and cluster head .

  25. 对各测量量表进行信、效度验证,在个体数据聚合到团队层次数据后,所有实证研究均在团队层次上进行,包括相关分析和回归分析。

    After testing the reliability , validity and data aggregation , all the empirical analyses are conducted at the team level , including correlation analysis , regression analysis .

  26. 提供数据聚合服务的第三方窃取互联网用户个人信息,通过各种程序监视用户以及将用户网页浏览数据出售给无良商家&网民们对这类不齿行径已经耳熟能详。

    Internet users have heard plenty about third-party aggregators filching their data , spying on them via all manner of cookies and selling web surfing data to unscrupulous marketers .

  27. 并通过神经网络预测车道占有率和交通流量来确定可变数据聚合的时间。

    Then we use neural network to forecast the flow and share of vehicles . At the end , we get the variable time of the aggregation data based on the forecast data .

  28. 来自多个来源的数据聚合:如果需要将来自多个服务调用和数据库查询等的结果合并成单个消息,则此模式非常有用。

    Aggregation of data from multiple sources : This pattern is useful if the results from multiple service invocations , database lookups , and so on need to be combined into a single message .

  29. 它们通过以有意义的方式将多个来源(通常利用分散的公共资源)的数据聚合起来,在解决业务或个人需求时实现自身的价值。

    They create value by virtue of integrating data from multiple sources ( most often leveraging public sources of seemingly disparate data ) in a meaningful way that addresses a business or personal need .

  30. 提出了一种既能进行网内数据聚合,又能满足超限数据紧急处理的数据汇聚机制,并针对数据汇聚中可能出现的超时和超限等问题,分别采取了相应的应对措施。

    A data gathering mechanism is put forward , which integrates in-network data aggregation and urgently transmission of overrun datum . To solve possible overtime and overrun problems during data gathering , corresponding measures are adopted .