
shù jù huǎn chōnɡ qū
  • data buffer
  1. PCI总线多用户数据缓冲区管理器的实现

    Implementation of PCI Bus Multi-user Data Buffer Manager

  2. 基于数据缓冲区的PMP硬盘动态功耗管理策略

    Data Buffer Based DPM Policy for Hard Disk in PMP

  3. Domino服务器的数据缓冲区

    Data buffer for Domino servers

  4. 充分发挥DSP处理器片内存储器容量大的特点,使用其片内数据缓冲区交替对CCD进行信号采集和数据处理;

    Giving full play to the characteristic of large amount of on-chip memory , DSP acquires and processes the signal of linear CCD with the on-chip buffer alternately .

  5. 正如前面指出的,Oracle的数据缓冲区概念相当于DB2的缓冲区池。但是,DB2允许多个缓冲区池存在。

    As indicated earlier , Oracle 's data buffer concept is equivalent to DB2 's bufferpool ; however , DB2 allows for multiple bufferpools to exist .

  6. NETControl的开发流程含系统及数据库设计、DataWindow设计、DW格式文件设计、WebDataWindow控件设计、业务逻辑设计和数据缓冲区。

    NET Control includes the designs of system and database , DataWindow , DW format file , Web DataWindow control , business logic and data buffering areas .

  7. 在该设置中,消息引擎对besteffort和non-persistentreliability两个质量级别的数据缓冲区使用字节为单位(默认值为320000)。

    This setting is the size in bytes ( the default is320000 ) of the data buffer used by the messaging engine for the best effort , non-persistent reliability level .

  8. 本文介绍的是一种基于PLC的悬挂式分拣实验模型,是利用移位寄存器作为数据缓冲区:来实现顺序控制的。

    This paper introduced an experimental model of hanging type transmission based on the PLC programming , and the model used the shift registers as its data buffers to realize the order control .

  9. 设置合理大小的数据缓冲区,CPU可进行局部复杂计算,实现有效的运动轨迹预测。

    So far as the size of data buffer is set rationally , CPU can do more complex calculation , and so effective forecast for motion path can be fulfilled .

  10. 分析了一种PCI总线上支持多个用户的数据缓冲区管理器电路所采用的电路结构,给出了关键点的仿真波形。

    The circuit structure of a kind of PCI bus multi-user data Buffer Manager ( BM ) is analyzed in this paper , and typical simulating waveform is presented .

  11. 首先必须分配用户空间数据缓冲区和检测缓冲区,并将它们指向sgiohdr对象。

    First the user space data buffer and sense buffer should be allocated and made to point to the sg_io_hdr object .

  12. 另外,它还具有320字节FIFO数据缓冲区。

    In addition , it integrates 320 bytes of multi - configuration FIFO memory and offers two sets of FIFO data buffers for every endpoint .

  13. 提出了在通信控制器中设立数据缓冲区、使用高速MCU、零拷贝技术、紧急数据处理技术等提高数控机床远程监控实时性的方法。

    Put forward methods of enhanced Real-time characteristic of NC machine tool remote monitoring that used date buffer , high speed MCU , zero-copy technique and technique to deal with exigent date in communicate controller .

  14. 系统20MByte的大容量数据缓冲区(每通道10MByte),由动态存储器(DRAM)构成。

    There is a very big data buffer , 20M Byte in total ( 10M Byte per Channel ), in the system , which is designed with DRAM .

  15. 该监控系统利用双口RAM作为共享的数据缓冲区,实现实时数据的同步交换。系统以同步并行方式工作,确保了监控的实时性。

    Using dual port RAM as shared data buffer to implement synchronous exchange of real-time data , this supervisory control system operates in synchronous parallel mode , so real-time performance of this system can be ensured .

  16. 如果存储过程被注册为FENCED,那么数据库管理器就禁止过程访问它的内部资源(比如数据缓冲区)。

    If a stored procedure is registered as FENCED , the database manager protects its internal resources ( for example , data buffers ) from access by the procedure .

  17. 系统使用一个基于Cache相关性的分布式共享体数据缓冲区(DSVB)来管理分布存储的大规模体数据,并提供对体数据的统一存取接口;

    A cache coherent Distributed Shared Volume Buffer ( DSVB ) manages distributed storage of large volume data , and provides an uniform access to it .

  18. 一种强有力图象数据缓冲区的开发与使用

    Development and Application of A Strong Image Buffer

  19. 其中包括语句缓存、重做日志缓冲区和数据缓冲区缓存。

    Examples include statement cache , redo log buffers , and data buffer cache .

  20. 光笔状态数据缓冲区

    Light pen status data buffer

  21. 对于多跳蜂窝网络,考虑了一个采用自适应调制,并且数据缓冲区长度受限的两跳链路。

    For the multi-hop cellular network , a two-hop wireless link employing AMC and finite-length buffers is considered .

  22. 换句话说,将把数据缓冲区的所有脏位刷新到数据文件。

    In other words , all dirty bits of the data buffer will be flushed to the data files .

  23. 如果成员不共享数据缓冲区,那么每个成员就有可能缓冲相同的数据。

    If members do not share data buffers , then each member has the potential of buffering the same data .

  24. 研究了矢量数据缓冲区操作点、线、面状地物的不确定性传播模型。

    The uncertainty propagation models of vector data which include point features 、 line features and polygon features on buffer operation are discussed .

  25. 算法具有多边形约简算法相同的优良的近似质量,并可在固定数据缓冲区空间内在线运算。

    The quality of approximation is as good as polygonal boundary reduction , and it can process the data online in a constant buffer .

  26. 必须解决的问题有:锁机制、系统计时器集成、数据缓冲区共享或非共享以及日志记录机制。

    Some of the issues that must be addressed are locking mechanisms , system timer integration , data buffer sharing or non-sharing , and logging mechanisms .

  27. 基于模拟仿真技术的自适应优化算法,在保证数据库正常工作的同时,收集数据缓冲区工作特征数据,制定并实施优化方案。

    The Adaptive Self-tuning algorithm based on Simulation technology , while working to ensure that the database to collect data buffer operating characteristic data , to develop and implement optimization .

  28. 这项新的解决方案充分利用了客户端的数据缓冲区,把服务器端的后台数据缓存到前台,从而有效地满足了客户端的复杂应用需求,显著地减少了网络连接次数。

    This new solution takes full advantage of client-side data cache which caches server-side data , thereby it effectively satisfies the complex demands of applications and reduces the times of connecting to server .

  29. 一个简单的实际解决这一问题的办法是增加一个序列编号,以我们的缓冲级,并过程中的数据缓冲区,如果缓冲区的序列号是在命令。

    A simple practical solution to this problem is to add a sequence number to our buffer class , and process the data in the buffer if the buffer sequence number is in order .

  30. 设置来去两个方向的数据缓冲区、动态调整处理器读/写缓冲区数据的指针,保证系统两侧处理器交替访问速率的匹配;

    Set data buffer with two directions and dynamically regulate processors ' pointer to receive / send data buffer so as to match the speed with which two processors alternately access to data buffer ;