
  • 网络data check;data verification;checksums;data parity
  1. 语义Web技术在基金数据校验中的应用

    Application of Semantic Web Technology in Fund Data Verification

  2. 在安全性方面,论述了XML数据校验和IP地址筛选等方法。

    XML data verification and IP address filtering are introduced to ensure the data security .

  3. WEB信息系统中的数据校验问题

    Issues of data - verifying in WEB information system

  4. GPS通讯数据校验原理与实现

    Principle and Realization of the Data Checking in GPS Communication

  5. 计算机与PLC通信中的数据校验的研究

    Research of data check - up in the computer and PLC communication

  6. 为了向下兼容各种传输端口,改进SLIP协议,增添了数据校验;

    As to support various kinds of transmission ports , we add data check-up to improve SLIP agreement .

  7. FPGA配置数据校验和SEU效应侦测的研究和设计

    Research and Design of FPGA Configuration Data Check and SEU Effect Detect

  8. 基于Struts的数据校验框架是一种通过配置外部XML文件,是一种利用可重用的校验规则和正则表达式匹配规则的校验机制。

    The validator framework based on struts is a mechanism configuring outside XML files with the reusable validation regulations and matching regulations of regular expression .

  9. 针对该需求,本文对FPGA配置数据校验和SEU效应侦测进行了研究。

    Against the demand , the paper conducted a study of FPGA configuration data check and SEU effect detect .

  10. 循环冗余校验(简称CRC)是一种可靠性很高且实现方式简单的串行数据校验方法,在通信及计算机数据存储中得到了广泛应用。

    Cyclic redundancy check is widely used in communication and data storage because of high dependability and easy of realization .

  11. CRC是一种实现简单、校验能力很强的校验编码,被广泛使用在数据校验应用中。

    CRC is a simple , strong validation of the verification codes , which are widely used in the calibration data applications .

  12. 最后会加进如请求验证、安全GateKeepers与数据校验等约束。

    Finally , constraints are applied such as request throttles , security GateKeepers and data validation .

  13. 即便是集群系统进行元数据管理,也无法承担块级数据校验这样一个繁重的任务,因此元数据管理成为了SAN系统的性能瓶颈。

    Even if managing metadata through group system , system is unable to undertake block-level data check which is so heavy a task . So metadata management becomes the performance bottleneck of SAN system .

  14. RAID-Z会经常检验数据校验和,以确认完整性,它还能够识别需要重新构建的块。

    RAID-Z is constantly verifying data checksums for integrity and is able to identify blocks needing to be rebuilt .

  15. 本文描述了ESStore在P2P网络中进行文件存储、读取和删除的基本方法,以及进行数据校验、一致性维护、修复和垃圾碎片回收的基本机制。

    In this paper , we discussed the approach to store , retrieve and delete files in detail and the mechanism of data verification , consistency , repair and garbage collection .

  16. 数据校验在中药自动发药系统中的应用

    Application of Data Validate in Automatic Chinese Traditional Medicine Distribution System

  17. 利用飞行试验数据校验导弹气动参数

    Verification of Aerodynamic Parameters of Missile Using Flight Test Data

  18. 毕业生就业管理系统数据校验的程序设计

    The Program Design of Data Check for the Graduate Employment Management System

  19. 一种基于异步通信机制的轻量级数据校验模型的研究

    Research of A Lightweight Data Validation Model Based on Asynchronous Communication Mechanism

  20. 软件措施是采用看门狗保证系统正确运行,采用数据校验的方法保证数据的可靠传输。

    Software methods including using of watchdog and data verification .

  21. CAN通讯程序,测试通过。完成收发数据校验,标准帧扩展帧。

    Complete the send and receive data validation , standard frame expansion frame .

  22. 输入数据校验设计与软件可靠性

    Design for Input Data Verification and Software Reliability

  23. 统计数据校验系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Verifying Statistics System

  24. 脚本引擎提供表单数据校验、数据运算和控件事件的脚本库。

    Script engine provides script lib for form data validation , data operation and control events .

  25. 数据校验的实现方法

    Realizing Method of Data Check

  26. 软件主要采用数据校验、备份,插入空操作和软件陷阱等方法。

    In software design applied data verify and backup measures , insert NOP operation and set software traps etc.

  27. 是否存在需要用户特别注意的业务错误或数据校验错误?

    Are there specific business errors or data validation errors that the consumer needs to be aware of ?

  28. 通过设计简洁的通信协议和数据校验程序,保证数据通信的实时性和可靠性。

    To secure the reliable and real-time data communication , a brief communication protocol and data check is designed .

  29. 为了提高其计算准确性,提出一种利用飞行试验数据校验导弹滚动气动系数的方法。

    A method of checking missile 's roll aerodynamic coefficients by data of flight test is raised to increase accuracy of computation .

  30. 使用方差分析和实际数据校验,验证了硬件电路板开发工作量评估模型的有效性,计算得到该模型的预测工作量与实际工作量相差约7.2%。

    The difference rate is about 7.2 % between the actual effort and the effort estimated by Hardware Estimation Model of Board Design .