
  • 网络education voucher;school vouchers
  1. 在总统选举中,共和党候选人约翰·麦凯恩和乔治·W·布什都积极支持教育券计划。

    In the presidential campaign , G.O.P.candidates John McCain and George W.Bush are trumpeting voucher proposals .

  2. 今年秋季,佛罗里达开始了第一项全州教育券计划。

    This fall Florida started the first statewide voucher program .

  3. 本文把美国作为发达国家的代表,以密尔沃基市的教育券计划和教育选择慈善信托(ECCT)为例,介绍了美国教育券计划的实施现状;

    The thesis , regarding the developed country , America , as the representative , and taking the plan of education voucher of Milwaukee and ECCT as an example , introduces the current situation of the plan of education voucher in America ;

  4. 对长兴试行教育券制度的认识和思考

    Exercise of Educational Certificate System in Changxing : Understanding and Thinking

  5. 澳大利亚大学教育券制的设想与论争

    The assumption and controversy about educational voucher system in Australian universities

  6. 教育券保护弱势群体与弱势教育的法理思考

    Legal Reflection of Education Bond Protecting Weak Group & Education

  7. 教育券:基础教育财政资源配置的制度性创新

    Educational Vouch : Institutional Innovation In Fiscal Resource Allocation To Basic Education

  8. 教育券的重要价值取向:教育公平

    The Important Value Inclination of School Voucher Program : Equity of Education

  9. 教育券计划及其对中国教育改革的借鉴作用

    On School Voucher Program and Its Enlightenments to the Education Reform in China

  10. 评析美国的教育券政策

    An Analysis on the Policy of American School Voucher

  11. 这份报纸早已对教育券的设想表示完全赞同。

    This newspaper has long subscribed wholeheartedly to the idea of school vouchers .

  12. 关于教育券的再认识&从新制度经济学角度的审视

    Rethinking of the Education Voucher : A Research Based on the New Institutional Economics

  13. 教育券在中国实践的再认识

    Rethinking the Practice of Educational Voucher in China

  14. 教育券下的学校变革:一个躁动的乌托邦

    Schools with School Voucher : an Agitated Utopia

  15. 论凭证制度与经费制度&从教育券角度分析

    On the Voucher System and the Funding System from the Perspective of School Vouchers

  16. 教育券运用不当可能会带来更大的社会成本。

    The unsuitable use of the education voucher will produce more significant social cost .

  17. 教育券与教育公平研究&以浙江长兴县与美国密尔沃基市教育券实施为例

    A Research on School Voucher and Educational Justice

  18. 教育券制度评析中国存托凭证若干问题探析

    On School Voucher System On Chinese Depository Receipt

  19. 美国克利夫兰市教育券诉讼案的法理分析

    Jurisprudence Analysis on the Cleveland School Voucher litigation

  20. 1980年,智利开始实施由公共经费资助的政府教育券政策。

    Education voucher policy was implemented in Chili in 1980 financed by the public fund .

  21. 教育券制度弥补了公立学校的缺陷,也产生了一些问题。

    It remedies the defects of public schools , but it also brings some problems .

  22. 美国私立教育券探析

    Exploration on Privately Funded Vouchers in America

  23. 教育券制度的经济学分析

    The Economics Analysis of the Voucher System

  24. 本文简要介绍了教育券的起源和几种不同的理论模式。

    The thesis introduces the origin of the education coupon and some different educational modes .

  25. 智利教育券政策述评

    Review of Education Voucher Policy in Chile

  26. 教育券:核心政策建议

    Educational Ticket : Kernel Policy Suggestion

  27. 本研究成果将有助于加深对教育券理论的认识,并对教育券政策的实践有所裨益。

    The research conclusion is helpful to the understanding of the theory and practicing the policy .

  28. 威斯康星最高法院也赞同密尔沃基教区学校使用教育券。

    And the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld the use of vouchers in parochial schools in Milwaukee .

  29. 教育券制作为一种新兴的政府资助方式,有利有弊。

    Educational voucher system as a burgeoning method granted by government has its advantages and disadvantages .

  30. 教育券:教育领域的双赢政策&美国教育券实例分析

    Analysis of Case Studies of Implementation of School Vouchers in USA : A Win-Win Education Policy