
  • 网络education major;education profession;educational profession;Education as a Profession
  1. 小学教育专业(本科)教育实践课程改革构想

    Reform on the Practice ( undergraduate ) Curriculum of Primary Education

  2. 关于培养数学教育专业学生职业能力的认识

    Remark on Cultivating the Professional Ability of Mathematics Education Major Students

  3. 体育教育专业技术课课堂教学的思考

    Thinking of the Physical Education About the Sports Skills in Teaching

  4. 对高职学前教育专业钢琴教学模式的思考

    In the school Thought of Piano Teaching Model for Prevocational Education

  5. 高师体育教育专业优秀毕业生职业素质追踪调查

    A Follow-up Investigation of PE College Fine Graduates ' Professional Qualities

  6. 21世纪体育教育专业人才培养模式的构建与实施

    The construction and implementation of PE talents-training model in 21 century

  7. 国内外高校特殊教育专业课程设置的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Curriculum Setting of 4-Year Special Education Major

  8. 试论体育教育专业学生健美操创编能力的培养

    On the Cultivation of PE Majors Ability to Design Body Mechanics

  9. 师专英语教育专业《综合英语》课教学浅论

    On Teaching of Integrated English for English Majors of Teachers ' Colleges

  10. 对本院体育教育专业(本科)课程设置若干问题的探讨

    Research in Several Questions on Course-designing of Sports-instructing Major of Our Institute

  11. 新世纪福建省体育教育专业大学生职业态度的调查研究

    The Investigation For the Profession Attitude of Fujian Province Gym-education Speciality Student

  12. 中国历史教师教育专业化研究

    Research on the Specialization of the History Teachers ' Education in China

  13. 关于数学教育专业基础课程教学现状的思考

    The Pondering over the Teaching Status Quos of Mathematics Education Major Courses

  14. 论高职教育专业教学改革的创新点

    The Innovative Points of Majors Reform in Higher Vocational Education

  15. 高师音乐教育专业改革新动向

    New Tendencies in the Reform of the Music Education Major in Normal Universities

  16. 体育教育专业学生实践能力培养问题的思考

    Study in Cultivating Practice Capability for Students of the Subject of Physica Education

  17. 体育教育专业学生排球课学习态度的特征研究

    Characteristics of Students ' Attitude Towards Volleyball Course of the Physical Education Department

  18. 高师化学教育专业学生基本素质调查与启示

    Investigation of Basic Making of Chemistry-Major in Normal College

  19. 构建体育教育专业多方位实践教学体系的研究

    Construct Multiple-direction Practical Teaching System in Sports Education Major

  20. 试论影响高校体育教育专业学生创新素质培养的因素

    Briefly on the Factor that Influences the Creativity of PE Majors on Campus

  21. 建立完整的教育专业学位体系;

    Set up intact education professional degree system ;

  22. 幼儿园整合课程背景下高师学前教育专业学生培养的思考

    Think on Students Training of Preschool Education under the Background of Kindergarten Integrated Courses

  23. 高等职业教育专业布局规划的内容、方法与步骤

    The Content , Method and Steps of Speciality Overall Arrangement in Higher Vocational Education

  24. 高师音乐教育专业声乐考试模式改革构想

    Ideas about Reform in the Examination Form of Music Education Major in Normal Universities

  25. 体育教育专业学生体操教学能力网络系统设计

    Design of the Network System Used for Improving Gymnastics Teaching Abilities of PE Students

  26. 小学教育专业理科教学改革与学生科学素养的培养

    Teaching reform of science discipline and developing students ' scientific quality in elementary education

  27. 体育教育专业本科生动作学习策略培养

    Training up the Strategy of Motor Learning for the Undergraduate Majored in Physical Education

  28. 学前教育专业学生能力培养课程体系研究

    A Study of Ability-Based Curriculum for Pre-School Majors

  29. 体育教育专业术科课程中文字表达法教学的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Written Expression Method in Technical Courses Teaching of PE Specialty

  30. 英语写作是师范院校英语教育专业的一门必修课。

    English writing is a required course of English education major in normal university .