
  • 网络teaching certificate;Teacher certificate
  1. 对普通教师证的要求各个州不太一样。

    Requirements for regular licenses vary by state .

  2. 教育学士学位和国家授权的教师证都是必需的。

    A bachelor 's degree is required , as well as a state license to teach .

  3. 京晶:WalkingEric的决心是:2015年一定要考取教师资格证!

    Walking Eric 's New Year resolution is to get his teaching certificate !

  4. 难道是因为12号要考的教师资格证?

    Is it because of the certificate of teachers headed on12th ?

  5. 中外教师资格证制度的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Chinese and Foreign Countries ' Teacher Certification

  6. 业余英语培训教师资格证课程即将在中国上海交通大学开课。

    Part-time TEFL Teacher Training Certificate Course starts now at Shanghai JTU , china .

  7. 在我拿到教师资格证时

    When I was getting my teaching certificate ,

  8. 你得到教师资格证需要多少年时间?

    How many years did you take to obtain the teacher 's professional qualification certificate ?

  9. 有人认为持有教师资格证和职业资格证的教师就是双师型。

    Somebody thinks that hold the teaching certificate and professional qualification teacher is " two-qualification " .

  10. 幼儿教师资格证在幼儿教师的专业能力总体上存在明显差异。

    Preschool teachers ' qualification in preschool teachers ' professional ability , on the whole , obvious differences .

  11. 无论如何,我现在有个决定,今年要把教师资格证拿到。

    All in all , I have had a decision to get the teacher 's certificate this year .

  12. 这些新的政策表现出如下特点:教师资格证制度改革宽严并进;

    The new policies are characterized by the following : first , the reform of teacher certificate system is lenient and strict as well .

  13. 今后,只有教师资格证持有者才能被各类学校和其他教育机构聘为教师。

    From this point , only those teachers who have qualified can be hired as teachers by any school or any other educational institution .

  14. 这不是问题。很多英语专业的学生都考教师资格证,我们有很多像你一样学生,他们都是在教育实习后写毕业论文的。

    No. A lot of English majors get teacher certification , so we have students like you do their senior thesis after their student teaching .

  15. 国家教育部规定,凡是要申请教师资格证,必须通过普通话水平测试并达到规定的等级要求。

    It is regulated by the State Education Commission that those who apply for teacher 's qualification certificate must pass Mandarine proficiency test and attain required level .

  16. 严把教师资格证关,严格要求教师工作用语,使校园成为推普的重要阵地和标兵。

    Making strict checks on the teacher qualification credential and requiring teachers to use the working language so that the gardens become the fronts of popularization of putonghua ;

  17. 联合国际学院老师都持有外籍英语教师资格证,并且在海内外积累了丰富的教学经验。

    The StaffThe teachers at UIC all hold qualifications in teaching English as a foreign language and have a wide range of teaching experience in the UK and overseas .

  18. 一个国家可能对教师资格证的授予有其它附加要求,但获得专业教师的正式学位是进入教师生涯的必经之路。

    A state may have additional requirements for licensing , but a formal degree in the teacher 's area of specialty is an essential step toward a teaching career .

  19. 教育改革的发展,特别是教师资格证的实施,使得具有教师资格证的非师范类人员可以通过教师招聘等程序进入教师队伍。

    With the development of education reform and the practice of the teachers ' certification , non-teaching training graduate can enter the teaching profession if he or she passes the teachers ' application exam .

  20. 项目致力于开发下面5支流程:奖学金审批流程、教师资格证审批流程、毕业证审批流程、优秀毕业生审批流程、加入社团审批流程。

    Project dedicated to developing below five teams processes : scholarship for examination and approval process , teaching certificate approval process , examination and approval procedure , outstanding graduate diploma examination and approval procedure , join community procedures .

  21. 周二,土耳其政府暂停了教育部超过1.5万职工的工作,迫使1500多位大学的院长辞职,撤销了2.1万名私立教师的许可证。

    On Tuesday , the government suspended more than 15000 members of the Education Ministry , forced more than 1500 university deans to resign and revoked the licenses of 21000 private schoolteachers .

  22. 在双师型队伍建设中,为培养学生的实践能力,要求专业教师具备双证,先到企业的生产一线进行锻炼,鼓励教师进行科研开发。

    In order to train students ' practical ability , in the construction of dual-qualification teachers , it requires professional teachers practise in the manufacturing industry qualified with dual-diplomas , and encourages them to do the research and development .

  23. 这种教学模式需要教师建立以循证医学理念为指导的教学方法,同时还要给学生传授一种应用循证医学理念解决临床问题的方法。

    To establish this educational mode , teachers should learn a teaching method guided by ideas of evidence-based medicine , and students should be taught a tool for solving clinical problems with ideas of evidence-based medicine .

  24. 如果您已经毕业,而且是一名全职教师或教授,国际教师证(ITIC)也能为您提供许多优惠和折扣。

    If you 've left your student years behind you and now work full-time as a teacher or professor , the International Teacher Identity Card ( ITIC ) also gives you great discounts and services .

  25. 本文试图对日本的教师资格制度与教师资格证更新制的背景、内容以及意义等进行解析,以期对正处于改革和发展进程中的我国的教师教育提供有益的借鉴。

    In this paper , we attempt to analyze the background , contents and significance of the Teachers ' Qualification Certificate System and the relative Updating System in Japan , hoping that it will be helpful for our country in the process of the innovation and development of teacher education .

  26. 日本教师教育改革的新动向&教师许可证更新制与长野大学的实施状况

    The New Trend of Japanese Teacher Education Reform & The Teaching License Renewing System and its Implementation in Nagano University

  27. 大部分代课教师的学历符合要求,并且持有教师资格证,工作量与其它教师相比更高,各方对他们的工作效果评价不尽相同。

    Most of the temporary teachers meet the academic requirements , and get a certificate of qualification of teacher . They do more work compared with other teachers , and they got different evaluations of working effect .

  28. 而且,教师培训机构的专业性认可制度直接与教师资格证的颁发挂钩,有力保证了教师培训课程的质量和教师资格证书的专业水准。

    In addition , the professional accreditation system of teacher training agency directly concerns with the methods of educator license , which does good to improving the curriculum quality of teacher training and professional standard of teacher certification .

  29. 教育目标中对师德的规定不明确,在落实到课程中只是一门教师职业道德课程;没有独立的师德教育课程模块;在教师资格证和课程设置之间缺乏师德关联。

    The provisions of the education goal of ethics is not clear ; No independent ethics education curriculum module ; lack of ethics in certificate in teaching and curriculum .

  30. 教师联合会的反对理由是:免费学校的老师无需正式教师资格证。

    Teaching unions object to the fact that teachers at free schools need not have formal teaching qualifications .