
jiào dǎo
  • teach;educate;instruct;gospel;enlighten;wise;tutelage;give guidance;teach,quidance
教导 [jiào dǎo]
  • [gospel;educate;instruct;teach,quidance;give guidance] 教育指导;教诲开导

  • 新的教导

教导[jiào dǎo]
  1. 需要更大的努力来教导孩子们的道路安全意识。

    Greater effort is needed to instruct children in road safety .

  2. 那位老师经常不厌其烦地去教导他的学生。

    The teacher often takes the trouble to instruct his students .

  3. 有条理的教导有利于学习。

    Structured teaching facilitates learning .

  4. 多数宗教教导人们要真诚和律己。

    Most religions teach you to be truthful and self-disciplined .

  5. 我们被教导要以特定的方式理解这些词语。

    We are taught to construe these terms in a particular way .

  6. 我们从小就被教导借钱是不好的行为。

    We 'd been brought up to think that borrowing money was bad

  7. 他曾经被教导的简单观念如今听起来陈腐而幼稚。

    The simple concepts he had been taught now sounded trite and naive .

  8. 其目的是教导商界管理人员逐渐学会欣赏不同的文化。

    The aim is to inculcate business people with an appreciation of different cultures

  9. 他教导信徒们说,他们都可以升入天国。

    He taught his followers that they could all be members of the kingdom of God

  10. 多年以来我们都被教导美国和外资乃是问题所在。

    For years we were taught that Uncle Sam and foreign investment were the problem .

  11. 大部分宗教都教导人要诚实。

    Most religions teach you to be truthful

  12. 一些学校现在开设咨询课;所有学校都有某种教导关怀体制。

    A few schools now offer counselling sessions ; all have some system of pastoral care .

  13. 她慢慢给孩子们灌输勤奋工作的品德,教导他们充分利用现有的条件。

    She instilled in the children the virtues of good hard work , and making the best of what you have .

  14. 小孩子通常都被教导要听父母的话。

    Children are usually brought up to follow parents ' advices .

  15. 党的教导在她耳边回响。

    The Party 's teachings were ringing in her ears .

  16. 他对老师的教导塞耳不闻。

    He turned a deaf ear to the instruction given by his teacher .

  17. 他教导我们说,物理定律是不容置疑的。

    He taught us that the laws of physics were absolute .

  18. 教导员像大哥哥一样关心着新兵。

    The political instructor treats newly recruited soldiers like brothers .

  19. 他在她的教导下进步很大。

    He made good progress under her tutelage .

  20. 当孩子们没有被教导正确的阅读是一件很糟糕的事。

    It was a sad state of affairs when children aren 't taught to read properly .

  21. 它包含着现存的关于耶稣的生平,教导,受难和复活的最早文献。

    It contains the earliest documents extant on the life , teaching , crucifixion , and resurrection of jesus .

  22. 他们努力通过密切监督和有组织的活动来培养孩子的技能。教导孩子质疑权威,出入精英机构。

    They try to develop their skills through close supervision and organized activities , and teach children to question authority figures and navigate elite institutions .

  23. 我们被教导要相信,只有上最好的大学,取得最好的成绩,我们才能避开激烈的竞争并创造更美好的未来。

    We are taught to believe that only by going to the best schools and getting the best grades can we escape the rat race and build a better future .

  24. 在小学时仅受到优秀老师一年的教导就可以降低学生在十几岁成为母亲的可能性,他们更有可能上大学,并在28岁赚更多的钱。

    Just having a strong teacher for one elementary year left pupils a bit less likely to become mothers as teenagers , a bit more likely to go to college and earning more money at age 28 .

  25. 但是,那些自己还处于学习阶段的孩子们如何能教导别人呢?

    But how can children , still learning themselves , teach others ?

  26. 大部分孩子成长的时候都被教导他们不能在墙上涂鸦。

    Most kids grow up learning they cannot draw on the walls .

  27. 一个答案是:他们可以教导更小的孩子。

    One answer : They can tutor younger kids .

  28. 这说明他们更胜一筹的智力来源于教导弟弟妹妹的过程。

    This suggests their higher IQs result from the time they spend teaching their siblings .

  29. 在哈佛考试作弊丑闻之后,耶鲁大学的前教导主仼玛丽·米勒对她学校的教授们进行了饱含激情的呼吁,呼吁他们不要课下考试。

    Following the Harvard scandal , Mary Miller , the former dean of students at Yale , made an impassioned appeal to her school 's professors to refrain from take-hone exams .

  30. 我们被教导了如何阅读,因为这是人类理解的必要条件。

    We 're taught to read because it 's necessary for much of human understanding .