
  • 网络Sensitive bacteria;MSSA;MRSA;PSSP;susceptible cells
  1. 纸片扩散法所测敏感菌,微量稀释法全部敏感,Etest法敏感率为91%;

    Susceptible strains by disk diffusion test were all susceptible by broth microdilution method recommended by NCCLS and 91 % susceptible by the E test .

  2. 结论EGS分子具有逆转临床耐药菌为敏感菌的能力。

    Conclusion EGS has the capability of converting the phenotype of clinical drug-resistant isolates to drug sensitivity .

  3. 结论:奈替米星对敏感菌可产生明显的体内PAE,以AUC值可以估算体内PAE。

    Conclusion The PAE induced by Netilmicin against sensitive bacteria was rather long , the PAE could be estimated by AUC value in vivo .

  4. KB方法简便易行,重复性好,判断耐药与敏感菌的界限清楚,适用于临床上开展细菌耐药性监测工作。

    Paper diffusion method is simple and easy , to do with reliable and reproductive results , it is most suitable for the surveillance of bacterial resistance in clinical microbiology laboratories .

  5. 对表达的融合蛋白纯化并切割后收集的重组HBD-2进行了抑菌检测,初步确定了HBD-2重组表达产物对敏感菌E。

    The expressed fusion protein was purified and incised , and then mature recombinant HBD-2 was subjected to the antimicrobial assay using E.

  6. 为了评价氟氯西林胶囊剂的临床疗效和安全性,以氟氯西林治疗轻、中度敏感菌感染患者1000例,每次用药250mg或500mg,疗程5天。

    To evaluate the efficacy and safety of flucloxacillin capsule , 1000 patients were treated with flucloxacillin 0.25 ~ 0.5 po . tid . for 5d .

  7. 结论DOTS策略能有效控制敏感菌感染的结核病,而耐多药Tb特别是MDR-Tb比率上升问题必须引起高度重视,其预防和治疗应纳入NTP。

    Conclusion DOTS can be used effectively in treating TB patients . It should be noted that multiple-drug TB resistance especially MDR-TB has been increased , which should be included in the study of the prevention and treatment of TB using NTP .

  8. 结果:奈替米星对耐药菌PAE很短甚至没有,对标准菌及临床分离敏感菌产生较长的PAE,12h体内累加PAE最大值达36.8h,AUC与累加PAE相关良好。

    Results The PAE induced by Netilmicin against resistant bacteria was very short or negative , and that against sensitive bacteria was more long , The maximum of in vivo accumulated PAE within 12h in human was 36.8h . The relativity between AUC and accumulated PAE was good .

  9. 建立了以红酵母AS2.166为敏感菌、土豆葡萄糖培养基(pH7.0)为检定培养基的米多霉素生物检定法。

    The following major progresses were achieved in this work : A bioassay method for quantitative determination of mildiomycin was developed using a strain of Rhodotorula rubra AS 2.166 as the indicator organism and the potato dextrose agar at pH 7.0 as the test medium .

  10. 采用直接荧光法测定能量抑制剂NaN3加入前后淋球菌对抗生素的摄入和积累情况,比较耐药菌与敏感菌内膜泵蛋白表达的差异。

    The absorption and accumulation of ciprofloxacin and tetracycline in Neisseria gonorrhoeae were determined by direct fluorescence assay before and after the addition of NaN_3 as on energy inhibitor . The difference of efflux pump protein in the inner membrane were compared between sensitive and resistant strains .

  11. 2株(13,14)敏感菌对大多数抗菌素敏感。

    The 2 sensitive strains were sensitive to most antibiotics .

  12. 结论:加替沙星对呼吸系统感染可获得较好的临床疗效和微生物学效果,耐受性较好,不失为敏感菌感染可选药物。

    CONCLUSION : Gatifloxacin was a effective drug to cure respiratory infection .

  13. 适用于克拉霉素敏感菌所引起的下列感染。

    For a variety of infections caused by sensitive bacteria .

  14. β-内酰胺抗生素类超敏感菌的分离与特性

    The isolation and characterization of beta-lactam supersensitive microorganism

  15. 结核分枝杆菌感染,也为布氏杆菌病,鼠疫和其他敏感菌所致的感染。

    For Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection , but also for brucellosis , plague and other infections caused by susceptible strains .

  16. 结论:加替沙星组织中分布广泛,适用于体内各种敏感菌感染治疗。

    Conclusions : The gatifloxacin is distributed extensively in various tissues or organs and can be used in treating sensitive bacterial infection .

  17. 根据研究结果,左氟沙星片剂用于临床治疗敏感菌所致各种感染时其日剂量约为氧氟沙星的半量。

    It is suggested from these results that the dosage of levofloxacin is half of that of ofloxacin in treatment of clinical infections .

  18. 这场直接的菌群较量说明了当面对两种进攻的时候,敏感菌有优势。

    In a straight fight , therefore , it was the drug-sensitive strain that had the selective advantage when faced with a two-pronged attack .

  19. 结论国产新药甲磺酸帕珠沙星氯化钠注射液为广谱抗菌药,抗菌活性较强,可安全有效治疗由敏感菌引起的细菌感染。

    Conclusion Pzanfloxacin injection as a wide-spectrum antibiotic , which has high antibacterial activity , can by used as a new drug to therapy sensitive bacterial inflammation safely .

  20. 结论:头孢吡肟在治疗敏感菌所致的下呼吸道感染、尿路感染、腹腔和胆道感染、败血症方面优于头孢他啶,是一种成本&效果较好的药物。

    Conclusion : Cefepime is better than ceftazidime in the treatment of LRTI , UTI , peritonitis , hepato-biliary infection and septicemia caused by sensitive pathogens , and is a good cost-effect drug .

  21. 温室试验证明,这类菌株的致病性和野生敏感菌的致病性几乎一致,说明大麦云纹斑病菌对杀菌剂抗药性的发展与致病性之间没有相关性。

    Growth room experiments demonstrated that the strains with this phenotype was almost as pathogenic as the wild type strains suggesting that there is no direct correlation between pathogenicity and development of MBC resistance .

  22. 结论:甲磺酸加替沙星注射液对急性尿路感染有较好的临床疗效,耐受性和安全性好,可作为一般敏感菌所致急性尿路感染的选择药物。

    CONCLUSION : Gatifloxacin mesylate injection has favorable clinical efficacy and tolerance and safety for acute urinary tract infection , and it can be used as an elective drug to treat acute urinary tract infection caused by common sensitive bacteria .

  23. 针对淹水稻田土壤特殊的生态环境,可以选择敏感厌氧菌群产甲烷细菌、厌氧固氮菌、产氢产乙酸细菌作为稻田土壤受重金属Cd胁迫的指标。

    Hydrogen-producing acetogenic bacteria , anaerobic nitrogen-fixing bacteria and methane-producing bacteria could be known as the sensitive anaerobic bacteria population indexes to indicate the contamination degree of paddy soil by Cd2 + .

  24. 大肠菌群四个属的菌均属于对辐照敏感的菌,其D(10)值在0.05~0.18kGy左右;

    The four genera of coliform bacteria are all sensitive to irradiation , and the Dio-values are in the range of 0.05-0.18 kGy .

  25. 3份IFA阳性培养阴性.IFA方法简便,2小时内可得结果,是一种快速、特异和敏感的厌氧菌检测方法。

    The IFA s a both sensitive and specific method for the rapid detection of anaerobic infections .

  26. 方法对临床分离的金葡菌用琼脂筛选法区分耐甲氧西林金葡菌(MRSA)和甲氧西林敏感金葡菌(MSSA);

    Methods All isolated S.aureus were distinguished into methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ) and methicillin sensitive staphylococcus aureus ( MSSA ) with salt agar screening method .

  27. 结论虽然对气管插管的重症患者预防性应用了抗生素,但是气道内仍在早期出现了对药物不敏感的致病菌定植;

    CONCLUSIONS Although antibiotic pretreatment performed , bacteria colonization in respiratory tract emerged early in intubated patients .

  28. 对三代头孢菌素不敏感宋内志贺菌的流行趋势和克隆传播

    Epidemic tendency and clone transimission of insensitive Shigella sonnei against third generation cephalosporin

  29. 细菌、真菌、放线菌活菌数在土壤中大致数量级依次为106、102、105,真菌相对敏感,放线菌数量基本稳定。

    The magnitudes of bacteria , actinomycete and fungi amount in soil were 106 , 102 and 105 . Fungi was relative sensitive , and the amount of actinomycete kept stable .

  30. 药物敏感试验为莫匹罗星敏感菌率明显优于新霉素、四环素及红霉素(P<0.01)。

    In the drug sensitivity test , the bacterial sensitivity rate of mupirocin was the hightest among mupirocin , neomycin , tetracycline and erythromycin ( P < 0.0l ) .