
  • 网络Mycelial growth stage;vegetative stage
  1. 胞外漆酶活性在菌丝生长阶段一直较高,原基形成后逐渐下降;

    Amylase activity was at high level at the early stage of mycelial growth and decreased gradually after primordium formation .

  2. 菌丝生长阶段,对光照要求不严格,当菌丝形成原基并发育成子实体时,需要光照300~500lx;

    It was not strict to the illumination request in Hypha growth stage , but requirement of 300 ~ 500 lux .

  3. 胞外淀粉酶、漆酶和过氧化物酶在菌丝生长阶段活性较高,以后逐渐下降;

    The activities of extracellular amylase , laccase and peroxidase were comparatively high at mycelial growth stage , and gradually decreased afterwards .

  4. 利用ICP-MS、AFS和AAS对同一菌种灵芝深层发酵菌丝体、不同生长阶段的子实体及孢子粉中微量元素与重金属含量进行分析。

    The trace elements and heavy metals in the different growth stages of Ganoderma lucidum were analyzed by ICP-MS , AFS and AAS .

  5. 菌丝体生长的第五天为菌丝对数生长阶段。

    The fifth day is the logarithm stage for the mycelium growth .